Written by Nicholas J. Stojakovich
The next time a Hollywood actor or actress tries to persuade or impress you with their profound knowledge and insights on political or world affairs, keep a few things in mind.
Never forget that the word “actor” comes from the Greek word “hypokrites,” which means “an actor” or “a stage player.”
Of course, many actors and actresses throughout history and today are incredibly gifted, and have created and will continue to create memorable stage plays and films that impact society for good.… Continue Reading
Written by Carmel Kookogey
Tuesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin explained why he believes the media is the most important issue facing Americans today.
Levin read from an article he discusses in his upcoming book, “Unfreedom of the Press.” The article, written after the 2016 election by CBS News digital political correspondent Will Rahn, detailed D.C. journalists’ anguish after Donald Trump’s victory. The reporter admitted the mainstream media missed the story, while smugly mocking the people — Trump’s supporters — who knew better what was going on.… Continue Reading
Written by David Grogan
Recently, representatives from Facebook and Twitter appeared before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to respond to claims that their companies are engaging in the censorship of conservative news and voices. For years, conservatives have lamented the power of Big Tech over political discourse and their bias against the Right.
U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) made sure to point out that, in her view, the evidence conservatives have for social media bias is purely anecdotal.… Continue Reading
Tags: Big Tech, Carlos Monje Jr., Chris Kyle, Communications Decency Act, Donald Trump Jr., Facebook, Fidel Castro, Gizmodo, Jack Dorsey, Jim Jordan, Jon Kyl, Josh Hawley, Kay Cole James, Lois Lerner, Mark Meadows, Mark Zuckerberg, Marsha Blackburn, Mazie Hirono, Mitt Romney, Mother Teresa, New York Times, Planned Parenthood, Rand Paul, Ronna Romney McDaniel, Scott Walker, Steven Crowder, Susan B. Anthony List, Ted Cruz, Twitter, Unplanned, Washington Post, Western Journal
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
May 6, 2019 6:04 AM |
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Written by David Limbaugh
What kind of Twilight Zone are we living in when Democrats pretend that the mainstream media are objective journalists and Fox News is an arm of the Trump administration?
People are always talking about media bias, so why am I bringing this up now?
Well, because of two news alerts that popped up on my phone. First, I read that the Democratic National Committee is refusing to partner with Fox News for the 2020 primary debates.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bill Sammon, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, Democratic National Committee, Elijah Cummings, fake news, Fox News, Ken LaCorte, Martha MacCallum, presidential debate, Rod Serling, Stormy Daniels, The New Yorker, Tom Perez
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
April 9, 2019 8:00 AM |
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Written by Walker Wildmon
According to Chegg.com, “a cognitive bias is a mistake in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or other cognitive process, often occurring as a result of holding onto one’s preferences and beliefs regardless of contrary information. Psychologists study cognitive biases as they relate to memory, reasoning, and decision-making.”
The modern day Democratic Party seems to be full of members who struggle with a form of cognitive bias. Look at their behavior.
For over two years, Democrats have accused President Donald J.… Continue Reading
Written by Jerry Newcombe
[Recently], the New York Post had an editorial about how many millennials embrace “socialism,” while not really knowing what it means: “Millennials — ignorant of socialism’s appalling economic and human-rights history — increasingly embrace socialism and its naively unrealistic prescriptions for ending all human want.”
I’m reminded of a college student who wrote his dad: “Dear Dad, No mon. No fun. Your son.”
His dad wrote back: “Too bad. So sad. Your Dad.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Brent Bozell, Dr. Everett Piper, Dr. Richard Land, Jim DeMint, Media Research Center, Millennials, National Economic Council, New York Magazine, New York Post, Oklahoma Wesley University, Socialism, Southern Evangelical Seminary
Marriage, Family & Culture, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
March 11, 2019 4:00 AM |
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Written by Jonathon Clay de Hale
When Jussie Smollett’s account of being attacked first broke at the end of January, I watched with interest but didn’t say anything. It seemed a bit cartoonish: two white guys wearing MAGA hats giving a gay black man a beat down in the middle of Chicago on a night of sub-zero temperatures, yelling racial and anti-gay epithets, dousing him with bleach, tying a noose around his neck and proclaiming, “This is MAGA country!”… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Ariana Grande, Cory Booker, Democratic Party, Donald J. Trump, Halle Berry, Hate Crimes, Hollywood, homophobia, Jonathon Clay de Hale, Joshua Rivera, Jussie Smollett, Kamala Harris, Katy Perry, Kevin Bacon, MAGA country, Mayim Bialik, Rashida Talib
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
March 5, 2019 4:00 AM |
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Written by Walter WIlliams
Jussie Smollett, “Empire” actor, claimed that on Jan. 29, two masked men identifying themselves as Donald Trump supporters and using racial and homophobic insults attacked him. Smollett said the assailants yelled “This is MAGA country,” bashed his face, crushed his ribs, splashed him with bleach and put a noose around his neck. Smollett’s telling of the hate crime was gobbled up hook, line and sinker by the anti-Trump news media, but Chicago police say it was a hoax.… Continue Reading
Written by Walker Wildmon
Democrats and liberals have used a strategy, again and again, to try to win power, and it is by calling others, their opponents, liars, haters, racists, and more. Often this is just an example of psychologically projecting onto opponents their own actions they have taken or are willing to take. But you won’t see many of these examples of liberal or Democrat deception in the media called out (visit here to see what other media sites won’t fairly discuss).… Continue Reading
Written by Michael Barone
Is it true that Donald Trump’s bad habits are contagious? Is it true that his Democratic opponents and, even more, his critics in the press are increasingly given to terminological inexactitudes, if not downright lies?
Sure looks like it. Last week, large parts of the press — we’re looking at you, CNN and MSNBC — were gleefully reporting and commenting on the BuzzFeed story about President Trump having allegedly ordered his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to members of special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s staff.… Continue Reading
Tags: Black Hebrew Israelites, BuzzFeed, CNN, Covington Catholic High School, Donald, Emily Litella, Jeffrey Toobin, MAGA hat, Michael Cohen, MSNBC, Nathan Phillips, New York Times, Nick Sandmann, Robby Soave, Robert Mueller, Saturday Night Live
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
January 28, 2019 6:47 AM |
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