Category: Federal Issues

We Already Have National Divorce … It’s Just One-Sided

Written by Daniel Horowitz

As family structure declines in America, divorce has skyrocketed. Although divorce is very undesirable, there are times when it’s necessary. At that point, the objective is to forge a separation plan as amicably as possible. After all, divorce is mentioned in the Bible itself. Sure, the wife might still keep the surname and the two divorcing will share custody of the children and inevitably interact with each other regarding both the children and shared assets, but sometimes the most advisable thing to do is to limit the exposure you have in a toxic relationship.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senate Confirms Biden’s 100th Judicial Nominee

Written by Jorge Gomez

This week, the U.S. Senate confirmed President Joe Biden’s 100th federal judicial nominee, reaching that milestone faster than his two predecessors. At this point in their presidencies, Trump had 88 judges confirmed and Obama had 67.

Biden’s judicial confirmations include one U.S. Supreme Court justice, 30 circuit court and 69 district court judges. The wave of confirmations this week included:

  • Cindy K. Chung to the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.
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Lies From Big Tech and ‘Big Guy’ Biden

Written by Robert Knight

The constant trickle of lies coming out of Washington became a gusher this past week.

We’ll look below at President Biden’s State of the Union speech. But first, Big Tech took center stage at a U.S. House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday.

Former Twitter executives testified that Twitter has never hassled conservatives. Nor were they politically motivated to censor the New York Post’s coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop just before the 2020 presidential election.… Continue Reading

It’s Time to Put a Nail in The Coffin of The Mask Religion Once And For All

Written by Daniel Horowitz

God created our faces in his image, but in 2020 the biomedical fascists sought to erase our faces and turn us into faceless AI bots. From rape victims being denied care for not wearing the dirty face diapers to crying children being dragged off planes and teens being handcuffed in school, the masking regime was perhaps the most barbaric, inhumane, and illogical idea ever conceived by government and permeating the so-called private sector.… Continue Reading

The Left is “Crazy” Says Sarah Huckabee Sanders in Her Response to SOTU

Written by David E. Smith

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR) gave the official Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union on Tuesday night. She rightly pointed out that the dividing line in America is between normal and crazy. In fact she used the word “crazy” three times. 

While pundits are analyzing and parsing both speeches, they seem to be glancing over how Gov. Sanders may have laid the foundation for impeaching President Biden when she said,

“President Biden is unwilling to defend our border, defend our skies, and defend our people.Continue Reading

Left’s Doublespeak: Declaring The Word ‘Illegal’ Illegal

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This week’s exhibit A in the academy’s rush toward insanity comes from Cornell University, where the school’s thought police have just declared the word “illegal” verboten if the discussion has to do with those entering our country unlawfully. Welcome to the crazy land of the ivory tower, where definitions no longer matter and words like “illegal” can now be declared illegal.

This “repressive tolerance” and doublespeak is pervasive from coast to coast.… Continue Reading

Lowering Voting Age To 16 Is Insane

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Generation Citizen, an educational organization funded by the likes of the Bezos Family Foundation, the Soros Foundation and the George Kaiser Family Foundation, just issued its annual report. And what, pray tell, do these billionaires have in store for us, you ask? Well, in addition to promoting “action civics,” aka a neo-Marxist curriculum focused on teaching “over 1 million students” the wonders of victimization rather than virtue, these smart folks are now calling on the nation to lower the federal voting age to 16.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Appalling Vote Against Life on U.S. House Floor

Written by Robert Knight

The divisions in our country go far beyond conservative versus liberal or Republican versus Democrat. Not that the parties are unimportant. More on that in a minute.

It’s right versus wrong and whether we’ll be able to pass on America’s heritage of liberty and prosperity to our children and grandchildren.

One side — the progressive, Marxist left — wants to expand government to intrude into every human activity except one: sexuality. For that, they seek to eradicate all moral, cultural and legal restraints.… Continue Reading

We Need to Make Illegal Immigration Illegal

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The most effective form of border security is not at the border itself.

Here’s a novel idea based on observations of the ebb and flow of illegal immigration over the past half-century. If you invite illegal aliens into the country and offer them jobs and benefits, they will come. If you make it clear that they will obtain zero benefits and, if caught, will be removed, they will not come. In other words, this is not some sort of natural disaster that requires more personnel at the border to ameliorate the situation.… Continue Reading

’60 Minutes’ Exhumes Enviro Cult Leader for a New Round of Scaremongering

Written by David Harsanyi

Earth is headed for a sixth extinction, warned biologist Paul Ehrlich on “60 Minutes” this Sunday. And since Ehrlich has predicted about 20 extinctions over the past 60 years, he’s a leading expert on the issue.

Couldn’t “60 Minutes” find a fresh-faced, yet-to-be-discredited neo-Malthusian to hyperventilate about the end of the world? Why didn’t producers invite a single guest to push back against theories that have been reliably debunked by reality? Because the media is staffed by environmental pessimists and doomsayers who need to believe the world is in constant peril due to the excesses of capitalism.… Continue Reading