Posts tagged: Associated Press

The Invisible President Lies Without Consequence

Written by Tim Graham

Joe Biden may still hold the office of President of the United States, but the media are treating him like he’s anything but a newsmaker. For much of Biden’s presidency, reporters were much more energized to cover the apparent menace of Donald Trump than agitate the officials that were always hiding Biden. Now he seems invisible.

On Dec. 15, the president spoke to a Democratic National Committee holiday party. Any reporter would expect a pep talk, with all the echoes of “we’ll get them next time.”… Continue Reading

LGBTQ Movement Working to Transform Society in its Own Image

Written by Robert Knight

Some things are wrong regardless of intent or a claimed level of authority. If laws conflict with the ultimate authority — God — they are invalid, as the great British legal scholar Blackstone (and later, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) observed.

In most situations, parents have the God-given right to direct their children’s upbringing. But there are limits to that authority, such as evidence of child abuse.

Exhibit A is the lawsuit by parents, doctors and lawyers who are trying to get the U.S.… Continue Reading

Little Trust for the ‘Democracy-Saving’ Media

Written by Tim Graham

The national media consider themselves essential in educating the electorate, so what happens when the electorate does not consider them a trustworthy guardian of democracy?

The Associated Press and the American Press Institute just released a poll on the 2024 election and found only 14% of their sample expressed “a great deal of confidence in election-related information they receive from national sources.” By contrast, 46% have little or no confidence at all in the information they receive from national news organizations.… Continue Reading

Suicide by “Migration”

Written by David E. Smith

The Biden Administration’s intentional and flagrant disregard for national security has dramatically fostered and escalated an ongoing crisis at our southern border as record levels of illegal immigrants and deadly drugs pour into our nation. We also cannot overstate the egregious problem of human trafficking that has exploded in scope over the past few years.

Additionally, more than a few political pundits have expressed their grave concerns about the alarming number of military-age men streaming in through the southern U.S.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden’s Age Will Be an Issue in 2024

Written by Tim Graham

Associated Press reporters were blunt about their latest poll:

“Americans actually agree on something in this time of raw discord: Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president in a second term.”

In the poll, fully 77% said Biden is too old to be effective for four more years, as he would turn 86 in the White House. Naturally, 89% of Republicans agreed — but so did 69% of Democrats and, most importantly for the general election, 74% of independents.… Continue Reading

Sorry Progressives, Motherhood Is Still The Ultimate Career

Written by Peter Heck

Several years ago, the graduating class at the high school where I teach asked me to give their commencement address. In hindsight, I should have known better than to stray from the tried and tested formula for graduation speakers. Young, brash, and always eager to say something that would be remembered, I made the fateful decision to stray from the culturally approved list of platitudes that everyone knows you are supposed to tell high school graduates:

  • “You can do anything you set your mind to.”
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Parents Must Push Back Against Progressives’ Doublethink

Written by Robert Knight

We’re clearly living in a time of “doublethink.”

That’s when someone believes two mutually contradictory beliefs. The term comes from George Orwell’s novel “1984,” in which the government ruling party issued absurd dictums such as “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery,” and “Ignorance is Strength.”

Anyone not going along with this was in for a rough time, including the novel’s protagonist, Winston Smith.

The psychological name for this is cognitive dissonance. One form of it is accepting as reality something that clearly conflicts with reason, sensory perception and common sense.… Continue Reading

The Pro-Biden Press Corps Is Deeply Embarrassing

Written by Tim Graham

President Biden’s first formal press conference is in the books, and it was deeply embarrassing to anyone who thinks the media’s job is to hold presidents accountable.

Taxpayer-enabled PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor was the worst. She complimented the president, saying: “You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now; this isn’t the time to come. That message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral, decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and are trusting you with unaccompanied minors.”… Continue Reading

The Moderate Democrat

Written by Micah Clark

You may have noticed that several news commentators attached the label “moderate” to former New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg last week when he filed papers to run for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

A news story appearing at Town this week raises some questions about the notion that Bloomberg is a middle of the road Democrat.   It points to a lawsuit against the former mayor in which an employee told him that she was pregnant.  … Continue Reading

Europe Suppresses Speech for Muslim ‘Feelings’

Written by L. Brent Bozell

In the age of Trump, the American media insist that freedom of speech is in danger because they somehow consider mocking journalists a suppression of free speech. Now imagine if America had a law where you couldn’t mock Christian doctrines without facing a fine. The press would again denounce the curtailment of free speech but now you’d also hear the cries of “theocracy!”

And yet the First Amendment worshipers were missing on Oct.… Continue Reading