Posts tagged: Chinese Communist Party

Leftists Believe That All Our Earnings, Like Our Children, Belong To The Government

Written by Robert Knight

Remember when Democrats proposed in their multi-trillion spendathon that the IRS would track all transactions of $600 or more in personal bank accounts?

Well, they took a licking from the public, so they upped it to a still-absurd $10,000 in total yearly transactions.

This means they want the IRS prowling into bank accounts of everyone who has either deposits or withdrawals over an entire year totaling $10,000 or more, excluding wage income.… Continue Reading

China’s Religious Rules: Coming to an American Church Near You?

Written by Jorge Gomez

For those who think that America could never descend into dictatorship, let this be a warning sign that tyranny could already have arrived on our shores.

The latest indication comes from examining China’s newest rules for religious personnel that went into effect earlier this month. Set by China’s State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA)—a Big Brother-style religious oversight body—these regulations outline the rights and characteristics of religious work in China, and the obligations of those with religious roles.… Continue Reading

Press Deceit Is a Pathology

Written by Laura Hirschfeld Hollis

A free country depends upon an honest and vigilant press to demand accountability from the country’s political, economic and cultural leaders.

We are in serious trouble; our press is neither honest nor vigilant.

To the contrary, the national media in the United States is hopelessly biased, selectively incurious and relentlessly deceitful about the most important issues we are facing today. As a result, the health of the nation is at risk.… Continue Reading

“Trans” Cultism IS an Election Issue

Written by Laurie Higgins

In 2018, in a video series titled “Conception,” and posted on YouTube, the New York Times profiled “Gabrielle” Darone, a man who pretends to be a woman and who, with his wife, has fathered two children. Two years after the New York Times’ sympathetic portrayal of Darone’s envy of his wife’s pregnancy and his claims that he is a much better parent now that he pretends to be a mother, Darone is about to be divorced.… Continue Reading

Biden Corruption Runs Through Ukraine, Russia, and China

Written by Robert Knight

You know something’s up when the media bury a story that would have been a no-brainer for Page One if the subject was a Republican.

A new U.S. Senate report exposes shocking corruption involving Hunter Biden, who made millions in Ukraine at the natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, when his father, Vice President Joe Biden, was President Obama’s Ukraine point man.

We’ve long known some of this, but the sheer scope of the influence peddling and sums involved are stunning.… Continue Reading

Trump Ceases Federal Funding of Racist Critical Theory Propaganda

Written by Laurie Higgins

Totalitarians and other assorted radicals in America and around the world are fervently hoping Joe Biden will be elected. Communists, Marxists, anarcho-communists, radical Islamists, “trans”-cultists, homosexual activists, feticidal feminists, climate doom-mongers, and Critical Theory racists are cheering attacks on private property, public peace, historical monuments, and American founding principles while spending their days until the election filling balloons with feces and urine to throw at police.

They’re hoping for a Kamala Harris/Biden victory so they can strengthen their iron grip on American institutions and brass-knuckled destruction of our foundational principles.… Continue Reading

The Obamas’ Shameless Humbuggery and Hubris

Written by Laurie Higgins

At the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, perhaps the most popular living demagogue, Michelle Obama, a woman practiced at the art of deception, delivered a deceitful polemic with the theatrical skill of her best Hollywood pals. Then on Wednesday night, her oily husband, equally full of hubris and skilled at humbuggery, becoming the first former president in modern history to swagger onto the national stage with teeth bared and claws unsheathed, and armed with the audacity of revenge.… Continue Reading

Democrats Use Pandemic and Riots to Unseat Trump

Written by Laurie Higgins

Pre-pandemic, the economic policies of the Trump administration had the economy soaring, providing the black community with the lowest unemployment rate in history. Then the Chinese Communist government unleashed a horror on the world, which became the crisis for which Democrats longed and are exploiting.

In their devilish quest to shepherd befuddled Biden into the Oval Office in January, Democrats are desperately trying to keep schools and businesses shut down no matter the cost in unnecessary human suffering.… Continue Reading

Progressive Scolds Suck Up to Communist China

Written by Laurie Higgins

Conservatives are accustomed to the sanctimonious scoldings of hypocritical “progressives” who self-identify as the moral tutors of America—tutors who will forcibly “guide” Americans through the wide gate and onto the broad road that leads to self-righteousness. But those who have eyes to see will notice that the chinks in the armor of “progressives” that conceal atrophied consciences and darkened hearts are growing. Ironically, it’s the evil empire of Communist China that is taking a pickaxe to those chinks.… Continue Reading

The Communists Lied and the People Died

Written by Jerry Newcombe

Worldviews have consequences. The pandemic that grips the whole world is symptomatic of the deadly grip that the ungodly leadership in China holds over a wide populous (including tens of millions of Chinese Christians).

The coronavirus did not just come out of nowhere. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claims that it came out of the wet markets of Wuhan, a city of about 11 million people. But there is evidence that it may have originated in a biolab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology.… Continue Reading