Category: Federal Issues

It’s Our Constitution — Not Kavanaugh

Written by Walter Williams

One of the best statements of how the Framers saw the role of the federal government is found in Federalist Paper 45, written by James Madison, who is known as the “Father of the Constitution”: “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce.… Continue Reading

Mr. Anonymous Exposes an Even Deeper State

Written by David Limbaugh

If Democrats and resistance Republicans think they are going to depose President Trump or thwart his presidency by endlessly savaging him in the name of protecting the republic, they don’t have any concept of the fierce resolve of his supporters.

The latest salvo in the resistance’s efforts to nullify the will of the American electorate is an anonymous New York Times op-ed purportedly penned by a “senior official” in the Trump administration.… Continue Reading

As Progressives Move Left, They Must Replace the American Electorate

Written by Robert Knight

The progressive game plan to re-acquire power in Washington and make it permanent has been shockingly obvious for some time:

Import millions of illegal immigrants, hook them on government aid, and turn them into voters – legally or illegally.

Two Democrats running for Congress in Texas have come out for decriminalizing illegal immigration, along with Beta O’Rourke, who is running for Ted Cruz’s U.S. Senate seat.  Virtually all Democrat office holders oppose voter ID laws.… Continue Reading

25 No-Brainer Immigration Plans to Make America Safer — and Win the Election

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Republicans are bleeding their traditional suburban voters at a quick pace. They are without a narrative and nearly out of time to make a difference for this election. When they return from summer recess, they have one final opportunity to either make a big play on the top issue on voter’s minds. Or they could simply monkey it up by running out the clock while they are losing.

According to recent polls, immigration is the top concern of voters.… Continue Reading

How E-Verify and Immigration Enforcement Can Prevent More Murders

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Another American dreamer has lost her life, allegedly killed by an illegal alien who was only in the country because of the open-borders agenda.

Cristhian Bahena Rivera is a 24-year-old Mexican who came here illegally between four and seven years ago and allegedly murdered University of Iowa student Molly Tibbetts. In a twist of tragic irony, he was employed by a business owned by the family of a prominent Republican open-borders activist.… Continue Reading

Left Claims The Moral High Ground – For What?

Written by Robert Knight

The progressive Left is in a panic over the U.S. Senate’s coming confirmation vote on President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

How do we know this? They keep telling us.

In a national conference call sponsored by People for the American Way (PFAW), U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat, said, “We’re in the fight of our lives.”

PFAW’s Marge Baker echoed Ms. Warren by exclaiming that this is “a critical, critical, critical fight.”… Continue Reading

Why Do Democrats Support Lawlessness?

Written by Walker Wildmon

In recent years we’ve seen Democrat-run states and cities move to protect illegal immigrants from federal immigration officials. Yes, you read that correctly.  It is a classic state law versus federal law conundrum costing the lives and quality of life of legal citizens.

California has declared itself a “sanctuary state” meaning that you can cross the American border illegally and be protected from consequences in their state. New York and other states have passed similar measures.… Continue Reading

The Theory of Political Relative Relativity

Written by Michelle Malkin

It’s quite simple: Some political relatives are more equal than others.

Agenda-driven journalists love to exploit familial dysfunction when a prominent politician is conservative and his or her kinfolk espouse liberal views. When a vengeful offspring, sibling, cousin or distant relation wants to wreak havoc, instant fame and adoration are just a tweet or call away. The media schadenfreude over such bloody bloodline battles is thicker than California wildfire smoke.

By contrast, relatives who openly challenge powerful Democrats are dismissed as gadflies and publicity hounds.… Continue Reading

Polling Milestone: Democrats Officially Prefer Socialism to Capitalism

Written by Peter Hasson

Democrats have a more positive view of socialism than they do of capitalism, a Gallup poll published Monday reveals.

Fifty-seven percent of Democrats view socialism favorably, while just 47 percent of Democrats have a positive view of capitalism, according to the poll. In contrast, 71 percent of Republicans have a positive view of capitalism, while just 16 percent viewed socialism favorably.

Monday’s poll was “the first time in Gallup’s measurement over the past decade that Democrats viewed socialism more favorably than capitalism,” the polling firm noted.… Continue Reading

Why People Keep Falling for Socialism, Despite the Evidence

Written by Walter E. Williams

Poverty is no mystery, and it’s easily avoidable.

The poverty line that the Census Bureau used in 2016 for a single person was an income of $12,486 that year. For a two-person household, it was $16,072, and for a four-person household, it was $24,755.

To beat those poverty thresholds is fairly simple. Here’s the road map: complete high school; get a job, any kind of a job; get married before having children; and be a law-abiding citizen.… Continue Reading