
Censoring conservative voices from social media.

Written by Daniel Greenfield

Remember when Hillary Clinton won a landslide victory? The fake news media which predicted it in order to depress pro-Trump voter turnout certainly does. And so they’re out to fight “fake news.”

By fake news, they don’t mean their own raging torrent of misinformation and lies.

The media has gone to war against Facebook. While various supporters have blamed Hillary’s loss on everything from the FBI to internalized misogyny, the media has decided that Facebook is to blame.… Continue Reading

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Written by Denyse O’Leary

The term “alt right” is thrown around a lot these days to account for Donald Trump’s winning the U.S. presidency. Mainstream media, blindsided by results they should have been able to predict, are deflecting blame. Many conjure a vast, shadowy, menacing group that propelled Trump to power in hidden ways. A more accurate story is more complex—and far more of a problem for the generic worldview of current mainstream media.

So what actually is the alt right?Continue Reading


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Written by John Biver

Now that Barack Obama’s second term is coming to an end, the question is — who will fill his shoes as the leader of the Democratic Party? Minnesota U.S. Representative Keith Ellison would like the job — and is officially seeking to become the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Journalist and newspaper editor Caroline Glick has pointed out that “When a party is out of power, the party chairman is also treated like its formal leader, and most active spokesman.”… Continue Reading



Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Please allow me a moment to vent.

I assure you that it will be controlled venting, without vitriol, hyperbole, or vindictiveness.

But venting it will be. Shall we call it holy venting?

Perhaps it will also reflect some of the holy frustration in your own heart.

But first, some caveats.

I do understand why many Americans are deeply upset with Donald Trump’s election, and up until election day, I said that I respected those who could not vote for him, urging them instead not to vote for Hillary.… Continue Reading



Written by Robert Knight

It looks like Hillary Clinton will finish with slightly more popular votes than President-elect Donald Trump, who won a clear majority of Electoral votes [two weeks ago].

Predictably, Democrats are clamoring to abolish the Electoral College, which the Founders created as part of the separation of powers and a hedge against mob rule.

Big states with large cities dominated by Democrats are disadvantaged by the winner-take-all rules, the Dems argue. California, New York and Illinois went big for Mrs.… Continue Reading


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Written by Craig Bannister

President-elect Donald Trump’s win is “a massive repudiation of the press,” Media Research Center (MRC) Pres. Brent Bozell declared today at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

Accompanied by other top conservative leaders, Bozell warned the blatantly biased liberal media that the American public is now on to them, so their credibility may be lost forever:“The public now knows it is not getting news from the ‘news’ media.”

“Liberal media were the second-biggest losers last night,” Bozell said, noting how the “press treated Trump supporters with utter contempt.”… Continue Reading


Written by Ben Shapiro

On Monday, linguistics professor-turned-crappy socialist political commentator Noam Chomsky called the Republican Party “the most dangerous organization in world history.” Chomsky continued by explaining why this was no exaggeration:

The last phrase may seem outlandish, even outrageous. But is it? The facts suggest otherwise. The party is dedicated to racing as rapidly as possible to destruction of organized human life. There is no historical precedent for such a stand.

Of course, Chomsky is talking about Trump’s opposition to using the federal government to crack down on the fossil fuel industry in order to curb supposed man-made global warming.… Continue Reading

I voted sticker on American flag.

Written by Robert Eno

The 2016 presidential election is a textbook example of why the Founders, in their infinite wisdom, chose the Electoral College method of electing the president. Their elegant compromise ensures that states with small population still have a say in who is elected president. The results from Election Day 2016 highlight this exquisitely. If you remove anyone of a handful of large population states from the popular vote count, Trump won the rest of the country convincingly.Six

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Written by Paul Murphy

Al Franken cast the decisive 60th senate vote passing Obamacare and virtually everyone now agrees that his initial election in 2008 was achieved through judicially assisted electoral fraud; Clinton buddy Terry McAuliffe was almost certainly elected by felons and illegals; and my personal prediction is that historians will eventually agree that Obama lost the 2012 presidential election to Romney by about 2.5% of the legal vote.

Democracy depends on the integrity of the secret ballot process and fraud, whether mostly real and extensive or mostly imaginary and minor, cannot be accepted.… Continue Reading



Written by Dr. Michael Brown

There are millions of fine young people across America today, people of character, people of principle, people of discipline, people of maturity. But there are millions of others who have been coddled all their lives, almost never taught to lose or be put in their place or take full responsibility for their actions. It is some of those young people who are protesting on the streets and being comforted by their professors as they cry on college campuses in the aftermath of the elections.… Continue Reading
