Republicans in Congress passed and President Trump signed a 2,200 page $1.3 trillion dollar budget. To say this bill is bad is an understatement. Haven’t you heard this all before? It seems like every other month I’m writing about how Congress passed a horrible budget deal. That’s because this isn’t the first time we’ve crossed this bridge.
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David Smith, the executive director of the IFI and IFA, recently sat down with Larry Jacobs, the Managing Director of World Congress of Families, and the International Organization for the Family (IOF), at a recent IOF pro-family breakfast in Rockford.
Many Fiscal conservatives need to be talked off the ledge since President Donald Trump signed the massive $1.3 trillion budget that Congress dumped on his desk. Unfortunately, President Trump signed the bill, though he is listening to those who wanted him to veto it.
Every few months, Republicans behave stupidly, causing their voters to again ask themselves, "Why vote Republican?"  Supporting congressional Republicans seems an exercise in futility – Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown, ready to kick a conservative field goal, only to have Lucy pull the football away at the last second.  I have asked this question several times on these pages.
Following every election cycle the analysis of the data is an Olympian event. Some of the opinions are gold medal worthy, a lot of the rest are, for the sake of those pontificating, luckily forgotten. The only constant from one election cycle to the next is that political consultants, many of them shady to say the least, profit handsomely win or lose.
Hillary Clinton’s abhorrent remarks in Mumbai, India, warrant our attention because, like it or not, they represent the thinking of a large swath of the modern Democratic Party. But my aim is not to highlight Clinton’s never-ending catalog of excuses for losing the presidential election, except to note that rather than blame everyone and everything but herself, she should apologize for stealing the nomination. If she hadn’t done that, she wouldn’t have to blame anyone.
State Representative Peter Breen joins Monte Larrick on this edition of our weekly podcast to comment on the State of Illinois funding abortions and the Illinois governor's race. Representative Breen is an attorney with the Thomas More Society, who represents Mr. Daleiden (the undercover videographer) before the U.S. Supreme Court.
If liberals would quit acting so crazy, maybe they would have a chance of making significant gains in Congress in the upcoming midterm elections and achieve their goal of eroding support for President Donald Trump. But it’s not gonna happen.
Election day is this coming Tuesday -- and Ives is going to need every vote the pro-family community can help her get. Unlike so many primary races -- this time conservatives have a genuine choice: genuine conservative Jeanne Ives or failed Governor Bruce Rauner, who has struck out on all 44 of his “turn around agenda” items and signed into law some of the most radical social policy legislation in the country.
In 2014, Business Insider wrote about the fact that Bruce Rauner had an extramarital affair while his wife was pregnant with their third child. It was a messy situation to say the least -- here is Elizabeth Rauner’s attorney James Feldman in one excerpt from the article...
As with the Democrats, the Republican candidates for Attorney General are talking a lot about using the office to combat corruption — something the 4-term incumbent Lisa Madigan has been roundly criticized for failing to do. As noted previously, the fact that her father is Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan is often seen as the reason for that seeming lack of effort.