Category: Media Watch

The Media-Democratic Party Suicide Pact

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Written by Patricia McCarthy

The national media and the Democratic Party have gone stark raving mad over President Trump’s election victory; they refuse to accept it.  Their paroxysms of fury are evident all day long on every network and cable news outlet and every mainstream newspaper. Since Nov. 8, they have leapt like a swarm of remoras onto a whale proclaiming every little thing that they think might take the man down.  Hillary’s team concocted the “Russia collusion” hoax within twenty-four hours of her defeat.  … Continue Reading

Milo Yiannopoulos: Cultural Marxist in Not So Conservative Clothing

Written by Ryan Sorba

Milo Yiannopoulos is a thirty-two year old pansexual British citizen.[2] Yiannopoulos’ legal name is Milo Andreas Hanrahan. He has written poetry under the pen name Milo Wagner[3] and gone by the names Nero and Caligula on social media, after two Roman despots who molested children and tortured Christians.[4][5]

Yiannopoulos is a dropout of both the University of Manchester and Wolfson College. After a short stent working for the UK’s Daily Telegraph and a series of business corruption charges were levelled against him in England Yiannopoulos obtained approval to migrate to the United States on an O-1 Visa for “aliens with special abilities.”… Continue Reading

Empty Talking Heads Wasting Chances to Inform Voters About the Real Problem

Written by John Biver

Over the weekend veteran Chicago news reporter Bill Cameron had Pat Brady as a guest on his weekly program and podcast. Yes, that Pat Brady — the disgraced former chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, who was hired by the radical ACLU to convince weak-kneed and malleable Republicans to vote for marriage redefinition in 2013. On Monday, a friend brought it to my attention in an email and asked:

“Why does Bill Cameron go to a disgraced Republican who was chased out as GOP chairman for a supposedly conservative reaction to Donald Trump’s first few months as POTUS?

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Poll: 6 in 10 Americans Think Media Reports Fake News

Written by Don Irvine

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans believe that both online news sources and traditional media outlets are guilty of publishing fake news.

The poll, released Wednesday by the Monmouth University Polling Institute, found that 80 percent of respondents thought that online news sites published fake news either regularly or occasionally. Traditional news outlets fared a little better, with 60 percent of those polled believing that they published fake news, either regularly or occasionally.… Continue Reading

How Desperate Is CNN To Bash Trump? This Desperate.

Written by Joseph Curl

CNN makes no bones about being anti-Trump in every way. The cable news channel that many know as the Clinton News Network was all about Hillary throughout the election – and even though Trump trounced her, the network execs have decided to target the president at every turn.

They’ve covered non-stories galore while ignoring huge Hillary scandals. And they absolutely love fact-checking through the use of chyrons, like this and this and this.… Continue Reading

Media Bias on Snooping Benefits Obama over Trump

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Written by Robert Knight

A week ago, President Trump unleashed a media firestorm when he accused former President Barack Obama in a tweet of wiretapping Trump Tower in New York.

The standard portrayal: Once again, the president has shot from the hip, right into his foot, “without any evidence” whatever.

These are the same media that excitedly accused the Russians of “hacking the election,” based on a report from the CIA, FBI and NSA in early January while Mr.… Continue Reading

For CNN, The Embarrassments Pile Up

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Written by Monica Showalter

First, President Trump refused to take their questions.  Later, he tweeted that they were a network of “fake news.”  Then they got caught in a fake news scandal, of the grossest sort, reporting some of the “golden showers” phony dossier on Trump as straight news and getting caught and discredited.  Turned out it was just the product of some disgusting left-anarchist’s febrile imagination, and only Buzzfeed made a bigger fool of itself.

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4 Recent Examples Show Why No One Trusts Media ‘Fact Checks’

4 Recent Examples Show Why No One Trusts Media ‘Fact Checks’

Written by Mollie Ziegler Hemingway

A few weeks ago, Donald Trump responded to Meryl Streep’s insults by calling her overrated. Some fact checks came out saying that Streep, in fact, had won many awards. The Associated Press’ “Meryl Streep overrated? Donald Trump picks a decorated star,” was one such example. Four of the seven paragraphs to the story listed awards and honors she’d received.

As Victor Morton noted, “‘She has won a bunch of awards’ isn’t even a prima-facie rebuttal of the claim ‘she is overrated’.”… Continue Reading

The Media March in Lockstep Toward Irrelevance


Written by Robert Knight

As any reporter can tell you, it’s far more fun to cover zany people and events than those exuding decency and restraint.  The news business, like much of the entertainment media, thrives on mayhem.

In Disney’s animated classic “Fantasia,” the spectacular deviltry of “A Night on Bald Mountain” is followed by a peaceful march of candle-bearing believers after the morning sun dispatches the satanic hordes.  The melodic strains of “Ave Maria” wash away any lingering creepiness. … Continue Reading

Stein: Hollywood ‘Bullies’ Silencing Political Debate

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Written by Michael F. Haverluck

With actors continued bashing of President-elect Donald Trump ever since he defeated his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in November’s presidential election, actor and economist Ben Stein blasted most of Hollywood as being a “bunch of thuggish bullies” who try to silence those with opposing political views.

When reflecting on his past work in the entertainment industry, including Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Win Ben Stein’s Money, the conservative critic took on those who use acting as a stage to dictate public discussion on political matters.… Continue Reading