In January 2019, Gerald Groff left the Holtwood Post Office in the small rural community of Holtwood, Pennsylvania, located in Lancaster County. When he left, he figured it was likely for good. He resigned his mail carrier position there because he knew that he was inching closer and closer to being fired. He had already endured various steps of the Post Office’s progressive discipline. What drove him to leave the USPS was its failure to accommodate his sincerely held religious convictions.
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Everywhere we look, we see confidence in the American experience on the wane. A recent Wall Street Journal/NORC poll found that patriotism has declined among Americans from 70% to 38% since 1997. Part of the explanation for that alarming trend is how the left creates a narrative that America is inherently a racist and oppressive nation.
In this special episode of Spotlight, Illinois Family features remarks from Ann O'Connor, Vice President of legal affairs for the National Institute for Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA). This lecture, presented at Speakout Illinois 2023, highlights legislation that is targeting pregnancy care centers for the sole purpose of shutting them down.
Years ago I remember being floored when I realized that Abercrombie and Fitch – which is a clothing company – was actually selling clothes by using nakedness. I should have known then that it was only a matter of time before I'd see Nike, a company historically associated with athleticism and even masculinity, selling sports bras and women's athletic gear by using a man.
From Moses to Pope John Paul II and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, we have been warned by God: "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live..."
First Liberty’s landmark U.S. Supreme Court victories in our Coach Joe Kennedy and Treat Children Fairly cases continue bearing fruit. Thanks to these wins, our legal experts predicted this would be a school year with more religious liberty than ever before. By God’s grace, our prediction is turning out to be true. Multiple states are moving to protect religious liberty in schools.
Government officials go before Congress all the time to testify about various things. When they do so, they are expected to answer the questions posed to them by our elected officials – that is the purpose of such inquiries. But lately, we have increasingly seen Democrats stonewall, obfuscate, and demonstrate an outright inability to answer basic questions about their respective jobs.
Endless government programs, regulations, subsidies, and market distortions have created a monopoly of health care providers and health care insurers. Government tax policies tether health care to medical insurance and medical insurance to place of employment, while boxing out the patient from being the true consumer. As we saw with COVID, this monopoly is not only a problem with costs, but has deadly consequences, as the government was able to channel tyranny and dangerous protocols through a narrow network of health care administrators, while censoring the few remaining independent practice physicians questioning the narrative.
In this Spotlight episode, David E. Smith and Self Evident's Jenna Smith continue the conversation with Eric Hovind, President and Founder of Creation Today, and Helmut Welke, President of Quad City Creation Science Association. This conversation includes discussion on faux fossils, the importance of training your children to ask the right questions, and why a young earth perspective is crucial to a Biblical worldview.
In the space of a week, we saw three children and three adults executed at a Christian school in Nashville, the indictment of former President Donald Trump, and the advent of the national “Transgender Day of Visibility.”
In the lead-up to the '22 midterm elections, Northeastern University ran an analysis attempting to evaluate how much political endorsements actually matter in determining the outcome of a race. The consensus of their assembled experts and professors seemed to be that someone like former President Trump's endorsement of a candidate during a midterm election might help at the periphery, but, "there are more fundamental variables affecting election outcomes than endorsements."