“40 Days for Life, now more than ever.” So declares Catherine Walker, a leader with 40 Days for Life Aurora. The 2022 spring campaign ends April 10 – that means there is still time for pro-life supporters to make a life-saving difference with their non-confrontational presence and peaceful prayers at Planned Parenthood abortoriums and other abortion mills throughout Illinois.
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We don't have much time before the June 28th Primary Election is upon us. Early voting begins on May 19th, and runs for more than five weeks. If you believe as I do that Christian conservatives throughout the state should be made aware of which state and federal candidates hold strong pro-family values, please help us.
The "People's Convoy" where American truckers, inspired by their counterparts in Canada's "Freedom Convoy", protested for an end to COVID mandates with various truck tours across the United States, aiming for the State of the Union address by President Biden on March 1.

While COVID mandates were the immediate target of the People's Convoy, over-the-road truckers face numerous other challenges far beyond high fuel costs and inflation all face in 2022.
Did you know that a recent national survey found that nearly half (48%) of Democrat voters want to fine or imprison people who publicly question on social media the efficacy of COVID-19 shots?

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Henry Cuellar Forced to Runoff, Ratings Changed for Cuellar District to “Toss-up”

Written by John Lopez

The day after the United States Senate successfully filibustered the pro-abortion-on-demand H.R. 3755, the Texas primary kicked off the 2022 primary season which could have some ramifications to Illinois.

With H.R. 3755’s filibuster as a backdrop and Congressman Henry Cuellar’s lone Democrat vote in the U.S. House last September making him a target of the pro-abortion zealots, Cuellar won the most votes in the March 1 primary.… Continue Reading

The Daily Herald newspaper recently published an article about Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-15th) and her endorsement of Congressional Candidate Jim Marter, who is running as a Republican for the 14th Congressional District in the western and southwestern suburbs of Chicagoland. Upon receiving a Marter for Congress press release about the endorsement, the Daily Herald took the occasion to drudge up a previously debunked attack-narrative against Miller, by referring to her as a “Hitler quoting lawmaker.” The headline was referencing a speech given in early 2021 by Miller in which she made the obvious point that harmful people will try to get what they want politically, through our children.
The June 28th Primary Election is just three months away. While we have no way to know what major political/social events may take place during the time in the run-up to this state primary election and then the national election in November, we do know how tumultuous the past two years have been for families in this state, and throughout the nation.
Throughout the past two years, whenever there was a spike in deaths in a given part of the world, every American was treated to an endless barrage of panic porn warning them to take “precautions” to ensure we were not hit next. That paradigm has magically changed. As the virus continues to rage throughout east Asia, a region that was largely spared from the wrath of the pathogen until now, the media no longer wants to warn of impending doom.
This edition of Spotlight is, hands down, the best podcast you will hear all week long, as we are pleased to feature highlighted remarks from Dr. Everett Piper’s address at a recent IFI dinner event. Dr. Piper’s career experience in university administration at Christian universities and as President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, more than qualifies him to speak about classical liberalism, human identity, and education and the silencing of truth. In an engaging manner, Dr. Piper also shares how an opinion piece in his local newspaper and a post about the Canadian truck convoys thrust him into the social media spotlight.
So, Mickey, Goofy and the gang have joined the war on children’s innocence. If Walt could spin one more time in his grave, it would be now.

Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Chapek announced this past week that the entertainment giant has joined the leftist mob opposing a bill backed by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis and passed by the legislature that would protect young children from exposure to LGBTQ themes.