Corporate titans tripping over themselves to be “woke” by condemning election integrity laws like Georgia’s S.B. 202 are failing in their duty to focus on running their companies profitably, ironically instead pushing an agenda that other nations show destroys private business under one-party socialist rule.
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Legislation has consequences. Good legislation can bring about beneficial improvements and protections, but unwise legislation can have harmful, devastating effects on the people who must abide by it. With that dichotomy in mind, this edition of Spotlight takes an in-depth look at the ramifications of repealing Illinois’ Parental Notice of Abortion Act by considering its impact on the unborn child, the underage mother-to-be and her parents, compassionate and helpful pregnancy center workers, and Planned Parenthood’s bottom line.
Last Monday, CNN host Don Lemon strutted onto the world’s stage to declare with ex-cathedra confidence that Christian orthodoxy and its 2,000 years of church teaching on sexual dignity, sexual morality and about God himself is wrong...

With all due respect to Mr. Lemon’s superior theological training and ecclesiastical wisdom, it might be wise to consider what the actual teachings of the church are before we toss them on the ash heap of Mr. Lemon’s call for “reexamination.”

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As we survey our rotting cultural and political landscape, it is tempting, from a worldly perspective, to lose hope for our way of life and our nation. As Christians, we have a greater Hope, one that transcends these worldly problems.

We must always train our focus on Jesus Christ, especially during this holiest of weeks, but let's not in the meantime abandon our earthly duties — our responsibilities to family, friends, country and values.
March Madness is in full swing. By this time next week, the NCAA will have crowned the national champion for the 2020-2021 college basketball season. Also, by this time next week, tens of thousands of people will have lost a staggering amount of money due to legalized, online sports betting in our and other states across the nation – and, if Illinois residents had legally been able to bet on college teams located within our state, the losses surely would have been substantially higher.
The psychological-warfare attack — its script straight from the antifa/Black Lives Matter version of the Cold War's Marxist playbook — began in January when the predictable chorus of hard-left hacks in academia, media and government vilified the American military with toxic allegations calculated to demoralize military personnel, sow destructive institutional suspicion and undermine command authority with the goal of weakening U.S. national security.
In early March 2021, IFI partnered with several other groups to commission a poll of 600 registered Illinois voters who were not employed by any political campaign. Nine questions were asked of the respondents along with eight demographic questions. The results are enlightening.
Big Tech was on the hot seat again last Thursday.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testified again before Congress, this time in the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee virtual hearing. The three men were the essence of cool. Nothing ruffled them. Well, almost. In fact, their cool, almost robotic articulation was unsettling...
President Biden's first formal press conference is in the books, and it was deeply embarrassing to anyone who thinks the media's job is to hold presidents accountable.
Every day seems to bring new examples in the news of our cancel culture. Cancel culture is a cancer to our culture.

As Tucker Carlson noted recently, one of the great victims of cancel culture is humor.