“You see more press than anyone else.”
Written by Amber Athey
[Last week] CNN was accused of staging a Muslim-led anti-terror protest after the London terror attacks. Now, more footage has dropped that shows what happened on the scene before the CNN shot was taken.
A Youtube video taken by Claire Jordan shows her milling around the scene and “protest” prior to CNN lining up the protesters for their on-air shot.
There is a group of people in the area, both Muslim and non-Muslim, and some of them can be seen handing out bouquets of flowers and posters.… Continue Reading
Written by Bruce Walker
The decline and lurch to the left of the Fox News Network provides an opening for any astute conservative billionaire: create a news network specifically intended to provide news from the viewpoint of most of America, which is to say the seventy-five percent of Americans who live in Flyover Country. While the geographic concentration of political power in America is appalling, the geographic concentration of media power is much worse.
Because the media defy elections and, in fact, determine elections, having almost all national news pass through the tiny channel of the New York-to-Washington Beltway is toxic to our national life.… Continue Reading
Written by Jody Patterson
A “backlash” is simply a reaction to a situation, development, or political action, etc. A “backlash” maybe an adverse reaction but it can also be a just and right reaction. “Backlashes” should not have a negative connotation for all situations; at times they are warranted and needed to enact change or justice.
The liberal/progressive groups and the media selectively “backlash” and have knee-jerk reactions when it suits their agenda. It is nauseating to see liberals and the media discuss a potential backlash against Islam in the U.S.… Continue Reading
Written by Micah Clark
If you think that liberal bias in the media has gotten even worse since the election of Donald Trump, you’re not alone. Even Harvard University in Massachusetts has noticed that the media has gone over the edge in a new study.
They found in the first 100 days of the Trump presidency, 80 percent of media coverage was negative. For major liberal players such as CNN and The New York Times, that number was as high as 93 percent.… Continue Reading

Written by Patricia McCarthy
The national media and the Democratic Party have gone stark raving mad over President Trump’s election victory; they refuse to accept it. Their paroxysms of fury are evident all day long on every network and cable news outlet and every mainstream newspaper. Since Nov. 8, they have leapt like a swarm of remoras onto a whale proclaiming every little thing that they think might take the man down. Hillary’s team concocted the “Russia collusion” hoax within twenty-four hours of her defeat. … Continue Reading
Written by Ryan Sorba
Milo Yiannopoulos is a thirty-two year old pansexual British citizen.[2] Yiannopoulos’ legal name is Milo Andreas Hanrahan. He has written poetry under the pen name Milo Wagner[3] and gone by the names Nero and Caligula on social media, after two Roman despots who molested children and tortured Christians.[4][5]
Yiannopoulos is a dropout of both the University of Manchester and Wolfson College. After a short stent working for the UK’s Daily Telegraph and a series of business corruption charges were levelled against him in England Yiannopoulos obtained approval to migrate to the United States on an O-1 Visa for “aliens with special abilities.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Antonio Gramsci, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Demoralization, Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse, Institute for Social Research, John Dewey, Karl Marx, Martin Heidegger, Marxist-Leninist, Milo Yiannopoulos, Polymorphous Perversity, Ryan Sorba, Sigmund Freud, Useful Idiots
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
May 15, 2017 4:00 AM |
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Written by John Biver
Over the weekend veteran Chicago news reporter Bill Cameron had Pat Brady as a guest on his weekly program and podcast. Yes, that Pat Brady — the disgraced former chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, who was hired by the radical ACLU to convince weak-kneed and malleable Republicans to vote for marriage redefinition in 2013. On Monday, a friend brought it to my attention in an email and asked:
“Why does Bill Cameron go to a disgraced Republican who was chased out as GOP chairman for a supposedly conservative reaction to Donald Trump’s first few months as POTUS?
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Written by Don Irvine
A new poll shows that a majority of Americans believe that both online news sources and traditional media outlets are guilty of publishing fake news.
The poll, released Wednesday by the Monmouth University Polling Institute, found that 80 percent of respondents thought that online news sites published fake news either regularly or occasionally. Traditional news outlets fared a little better, with 60 percent of those polled believing that they published fake news, either regularly or occasionally.… Continue Reading

Written by Joseph Curl
CNN makes no bones about being anti-Trump in every way. The cable news channel that many know as the Clinton News Network was all about Hillary throughout the election – and even though Trump trounced her, the network execs have decided to target the president at every turn.
They’ve covered non-stories galore while ignoring huge Hillary scandals. And they absolutely love fact-checking through the use of chyrons, like this and this and this.… Continue Reading

Written by Robert Knight
A week ago, President Trump unleashed a media firestorm when he accused former President Barack Obama in a tweet of wiretapping Trump Tower in New York.
The standard portrayal: Once again, the president has shot from the hip, right into his foot, “without any evidence” whatever.
These are the same media that excitedly accused the Russians of “hacking the election,” based on a report from the CIA, FBI and NSA in early January while Mr.… Continue Reading