Written by Ecce Verum
It’s election season, and that usually means that three kinds of people start getting really loud right about now.
First, the candidates themselves start campaigning harder than ever. Second, those who are especially civics-minded begin to non-partisanly clamor at everyone else to “Do your patriotic duty and vote!” And third? We all have that one Uncle Bob (or equivalent figure in your life) who just can’t stand either of the two main parties and is proudly and purely casting his ballot for some third-party candidate you never heard of before.… Continue Reading

Recently, someone accused Illinois Family Action of “eating our own” for criticizing the positions of a Republican candidate for the Illinois State Senate. Here are the thoughts of one IFA reader, attorney Mark Rouleau, to the notion that conservatives ought not criticize any Republicans running for office:
The description of criticism of Republicans as “eating our own” is the product of a reprobate mind and a seared conscience. Such a charge reflects a kind of tribalism.
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Tags: Adam Smith, Democrats, Free Market, Jesus Christ, Mark Rouleau, pro-life, Republican Party, Theory of Moral Sentiments, third party, Thomas Paine
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
October 8, 2012 7:10 AM |
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