The First Fake Media-Induced Mental Illness
Written by Jeffery Ford
Fake mainstream news sources have actually succeeded in broadcasting so much unbridled fear into the United States that weak-kneed left-leaning Americans are coming down with a mental illness that goes by two different names: Trump Anxiety Disorder and Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The symptoms of these conditions include a delusional belief that it’s the end of the world, a disorientation that’s beyond the liberal norm, an unhealthy obsession with following every liberal news channel’s apocalypse of the day, a deep sense of anxiety and dread, and being prone to unhinged hissy fits if anyone dares to besmirch the sterling reputation of either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama.
While “Trump Anxiety Disorder” (a term originally coined by psychologist Jennifer Panning) and Trump Derangement Syndrome are real, they have been deceivingly misnamed. These mental illnesses have absolutely nothing to do with our 45th president and everything to do with our partisan media, who are ruthlessly and unethically trying to take down our duly elected commander in chief.
President Trump’s many achievements in the White House are actually serving to elevate the spirits of many Americans who are responsibly receiving their news from reliable sources. Last quarter’s 4.1% growth rate, Latino and black unemployment at record lows, greater security at our nation’s border, and Trump’s historic meetings with Russian president Vladimir Putin and North Korean president Kim Jong-un are all reasons for joy and celebration. These accomplishments are just a few of the reasons why President Trump’s approval ratings continue to climb.
Trump Anxiety Disorder and Trump Derangement Syndrome should immediately have their names changed to Fake News Anxiety Disorder and Fake News Derangement Syndrome.
Never before in the history of the United States have the vast majority of news outlets marched together in lockstep in an apparent effort to gaslight the American populace into believing false narratives about both their country and their duly elected president.
Relentless Ad Hominem Attacks
Ever since Donald Trump declared his candidacy for the presidency on June 16, 2015, we have been inundated with assertions that Donald Trump is a racist, sexist homophobe who is unfit for elected office. All of those accusations have repeatedly been proven to be unfounded.
What kind of a racist would entrust and appoint Dr. Benjamin Carson, Sr. as the United States secretary of housing and urban development? What type of a sexist would ever have made Kellyanne Conway his campaign adviser and then later made her a counselor to the president? And no homophobe would ever have stood in front of the Republican National Convention as Donald Trump did during his acceptance speech and say, “As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.”
Threats of Nuclear Annihilation
Do you remember being told that President Trump was risking nuclear war with North Korea for simply tweeting about “Little Rocket Man”? President Trump later met with President Kim Jong-un on June 12, 2018. The negotiations resulted in the signing of a joint statement where the two leaders agreed on working together to establish peaceful relations between the two countries and also for the Korean Peninsula. President Trump also negotiated the release of the remains of fifty-five United States troops who whose lives were taken during the Korean War.
Illegal Alien Children Separated from Parents and Human-Traffickers
While the vast majority of the media didn’t mind at all when illegal alien children were being separated from their parents and human-traffickers during the Obama administration, it sent the leftist talking heads into a frenzy to see the Trump administration do the exact same thing for the protection of the children.
Time Magazine even had the audacity to copy and paste on its cover a photo of a crying two-year-old girl from Honduras standing next to President Trump with the caption “Welcome to America.” The photo gave Time the notoriety it desired and also stigmatized our president and our country in a most unfair manner.
Just remember that whenever you see the immigration and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) protesters out carrying signs saying, “No borders, no nation, no deportation,” we do have a president in the Oval Office doing everything possible to keep those children as safe as possible – no matter what country they came from.
Turning the Clock Back on Women’s Rights
The hysterical caterwauling over President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court is only going to get shriller the closer we come to his confirmation hearings. Sadly for everyone suffering from Fake Media Derangement Syndrome, the media are getting a loathsome assist from their Democratic political allies, who are helping to bring the pain to those they purport to care for.
House minority leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement, “The President’s selection is a clear and disrespectful assault on the fundamental rights of women and on the quality, affordable health care of the American people[.]”
Failed 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hilary Rodham Clinton said while speaking to the American Federation of Teachers, “You know, I used to worry that they wanted to turn the clock back to the 1950s, now I worry they want to turn it back to the 1850s” – implying that Trump’s nominee would take us all the way back to not just back-alley abortions, but the days of slavery.
Both the Democrats and the fake media are doing everything they possibly can do to manufacture unfathomable anxiety in their voting base to get them out to the polls for the November midterms. They aren’t even the slightest bit concerned that their fear-mongering is resulting in what is now being called Trump Anxiety Disorder and Trump Derangement Syndrome, because they truly don’t care about you. They care about only themselves.
Jeffery Ford is a widely published author and a frequent guest on numerous talk radio shows, a TED speaker, and the World Genius Directory’s 2016 Genius of the Year.
This article originally posted at AmericanThinker.com