SPOTLIGHT: We’ve Gone Gambling Crazy

Written by David E. Smith

Once a hush-hush activity often relegated to tavern backrooms, gambling is emerging from the seedy shadows and striving to clothe itself with an air of normality, respectability, and lighthearted fun. But, at its very core, gambling is predatory, parasitic, and exploitive.

Ken Darnell returns to Spotlight to share his in-depth, biblical perspective as to why gambling is anything but a harmless form of entertainment. Referencing factual research, as well as Scripture and the Preamble to the U. S. Constitution, Ken explains how gambling usurps the sovereignty of God, disputes the truth of His Word, promotes the sin of discontent, and facilitates addiction, corruption, deception and destruction. After listening to Ken’s comments, you will never look at scratch-off lottery tickets the same way as before.

Please listen to this convicting podcast and share it widely within your circle of influence. Ken and Jerry Prosapio (co-founder with Ken of Gambling Exposed) would be happy to speak to individuals and groups about the dangers of gambling and to offer hope to anyone who might be struggling with a gambling addiction. Contact them at (708) 389-1127 to book a speaking date or to inquire about counseling.

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