Posts tagged: Bernie Sanders

Illinois Democrats Line Up to Run for Governor

Written by John Biver

Twenty months is a long time in politics. Like it or not, here in Illinois, that is how long the campaign for governor will be. In November 2018, Illinoisans will once again be going to the polls to elect or re-elect someone to run the executive branch — and that race is already underway. There are five Democrats who have announced their candidacy, and several more are rumored to be considering a run.… Continue Reading

New DNC Chairman Picks Ellison as Deputy Chair

Newly-elected DNC chairman Tom Perez and Deputy chairman U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

After falling only one vote short on the first ballot, Tom Perez was able to secure his victory in the second round of voting and expressed his optimism for the Democratic Party shortly after the news broke.

“We are at a turning point for our party and for all Americans,” Perez announced, according to Townhall. “By getting back to basics, we can turn the Democratic Party around, take the fight to [President] Donald Trump, and win elections from school board to the Senate.”… Continue Reading

Muslim DNC Chair Nominee’s Anti-Semitic Past Surfaces

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

Keith Ellison, the Muslim Congressman from Minnesota who was sworn into office with his hand on the Quran, is skirting around questions about his anti-Semitic past as he is being considered as the number one contender for the next Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman.

When asked about the anti-Semitic rants from his past, Ellison refused to answer. He then went on to blame his support for anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan on “bad reporting” by the news media.… Continue Reading

The Unexpected Contest of 2016: Free Market Capitalism v. Democratic Socialism


Written by John Biver

Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders brought back to life a debate many thought had died with the old Soviet Union of Socialist Republics, the German Democratic Republic (the former East Germany), and many other current and past failed states throughout history. The question of whether socialism can be made to work returned zombie-like from the dead in 2016.

Supporters of free market capitalism were asking how this could be in light of the fact that no matter where socialism has been tried in the world it has failed.… Continue Reading

Keith Ellsion, Former Nation of Islam Member, For DNC Chairman?


Written by John Biver

Now that Barack Obama’s second term is coming to an end, the question is — who will fill his shoes as the leader of the Democratic Party? Minnesota U.S. Representative Keith Ellison would like the job — and is officially seeking to become the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Journalist and newspaper editor Caroline Glick has pointed out that “When a party is out of power, the party chairman is also treated like its formal leader, and most active spokesman.”… Continue Reading

“Freedom of Choice” Now Applies to Restrooms



Written by Russ Stewart

How does one tell the difference between gravity and frivolity? The Chicago City Council is a superb yardstick.

The agenda of the council’s June 22 meeting will ensure a descent into the abyss of frivolity and stupidity. At that session, the council is scheduled to address such momentous matters as transgender or any gender access to public restrooms, along with a mandated “poop patrol,” with a swarm of inspectors empowered to find dog droppings on private property, bag them, ascertain the DNA, do a dog swab, and levy a fine of $500.… Continue Reading

Hillary Born a Female, but What Difference, at This Point, Does It Make?

Written by David Limbaugh

Could it be possible that an increasing number of voters are tiring of liberals stuffing identity politics down our throats? True or not, we must keep hope alive.

The liberal media, from The New York Times to the liberal blogs — apart from Bernie Sanders enthusiasts — are ecstatic that Hillary Clinton has finally shattered that penultimate glass ceiling and has only one more level to go before she captures the ultimate prize.… Continue Reading

Socialism for the Uninformed

Written by Thomas Sowell

The great promise of socialism is something for nothing. It is one of the signs of today’s dumbed-down education that so many young Bernie Sanders supporters seem to think that the cost of their college education should — and will — be paid by raising taxes on “the rich.”

Socialism sounds great. It has always sounded great. And it will probably always continue to sound great. It is only when you go beyond rhetoric, and start looking at hard facts, that socialism turns out to be a big disappointment, if not a disaster.… Continue Reading

Hillary’s Secret Garden Poisons Millennials


Written by Katie Kieffer

Hillary Clinton is working alongside billionaire Tom Steyer to sow a garden of climate change paranoia. Clinton is scaring young voters into supporting her campaign by leading them to believe that a Republican president will unleash a climate apocalypse.

Calling Millennial voters the 2016 presidential election’s “biggest cohort,” Steyer announced his plan last month to inject $25 million into targeting young voters. Specifically, Steyer will allocate millions toward an aggressive ground campaign based on climate alarmism.… Continue Reading

Existential Political War Has Arrived…in Both Parties


Written by Robert Arvay

Both major political parties are now locked in a death struggle.  The irony is that they are attempting not to annihilate each other, but rather to survive the onslaught of the voters.  No longer is the struggle between Democrat and Republican; it is between the landed gentry and the peasants.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are the villains, as far as the ensconced parties are concerned.  Thus, we have the very bizarre spectacle of Republicans saying that, in a general election, they will defect, preferring Hillary Clinton to Trump, and Democrats vowing to vote for Trump rather than for Clinton.  … Continue Reading