Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

Three Reasons Why A Woman Would Vote Republican

Written by Peter Heck

Sometimes, particularly in the toxic world of social media, it’s difficult to know whether people are being honest and earnest in their questions or whether they’re trying to make a statement.

Usually, after a modicum of research it becomes apparent, as was the case with the recent query posted by online anti-Trump activist John Collins:

I know that’s an attempted jab, a straightforward slight, smacking of an arrogantly patriarchal mindset, directed at women who see the world differently than him.… Continue Reading

Praying Outside of an Abortion Clinic is Terrorism?

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

Is praying outside of an abortion clinic terrorism?

In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick sits down with Constitutional attorney David Shestokas to discuss how pro-life activists in Illinois have been targeted by Eileen O’Neill Burke, a candidate for the Cook County State’s Attorney position, as it regards their Constitutional rights.

“She’s going after free speech… Possibly potentially freedom of religion… She’s intending to prosecute people not necessarily based on their conduct, but based on the content of their message.”

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Wealth Taxes, Court Packing, and Revolution

Written by Oliver Perry

Fox News reported that presidential candidate Kamala Harris affirmed her support of a federal wealth tax.

It’s meant to hit only the “super wealthy”:

“The proposal would impose a minimum tax of 25% on total income, generally inclusive of unrealized capital gains, for all taxpayers with wealth (that is, the difference obtained by subtracting liabilities from assets) greater than $100 million,” the Treasury Department stated in its FY25 revenue proposals. The same proposal was also put forth by the Biden-Harris administration in fiscal year 2024 and in fiscal year 2023, but the minimum taxable amount was 20%.

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SPOTLIGHT: Go Public for Pro Life

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks from the Go Public for Pro Life rally, organized by Vision 2020.

Julie Garofalo, executive director of the women’s crisis pregnancy center, Waterleaf; Matt Yonke of the Pro Life Action League; and Veronica Janiszewski with Students for Life, all speak on the vital importance of speaking truth and hope into the lives of women facing unexpected pregnancies.

“Our voices are a gift from God, and we must use them for good.

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Serious, Sincere Christians Should Never Vote for a Democrat

Written by Trevor Grant Thomas

I’ve reached that stage of life that, on occasion, I’m asked for life advice. My best, most succinct answer is this: Follow Jesus and don’t vote for Democrats. The reason for the former part of my statement is widely known, and the reason for the latter is simple: The Democrat Party is one of the greatest tools of Satan in the world today.

In spite of this, there is some foolish thing called “Evangelicals for Harris.”… Continue Reading

“What Kind of Country Do You Want to Live In?” In Speech to Teachers’ Union, Kamala Harris Revives Culture War Against People of Faith, Families, and Freedom

Written by Kathy Athearn

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke before the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) last Thursday. This was her first speech as a presidential candidate, since President Biden ended his campaign and endorsed Harris as the Democratic nominee.

Rather than hiding the fact that the AFT has had a tremendous amount of power and influence on the Biden administration and the country, Harris proudly announced it, thanking AFT president, Randi Weingarten, in particular saying that she has been a “great force” and “an incredible friend and adviser” to the president and her.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Better America

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, we are highlighting a special news conference from the 2023 Black Conservative Summit featuring Dr. Eric Wallace, Robert Woodsen, Ken Blackwell, Larry Elder and Lt. Col. Allen West.

All five guests will focus on how to build a better America.

“The number one problem facing the black community was not systemic racism, not police brutality, but the large number of kids who enter the world without a father in the home married to the mother.”

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How Many Child Sex Offenders Are Hiding Among Illegal Aliens?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

For years, liberal think tanks and media figures scoffed at the mere suggestion of many dangerous illegal aliens living in this country. They claimed absurdly that those who cross the border illegally are family-loving hard workers who commit crimes at a much lower rate than native Americans. A new report from Fox45 Baltimore reveals that one county has a shockingly disproportionate number of illegal alien child sex offenders, raising the question: How bad is the illegal alien sex offender problem nationwide?… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Doctor-Assisted Suicide From the Perspective of a Doctor

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this week’s episode of Spotlight podcast, Dr. Benjamin German discusses physician-assisted suicide from his perspective as a medical-care provider.

Dr. German is a primary caregiver in the Lawndale Christian Health Center and serves as an Illinois Representative in the Academy of Medical Ethics, which is the biomedical arm of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.

Dr. German’s speech will discuss how medically-assisted suicide works and the ethics surrounding medically-assisted suicide.… Continue Reading

American Companies Are Scrapping DEI Programs

Written by Robert Knight

Two more American companies have seen the light after feeling the heat.

Like Bud Light beer, which learned the hard way that pushing the transgender agenda was bad for business, Tractor Supply Co. and John Deere recently retracted their diversity, equity and inclusion programs.

The companies cater primarily to farmers, rural homeowners and suburbanites.

LGBTQ groups are expressing outrage. Human Rights Campaign Vice President Eric Bloem accuses John Deere of bending to “a coordinated attack by far-right extremists on American business.”… Continue Reading