Our Spotlight podcast this week features a presentation given by Walt Heyer at our 2019 Worldview Conference. He recounts his decades-long struggle with transgenderism – a struggle that began with the secret purple dress his grandmother sewed for him to wear when he was four years old.
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On Jan. 17, 2020, Kenneth Roth, the president of the purported human rights organization euphemistically known as the Human Rights Watch, testified before the U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights. Mr. Roth was straightforward and to the point. “Abortion,” he contended, “is a fundamental right” for “anyone who wants or needs it.”
Let’s look at some of the early forms of election fraud.  A historian might tell us of elections two centuries ago, but we won’t go back that far. Instead, let's consider forms of fraud practiced in Chicago in the Richard J. Daley era: the fifties, sixties and early seventies. Daley died of a heart attack Dec. 20, 1976 at the age of 74, after being elected in 1975 for his sixth 4-year term, holding office until his death.
A January storm system featuring heavy rain and flooding, strong winds, and the dreaded wintry mix was not enough to deter the more than 9,000 people who assembled in downtown Chicago for the annual March for Life. As a warm-up to the actual march, this group of dedicated pro-life warriors gathered for a very spirited rally at Daley Plaza.
I know there are dads out there who are strangling hostile coyotes with their bare hands, and fending off California mountain lions that are closing in on their young children. But for my money, this guy gets my vote as dad of the year: 
Those who actually understand traditional Christianity know that devout Christians typically make the best citizens, even under totalitarian regimes, because we understand and accept the biblical injunction to submit to authority, even when it is unreasonable, so long as it does not demand disloyalty to Christ.  Therefore, my suggestion that there is biblical support for the Second Amendment will likely surprise many because that Amendment is sometimes perceived to provide means for overthrowing a government.  It is emphatically not, however.

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Our media elites arrogantly lecture about our democracy being undermined by robotic propaganda, but do they ever listen to themselves talk about the Democrats? Somehow, they think their robotic propaganda is just the "truth." The press came to witness the Senate impeachment trial, and U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) had them at hello.
In 2010, when asked what part of the U.S. Constitution authorized the passage of Obamacare, Mrs. Pelosi replied: “Are you serious? Are you serious?” This implied to many that she didn’t think the U.S. Constitution was even a speed bump for the Democrats’ scheme to nationalize the health care industry. But, suddenly, the U.S. Constitution is important. Except when it isn’t.
Over the next few weeks the news cycle will be paralyzed by an impeachment trial that is essentially about foreign interference in our politics. However, the Trump administration has an opportunity to act on one of the most sinister foreign influences in our country, namely, birth tourism, being used by — you guessed it — Russia and China. If foreign influence is of such great concern to Democrats, shouldn’t we all agree to stop the practice of awarding those who lie to get into the country or who infiltrate our border with the ultimate prize of American citizenship?
On this Spotlight podcast, Monte Larrick interviews Pastor Ceasar LeFlore of the Chicago chapter of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Pastor LeFlore introduces CURE’s Triangle for Transformation. Then he and Monte explore the dramatic impact of and proper Christian response to gentrification in communities of color. They also discuss the biblical principles and kingdom economy that support the concept of community co-ops for homeownership.