
Written by Katie Kieffer

Hillary Clinton is working alongside billionaire Tom Steyer to sow a garden of climate change paranoia. Clinton is scaring young voters into supporting her campaign by leading them to believe that a Republican president will unleash a climate apocalypse.

Calling Millennial voters the 2016 presidential election’s “biggest cohort,” Steyer announced his plan last month to inject $25 million into targeting young voters. Specifically, Steyer will allocate millions toward an aggressive ground campaign based on climate alarmism.… Continue Reading

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Written by Lydia Saad

U.S. public opinion on abortion was largely steady over the past year, as Americans remained split on the morality of abortion as well as in their preferences for the “pro-choice” vs. “pro-life” labels. The vast majority of adults continue to believe abortion should be legal to some extent, with 29% saying it should be legal in all circumstances and 50% favoring legality under certain circumstances.

Recent Trend in U.S. Abortion Views
May 6-10, 2015 May 4-8, 2016
% %
Morality of abortion
Morally acceptable 45 43
Morally wrong 45 47
Abortion position
“Pro-choice” 50 47
“Pro-life” 44 46
Legality of abortion
Legal under any circumstances 29 29
Legal only under certain circumstances 51 50
Illegal in all circumstances 19 19

Moral Acceptability Has Increased, Longer Term

The public’s attitudes on the morality of abortion reflect a recent split, and contrast with a slightly more conservative stance seen in most years from 2002 through 2014.… Continue Reading


Written by Steve Jordahl

The leader of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference implies that the votes of millions of born-again Hispanics in America are up for grabs in the coming presidential election.

Hispanic evangelicals met in Anaheim, California, last weekend for what was tabbed as “Latin Leaders Fest.” The two-day event featured speakers such as evangelist Luis Palau and Pastor Alberto Delgado, and the husband-and-wife worship team Nic Gonzales and Jaci Velasquez.

During the gathering, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump made video pitches to the Latin Leaders Fest.… Continue Reading



Written by Robert Arvay

Both major political parties are now locked in a death struggle.  The irony is that they are attempting not to annihilate each other, but rather to survive the onslaught of the voters.  No longer is the struggle between Democrat and Republican; it is between the landed gentry and the peasants.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are the villains, as far as the ensconced parties are concerned.  Thus, we have the very bizarre spectacle of Republicans saying that, in a general election, they will defect, preferring Hillary Clinton to Trump, and Democrats vowing to vote for Trump rather than for Clinton.  … Continue Reading


Written by David E. Smith 

The 2016 Illinois Republican Convention was held in Peoria this past weekend on Friday and Saturday. We are thrilled to report that leftists within the party failed to advance their agenda in the newly adopted 2016 Illinois GOP Platform.

If fact, Illinois Republicans strengthened the Right to Life plank in the platform and rejected an attempt to water down and distort the Marriage and Family plank!

THANK YOU to all of you who took time last week to contact the members of the platform committee and helped to spread the word of the attempt to subvert the Marriage and Family plank. … Continue Reading



Written by John Biver

Remember those infamous Jay Leno Show man on the street interviews? It’s always painful to watch people reveal their ignorance.

There are reports that there is a majority on the Illinois Republican Party Platform Committee who aren’t exactly well-read. Get ready to cringe.

The word on the street is that there are geniuses who think endorsing the radical left-wing (cultural Marxist) LGBT agenda is a good fit for the GOP. … Continue Reading


Written by David E. Smith

Some Illinois Republicans want to stay away from “controversial” issues. They think that removing the traditional marriage plank will somehow help liberal Republicans who are “hurt” by the platform in their swing districts.  First, if they think that they are going to avoid controversy by removing this important plank, they are woefully wrong.  Secondly, the Illinois GOP has its fair share of RINOs elected to office, who are the source of the problem at hand; but clearly demonstrating that liberal Republicans can win with the current state platform.… Continue Reading



Dear IFA Friends,

I am reluctantly coming to you to ask you for your financial help, but I need to ask you: Will you consider an online donation of $15 or more to support the work of Illinois Family Action (IFA)?

Five members of the Illinois Family organization are going to the Illinois Republican Party convention this weekend, not only to promote our pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage message, but to defend the current Platform from liberal attempts to weaken the life and marriage planks. … Continue Reading



Written by Jeffrey B. Shellan

Democrats continue their 200-year tradition of setting low standards for African Americans.

“Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.”

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By J. Matt Barber

President Barack Obama has done lost his mind. He’s just flushed the civil rights of men and women, boys and girls, to pee in peace and shower without having naked, sexually confused or sexually predatory members of the opposite sex ogling them, or intentionally exposing their genitalia for a cheap thrill.

Reports Fox News:

“The Obama administration has sent a letter to every public school district in the country telling them to allow transgender students [meaning students pretending to be the opposite sex] to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their chosen gender identity, as opposed to their birth certificate.

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Written by Zachary Jonathan Jacobson

Bernie Sanders’ lock on young people has been a constant throughout the Democratic presidential primaries. Exit polling shows he won 83% of voters under 30 in Pennsylvania last month, 74% in Indiana last week and 71% in West Virginia on Tuesday.

Why are Millennials so enamored of Sanders? Most hypotheses credit their enthusiasm for sweeping moral goals such as transparency, fairness and justice. Perhaps young voters prefer Sanders’ call for “revolution” over Hillary Clinton’s more pragmatic incrementalism. … Continue Reading
