Category: Federal Elections

Real Political Leadership is Fearless in the Culture War


Written by John Biver

Here’s a quote for you:

The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardliness, it is conformity. — Rollo May

Here’s what courage sounds like:

Don’t waste your breath trying to bully me in Louisiana. It is absolutely constitutional to have religious liberty and economic freedoms. — Bobby Jindal

It’s also called leadership — you can’t have genuine leadership without courage.

What we’ve heard from most of the Republican candidates for president isn’t exactly inspirational when it comes to the issue of marriage.… Continue Reading

Carly Fiorina’s New Anti-Hillary Ad is Indescribably Awesome


Written by Dan Calabrese

Just in case Carly Fiorina is not the Republican nominee next year – and I’m starting to wonder if it’s a good idea not to nominate her – whoever does carry the flag needs to watch the following 3-minute ad at least 100 times. Not because there’s anything in here that you don’t already know if you’ve been paying attention, but because this is how you tell people about it:

I get the impression sometimes when I watch the Republicans who are running for president that they’re extremely nervous about really going for the jugular where Hillary Clinton is concerned.… Continue Reading

Brady Deflates, Hillary Skates


Written by Daniel John Sobieski

That the standards of transparency are seemingly higher for an NFL Super Bowl quarterback than for a former Secretary of State and presidential wannabe does not bode well for our republic nor speak well of the state of the so-called mainstream media. But the double standards regarding media treatment of Tom Brady versus Hillary Clinton are many and troubling.

We should all be asking ourselves just why there is more concern and angst over Tom Brady’s use of slightly deflated footballs to get a better grip and improve his chances of winning a football game than regarding Hillary Clinton’s use of private email accounts on a private server and her deleting of 30,000 emails to improve her chances of winning the White House in 2016.… Continue Reading

Clinton Donated $100K to New York Times Group the Same Year Paper Endorsed Her


Written by Alana Goodman

A little-known private foundation controlled by Bill and Hillary Clinton donated $100,000 to the New York Times’ charitable fund in 2008, the same year the newspaper’s editorial page endorsed Clinton in the Democratic presidential primary, according to tax documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Clinton Family Foundation, a separate entity from the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, has been the family’s vehicle for personal charitable giving since 2001.… Continue Reading

Ben Carson Won’t be Anybody’s Slave, Won’t Be Shackled by Liberal Blacks, Candidate’s Manager Says


Written by Samuel Smith

The longtime friend and business manager of 2016 presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson has responded to recent criticisms by black journalists, who have attacked Carson’s conservative viewpoints as hurting his reputation, by saying that Carson refuses to be shackled by political correctness.

Armstrong Williams, who is a radio talk show host and a Carson confidant, spoke with Newsmax TV’s J.D. Hayworth earlier this week and was asked why Carson is getting such a “bad reception” from African-Americans in the media.… Continue Reading

Scott Walker Says It’s Time GOP Concedes Defeat on ‘Gay’ Marriage


Written by Aaron Rupar

During an appearance yesterday on Meet the Press, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said he thinks it’s time his party concedes defeat and moves past the marriage equality issue.

Walker’s remarks come on the heels of the release of new nationwide polling showing that 51 percent of Republicans under the age of 30 support marriage equality at the state level. As Mother Jones reports, according to the polling, “the only major demographic that still opposes same-sex marriage is white, evangelical Christians.”… Continue Reading

GOP Presidential Candidate Marco Rubio Warns ‘Mainstream Christian Teaching’ Could Be Considered ‘Hate Speech’ in Near Future


Written by Vincent Funaro

Republican presidential candidate U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., warned Christians that the church’s mainstream teaching on homosexuality could be considered hate speech in the near future, during an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network this week.

While discussing his Catholic faith and how it influences his positions on social issues and public policy, Rubio commented on the direction America is traveling with its views of the conservative church.

“If you think about, we are at the water’s edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech,” Rubio said to CBN News.… Continue Reading

Second Time a Charm for Working-Class Champion Rick Santorum?


Written by Rachel Alexander

Former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania Rick Santorum, who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2012, announced Wednesday he is running again. A sweater-vest wearing populist who champions the working class and Catholic values, the 57-year-old appeals to a distinct segment of the Republican base. He made the announcement Wednesday at a manufacturing plant in Cabot, Pa., where he grew up. Flanked by factory workers and his family, he announced, “I am proud to stand here, among you and for you, the American workers who have sacrificed so much, to announce that I am running for president of the United States.”… Continue Reading

How the Media Got Into Bed with the Clintons


Written by Cliff Kincaid

Republican operative Karl Rove writes in The Wall Street Journal that “few demonstrate as much contempt for journalists as do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.” That may be true for Obama, but Mrs. Clinton has taken a different approach. Her platforms, the Clinton Foundation and its project, the Clinton Global Initiative, have given the appearance of humanitarian work, drawing many big names from the media into her network of influence. No wonder they treat her with deference and respect.… Continue Reading

A Bernie Sanders Presidency Is ALL About Socialism


Written by Connor D. Wolf

Weighing in on the importance of his campaign, presidential hopeful and self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders noted if his campaign fails, it’s not just a reflection on him but also a reflection on his ideas.

“If I do badly, and I don’t run a good campaign, and we don’t get our message out, and we don’t bring people together, it reflects not just on me, but on the ideas that I’m talking about,” Sanders told CNBC.… Continue Reading