In the Republican primary campaign in the 11th Congressional District, North Aurora Village Trustee Mark Carroll, who's endorsed by Illinois Family Action (IFA) for IL-11, announced early Thursday evening, May 19, he had received the endorsement of 70th District state Representative Jeff Keicher (R-Sycamore)...
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What are the consequences of 235,000 people teeming over our border per month?

Over 107,000 Americans died from drug poisoning, often from counterfeit pills containing fentanyl, funded by the Chinese government and concocted by the Mexican drug cartels. Why is there no clamor to fight the cartels with the same resoluteness with which we are fighting a proxy war halfway around the world?
We were very impressed with the energy, conservative values, and the leadership Travis Weaver, running for Illinois State Representative in District 93, showed at our interview session. His record of accomplishment and community involvement, at just 29 years old, gives us great encouragement for the future.
Well, it’s official. The only cheap gasoline that President Biden seems to like is the stuff he keeps pouring on the bonfire of racial grievance politics.

“Evil will not win,” he said during his speech in Buffalo in the wake of the supermarket mass murder of mostly Black victims by an unhinged nutcase, white supremacist suspect. “We have to refuse to live in a country where fear and lies are packaged for power and profit.”
Imagine this scene: an adult family member is watching your child while you run a quick errand. Upon returning home, you discover your house is on fire. Smoke is billowing, flames are dancing on the roof, and the face of your helpless child is pressed to the window of his second-floor bedroom. What do you do? I imagine most of us would unhesitatingly rush in to rescue our child. Rev. Ceasar LeFlore says this is the fate of public school students throughout our state and nation. As the flames of indoctrination consume government schools, our children are trapped and we, their parents, are the only ones who can save them.  
On June 28, 2022, Illinois will hold primary elections. One hundred and thirty-three days later is the general election on November 8, 2022. Through Illinois Family Action, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many excellent candidates who are running for state and federal offices. Lord willing some of these excellent candidates will win and take office.
Welcome to the bonus episode of Self Evident, where the hosts just hit record and conversed on anything they desired. Get to know the girls better as they disagree about coffee, delight over Dracula, dissect colors, and laugh about their discombobulated thoughts.
Friday morning May 20 in downstate Lincoln, I participated in a political roundtable hosted by the daily POLITICO Illinois Playbook column writer Shia Kapos called "Pancakes and Politics".  About two dozen people attended for the breakfast meeting ranging from party chairs (both Democrats and Republicans), political consultants, lobbyists and journalists including retired State Journal-Register reporter Bernard Schoenburg.
For the past several months, IFA staff and board members have been researching the candidates running for state and federal offices in order to make endorsements and/or recommendations to our valued subscribers. Through this process, we hope to determine who among the candidates fear God, have a good reputation, love truth, and will govern honestly and righteously (Exodus 18:21; Proverbs 29:2; Acts 6:30).
The Primary Election is here, and we want to remind you how important it is to exercise your civic duty and VOTE - and be good stewards of God’s gift of self-government! We the people have the responsibility of selecting honest, wise and God-fearing people to represent us in Springfield and in Washington D.C. There are great candidates running this election cycle that need your prayers, support and your vote!
Americans' attitudes about abortion, brought to the forefront of public attention by the recently leaked U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe V. Wade, significantly correlate with their personal characteristics and identities. One of the most important of these variables is religion. This reflects the fact that many opponents of abortion make their arguments based on religious grounds, and many religious organizations have made their positions on abortion a significant part of their tenets, beliefs and principles.