Category: Political

Illinois 2024: Three Questions on the Ballot

Written by David E. Smith

Earlier this year, Gov. JB Pritzker urged the Democrats in the General Assembly to pass legislation placing three advisory questions on our ballots for the upcoming election. Every voter in the state of Illinois will have the options of voting either Yes or No.

These questions are non-binding, meaning they simply act as an official poll of voters to guide state lawmakers on public opinion regarding questions of policy, but do not directly change law.… Continue Reading

Share These Candidate Comparisons on Social Media

Written by David E. Smith and Kathy Valente

The voting record and agenda of Illinois Democrats can only be described as far left on the political spectrum. We could justifiably call them extreme. But the deceptive media in Illinois will never identify them honestly because they are collaborators in creating a godless socialist culture.

Below we have posted a number of comparison graphics for candidates running for federal and state legislative seats. We’ve listed them by President, U.S.… Continue Reading

Tim Walz Twists Scripture for Political Purposes

Written by David E. Smith

During the recent vice presidential debate on CBS News, Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) quoted Scripture and applied it to how we should respond to the flood of illegal immigrants coming across the border, saying we should protect “the least among us…” Here is his answer in context, from the debate transcript:

Look, this issue of continuing to bring this up, of not dealing with it, of blaming migrants for everything.

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Make a Difference: Vote Your Opinion on Illinois’ 3 Ballot Initiatives

Written by Fran Eaton

When Illinois voters make their candidate selections on the November 5, 2024, election ballot, they will also be asked their opinions on three advisory questions:

  • Should all medically appropriate assisted reproductive treatments, including, but not limited to, in vitro fertilization, be covered by any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides coverage for pregnancy benefits, without limitation on the number of treatments?
  • Should the Illinois Constitution be amended to create an additional 3% tax on income greater than $1,000,000 for the purpose of dedicating funds raised to property tax relief?
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An Important Election Sermon

Written by Micah Clark

The idea of an election sermon may seem new, or perhaps odd, but in the founding era of our nation, election sermons were very common in the pulpits across the colonies and states and for more than a century thereafter. Many of them can be read at using the search word sermon.

Pastor Gary Hamrick of Cornerstone Chapel in Virginia recently gave an outstanding Biblical sermon about voting, certain issues, and civic duty from a Christian Worldview.  … Continue Reading

“Boy, I’d Sure Like to Vote Third-Party This Year.”

Written by Ecce Verum

It’s election season, and that usually means that three kinds of people start getting really loud right about now.

First, the candidates themselves start campaigning harder than ever. Second, those who are especially civics-minded begin to non-partisanly clamor at everyone else to “Do your patriotic duty and vote!” And third? We all have that one Uncle Bob (or equivalent figure in your life) who just can’t stand either of the two main parties and is proudly and purely casting his ballot for some third-party candidate you never heard of before.Continue Reading

Is Harris’ Faith in God or in Government?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

[Last] week, Vice President Kamala Harris tweeted, “One does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree” with her and presumably vote for her in November.

In response to the post, former Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy asked the following.

“Dear Vice President, I hear you make this statement all the time. Exactly what ’faith’ are you talking about?”

He went further:

“Are you talking about [the Christian faith] or some nebulous, general ’faith’ …?

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Kamala Harris Calls For Rule Change To Move Pro-Abortion Bill

Posted by New York Families Action

Showcasing her deep and abiding commitment to the pro-abortion cause, Vice President Kamala Harris has come out in support of a damaging U.S. Senate rules change. In the future, if Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the White House, the Vice President’s proposed rule change would likely make it possible to pass a federal law imposing a “right” to abortion on all 50 states.

The United States Senate is sometimes referred to as the world’s greatest deliberative body.… Continue Reading

Who Democrats Really Are

Written by Ray DiLorenzo

In recent years, we have detected that Democrats and Republicans are increasingly finding themselves further apart politically, socially, and spiritually. I don’t find Republicans have taken any major steps away from what they always believed in, God, family, and country.

Democrats, on the other hand, are unrecognizable as to what they were 50 or 60 years ago. Like Republicans, Democrats believed in equality, democracy, a strong military, and were anti-communist.

According to Pew Research, Republicans that are certain or fairly certain that there is a God are at 90%. … Continue Reading

Is Voting for Kamala Worth Babies’ Lives?

Written by Ecce Verum

A Newsweek article from August chronicles the many Republicans who have openly pledged their support for Kamala Harris.

Their list includes former Vice President Dick Cheney, former U.S. Representatives Liz Cheney (Wyoming), Adam Kinzinger (Illinois), former Trump White House official Stephanie Grisham, and a group of over 200 staffers for previous presidential Republican candidates.

Enough Republicans are feeling likewise that Newsweek reports a program started by the Harris campaign—”Republicans for Harris”—which is intentionally catering to Republicans who are rejecting Trump.Continue Reading