The Comey FBI’s 17 Worst Failures, Inaccuracies And Omissions Flagged In The Russia FISA Report

Written by John Solomon

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz identified 17 serious omissions, inaccuracies and failures involving the FBI’s conduct in the Russia collusion investigation and its pursuit of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting the Trump campaign.

The significant failings are laid bare in a report made public Monday that showed the FBI withheld from the FISA court misgivings about its star informant Christopher Steele, as well as evidence of innocence against targets like former Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.… Continue Reading

We’re in a Culture War, But Only One Side Is Fighting

Writte by John Zmirak

America’s left showed its ugly intolerant face in the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. It’s only bound to get uglier as we approach the National Impeachment Referendum on November 6. (That’s the right term for what some call the “mid-term Congressional elections.” They’re about impeaching Trump and even Kavanaugh, and nothing else at this point.)

When you’re facing ruthless opponents who are in many ways stronger than you, you face a moral dilemma. How much should you “rise above” their blatant and brutal tactics, and hope to win converts and sympathy?

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How E-Verify and Immigration Enforcement Can Prevent More Murders

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Another American dreamer has lost her life, allegedly killed by an illegal alien who was only in the country because of the open-borders agenda.

Cristhian Bahena Rivera is a 24-year-old Mexican who came here illegally between four and seven years ago and allegedly murdered University of Iowa student Molly Tibbetts. In a twist of tragic irony, he was employed by a business owned by the family of a prominent Republican open-borders activist.… Continue Reading

WATCH: Rand Paul Fires At Republicans For Blocking His Amendment To Defund Planned Parenthood

Written by Kassy Dillon

Senator Rand Paul’s recently introduced amendment that would defund Planned Parenthood in the Senate appropriations package for Defense, Health, Human Services, and Education is being blocked by Republicans, he claims.

“Planned Parenthood ends the lives of 320,000 babies each year,” Paul said on the Senate floor Thursday. “That’s about 900 babies every day. Planned Parenthood receives over $400,000,000 of taxpayer money.”

“The government with a wink and a nod tells us that Planned Parenthood doesn’t spend the money on abortions, but everybody knows that the taxpayers really are cross-subsidizing Planned Parenthood’s abortions bills,” he added.… Continue Reading

The Astonishing Failures Of Al Gore’s Arctic Prophecies

Written by Vijay Jayaraj

In his 2007 Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, Al Gore claimed that there is “a 75 percent chance the entire polar ice cap will melt in summer within the next five to seven years.”

Well, eleven years have gone by, and Arctic ice is doing fine.

Why do politicians like Gore make blatantly false claims?

The Arctic ice sheet has been the heart of climate-change debate. So much so, both climate-change alarmists and climate-change skeptics have often erred by relying exclusively on the Arctic for their assessment of climate change.… Continue Reading

CNN Takes the Bait on Diversity

Written by Brian C. Joondeph

CNN, famous for fake news, focuses their 24-7 news cycle on anything damaging to President Trump, even if they have to provoke it or make it up. Their low television ratings reflect the lack of public interest in their incessant Trump bashing. In late June, “In primetime, CNN lost to HGTV, Investigation Discovery, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, and the Food Network.”

When CNN is not Trump bashing, they are virtue signaling to fellow leftists.

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Why Do Democrats Support Lawlessness?

Written by Walker Wildmon

In recent years we’ve seen Democrat-run states and cities move to protect illegal immigrants from federal immigration officials. Yes, you read that correctly.  It is a classic state law versus federal law conundrum costing the lives and quality of life of legal citizens.

California has declared itself a “sanctuary state” meaning that you can cross the American border illegally and be protected from consequences in their state. New York and other states have passed similar measures.… Continue Reading

Colleges: A Force For Evil

Written by Walter E. Williams

Many of the nation’s colleges have become a force for evil and a focal point for the destruction of traditional American values. The threat to our future lies in the fact that today’s college students are tomorrow’s teachers, professors, judges, attorneys, legislators and policymakers. A recent Brookings Institution poll suggests that nearly half of college students believe that hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment. Of course, it is.… Continue Reading

Polling Milestone: Democrats Officially Prefer Socialism to Capitalism

Written by Peter Hasson

Democrats have a more positive view of socialism than they do of capitalism, a Gallup poll published Monday reveals.

Fifty-seven percent of Democrats view socialism favorably, while just 47 percent of Democrats have a positive view of capitalism, according to the poll. In contrast, 71 percent of Republicans have a positive view of capitalism, while just 16 percent viewed socialism favorably.

Monday’s poll was “the first time in Gallup’s measurement over the past decade that Democrats viewed socialism more favorably than capitalism,” the polling firm noted.… Continue Reading

The First Fake Media-Induced Mental Illness

Written by Jeffery Ford

Fake mainstream news sources have actually succeeded in broadcasting so much unbridled fear into the United States that weak-kneed left-leaning Americans are coming down with a mental illness that goes by two different names: Trump Anxiety Disorder and Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The symptoms of these conditions include a delusional belief that it’s the end of the world, a disorientation that’s beyond the liberal norm, an unhealthy obsession with following every liberal news channel’s apocalypse of the day, a deep sense of anxiety and dread, and being prone to unhinged hissy fits if anyone dares to besmirch the sterling reputation of either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama.… Continue Reading