One of the great blessings of the United States is that written into our national birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, is the acknowledgment that we are endowed by our Creator with the right to life.

But the right to life is under assault today through the widespread practice of abortion – and has been for decades.
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On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, President Joe Biden and his administration filed an appeal in federal court seeking to force all doctors and hospitals in the United States, regardless of religious conviction, to provide transgender surgeries to all patients who request such services.

If this doesn’t disturb you, then your heart is black and your soul is cold.
According to the Washington Times — also known as the Good Times — last week, the Biden administration made plans "to offer grants for U.S. history classes that teach critical race theory and the '1619 Project,'" which is a confection of The New York Times. Both critical race theory and "The 1619 Project" are based on the fundamental insight that slavery is, according to the Washington Times, "the centerpiece of the American narrative."
Once a hush-hush activity often relegated to tavern backrooms, gambling is emerging from the seedy shadows and striving to clothe itself with an air of normality, respectability, and lighthearted fun. But, at its very core, gambling is predatory, parasitic, and exploitive.
I was saddened last month upon hearing of the death of Norton Juster, most famous for his superb children’s book “The Phantom Tollbooth.” 

Illustrated by Juster’s friend, Jules Feiffer, the book takes a boy, Milo, through a fantastic journey in his miniature car into the Kingdom of Wisdom, divided into Dictionopolis, where words are supreme, and Digitopolis, where numbers rule.
When I occasionally complain about the left politicizing race, fellow conservatives often say to me, "Don't worry about this. They've lost all credibility on the issue, trivializing it by overuse. They're getting no traction with it." Oh?

You'd have to be blind and deaf to deny that this tactic is working for the left politically and that it has caused great harm. Democrats and the left bring up race every five minutes to demonize Republicans and profit politically. It is nothing more than a raw power grab.

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On April 13, the editors of National Review opined: “More than a year ago, Americans welcomed [Dr.] Anthony Fauci into their homes as a sober scientist who was helping them make sense of a deadly new virus. But he has worn out that welcome.” William F. Buckley’s heirs are absolutely right, and here’s why. 

Anthony Fauci is no longer viewed as our nation’s sober “scientist” because he’s not one. Instead, he has shown himself to be a political opportunist and our country’s new high priest of “scientism.”
When helping my daughter with her AP World History class recently, I was struck by the similarities between the present day and the troubled years between the first and second world wars. This similarity was driven home even more strongly by the recent death of Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II's spouse of almost 74 years. Philip's passing reminds us that we will eventually lose Elizabeth herself, who, at 94, is the longest-reigning monarch in British (and world) history.

We are witnessing the end of an era.
President Joe Biden averaged a 56 percent job approval rating from his inauguration through March, according to Gallup, about the same as the ratings of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and much higher than former President Donald Trump's (42 percent). One factor in that approval might be the tone of press coverage.
America was founded on the principles of Holy Scripture. The Puritans and Pilgrims socially embodied these principles by espousing early, and largely universal, marriage; high fertility rates; complementary gender roles; family autonomy and family independence. Continuing an earlier conversation, Dr. Allan C. Carlson, founder of the World Congress of Families, joins Monte Larrick to explore the connection between strong, biblical families and healthy societies.