Posts tagged: Barack Obama

When Lies Become Common Currency


Written by Robert Knight

The whole idea of truth is getting an overhaul.

It’s not just the rise of moral and cultural relativism that is turning public dialogue into dueling monologues as people talk past each other; it’s a growing belief that truth no longer matters – only cause and effect.

For example, the media are not content to let Donald Trump’s provocative statements speak for themselves; they are pulling out all stops to magnify outrage for partisan purposes.… Continue Reading

D’Souza Unveils the DNC and Hillary in Visually Stunning ‘Hillary’s America’ Movie


Written by Tamara Jackson

The political arena is tough and hardened — cross a line or the wrong people and payback is a proverbial you know what. Or worse.

Dinesh D’Souza paid a steep price for his mistake: D’Souza asked two people to contribute a total of $20,000 to the New York Senate campaign of Wendy Long, and later reimbursed them. He pled guilty and was sentenced to five years probation, eight months in a halfway house, a $30,000 fine, eight hours of community service each week, and therapy on a weekly basis.… Continue Reading

Survey Shows Americans’ Bathroom Break with President


Written by Tony Perkins

If President Barack Obama was hoping to make showers and locker rooms a campaign issue, brand new polling provides more evidence that he succeeded. But not in the way he intended. A WPA Research survey commissioned by Family Research Council Action finds that two thirds (66 percent) of Americans disapprove of “government forcing schools, businesses, and non-profit organizations to open the showers, changing facilities, locker rooms, and bathrooms designated for women and girls, to biological males and vice versa.”… Continue Reading

“Freedom of Choice” Now Applies to Restrooms



Written by Russ Stewart

How does one tell the difference between gravity and frivolity? The Chicago City Council is a superb yardstick.

The agenda of the council’s June 22 meeting will ensure a descent into the abyss of frivolity and stupidity. At that session, the council is scheduled to address such momentous matters as transgender or any gender access to public restrooms, along with a mandated “poop patrol,” with a swarm of inspectors empowered to find dog droppings on private property, bag them, ascertain the DNA, do a dog swab, and levy a fine of $500.… Continue Reading

David French: Liberals Using Orlando Shooting to Ignite ‘War on Christianity’


Written by Michael Gryboski

Social liberals are using the Orlando shooting massacre to ignite a “war on Christianity,” according to prominent conservative columnist David French.

Last weekend, 29-year-old Omar Mateen murdered 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. During the attack Mateen called 911 and pledged support for the Islamic State terror group.

Despite Mateen’s stated ideological leanings, some liberal journalists and social commentators are blaming conservative Christians instead, French said in the National Review on Wednesday.

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Southern Poverty Law Center in Bed With Extremists

What is Wrong with the Southern Poverty Law Center?

Written by Cliff Kincaid

Why is the FBI missing the extremists in our midst? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the organization consulted by the Department of Justice for information on extremists is in bed with them.

Evelyn Schlatter, the deputy director of research of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was listed as a participant in the recent Left Forum conference, which featured an assortment of communists, 9/11 truthers, pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel activists, and other extremists.… Continue Reading

Trump Revokes Washington Post’s Press Credentials


Written by Don Irvine

GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump escalated his war with the media yesterday when he decided that his campaign would no longer issue press credentials to The Washington Post because of the paper’s “incredibly inaccurate coverage” of his campaign.

Trump issued the ban in a Facebook post on Monday:

“Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post.”

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Drafting Women is Not Only Immoral, It is Disruptive

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The state of the U.S. military readiness has been debated a lot recently while the U.S. Senate considers the law that specifies the budget for the Department of Defense for each fiscal year, also known as the National Defense Authorization Act or NDAA.  We’ve discussed several of those important questions and will follow up in subsequent articles on what is missing from the debate over the military and national defense.  For now I want to focus on the most egregious provision: including women in Selective Service, which can lead to a mandatory draft.… Continue Reading

Totalitolerance Unleashed


Written by Robert Knight

Ever notice how threats of force invariably follow the Left’s pleas for “tolerance?”

Let’s call this criminalization of dissent “totalitolerance.”  This term has been around since at least 2013, but it deserves wider circulation, given the ferocity and frequency of progressive attacks on free speech.

In California, Attorney General Kamala Harris demanded the names of donors to conservative nonprofits in order to expose them to the kind of harassment endured by supporters of the Prop 8 marriage amendment referendum in 2008. … Continue Reading

Federal Bathroom Wars


Written by David E. Smith

Insanity! On the heels of Target’s ridiculous bathroom policy to allow gender-confused men to have full access to women’s bathrooms in their stores, Barack Obama and his administration decided to issue a federal mandate requiring all public schools in the nation to comply with similar radical co-ed restroom policies. These absurd policies ignore the privacy and safety needs of the vast majority to accommodate the absurd wishes of a few.

The fact is, males and females are created different yet are of equal and infinite value and worth.… Continue Reading