Is the most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten, a seemly harmless woman in her mid-60s who serves as president of the American Federation of Teachers? She is a greater threat to America than the leaders of North Korea, Red China, Iraq, Iran, Syria or Russia? How so?
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This week, a federal appeals court issued a favorable ruling impacting thousands of military service members. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit upheld an injunction protecting U.S. Air Force service members from being punished or involuntarily terminated from the military for requesting religious accommodations to the vaccine mandate.
Several years ago, the graduating class at the high school where I teach asked me to give their commencement address. In hindsight, I should have known better than to stray from the tried and tested formula for graduation speakers. Young, brash, and always eager to say something that would be remembered, I made the fateful decision to stray from the culturally approved list of platitudes that everyone knows you are supposed to tell high school graduates:
Anyone who thinks the First Amendment is best represented by the "news" media is not paying attention to the way they wage war on freedom of speech for the conservative "rabble" on social media platforms.
Reader’s Digest has been around since its founding 100 years ago in 1922 in upstate New York by DeWitt and Lila Bell Wallace. Its well-edited mix of humor, informative articles, puzzles, anecdotes, advice and real-life stories has made it a fixture in millions of homes, not to mention doctors’ and dentists’ offices.

It still has all that, but also something strangely out of place – a whiff of wokeism.
For the second time in the last two months, a statue of Abraham Lincoln in Edgewater’s Senn Park in Chicago has been vandalized by a group of unruly leftist activists. It’s par for the course for activists to go around vandalizing monuments during their little temper tantrums, but a statue of Abraham Lincoln? What could someone possibly have against Abraham Lincoln? Didn’t he play a major role in ending slavery and bringing our nation back together, a feat that should easily give him the status of “hero?” Ending slavery  is what really comes to mind for most people when they think about Abraham Lincoln. To Woke activists especially, you would think this would make him a hero in their minds since they pretend to care about racism and oppression so deeply.

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The Democrat-dominated U.S. Senate, aided by 12 RINOs led by Utah’s Mitt Romney, voted last Tuesday to end debate on the oxymoronically named Respect for Marriage Act (H.R. 8404). The bill, which overturns the federal Defense of Marriage Act and codifies the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, had already passed the U.S. House with 47 “woke” Republicans voting yes.
Have you seen those videos on social media or news programs of moms or dads standing up at a school board meeting, pleading with school officials to put an end to the sexually-explicit materials invading classrooms and libraries? Or parents boldly speaking out in support of fairness in girls’ sports and their daughter’s privacy? And the community members who are alarmed by the racism is being taught through CRT lessons?
Imagine how amazing things could have been had we woken up last Wednesday morning with Republicans winning 54 seats in the Senate and 250 seats in the House. We’d be off to the promised land, right? Wrong! Actually, from a policy perspective, we’d be in the same place we are today, sans the much-needed introspection that is taking place deep in the souls of conservative politicos – an introspection we’ve needed for decades. It’s not about Trump per se, and not even so much about McConnell and McCarthy. It’s that we are the true RINOs – Republicans in name only – in a party that has never shared our values for most of its history.
The hope in a “Red Wave” election didn’t come to fruition in November. The work to flip the U.S. House and U.S. Senate to Republican control produced mixed results... Of our state's 17 Congressional seats, three downstate districts have Republican representation, as we lost one to redistricting and one to a Democrat candidate in the newly redrawn 13th district in central Illinois.