Written by Hugh Fitzgerald
Bernie Sanders has let it be known that he won’t be attending the AIPAC meeting this year because of the “bigotry” displayed by that organization. In fact, he has never attended a meeting of AIPAC, has no real idea of what that organization does, cannot possibly have read their literature, if he thinks there is an ounce of “bigotry” in the works and days of that Samaritan group that has the audacity of hoping to correct misinformation and disinformation about the tiny Jewish state, a state that would like – what an outrageous demand!… Continue Reading
Tags: 2020 Election, AIPAC, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Bernie Sanders, Chelsea Clinton, female genital mutilation, Hanan Ashrawi, Hugh Fitzgerald, Ilhan Omar, Linda Sarsour, Louis Farrakhan, Nancy Pelosi, Qais Abu Ramila, Rashida Tlaib, Tamika Mallory, Women’s March
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
March 9, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by Shelby Steele
Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority. At the Women’s March in Washington the weekend after Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the pop star Madonna said, “I have thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.” Here hatred was a vanity, a braggadocio meant to signal her innocence of the sort of evil that, in her mind, the White House represented.… Continue Reading
Written by Michelle Malkin
How did we get here? The Kavanaugh U.S. Supreme Court nomination circus didn’t happen by accident. The emergence of incredible — and by “incredible,” I mean the literal Merriam-Webster definition of “too extraordinary and improbable to be believed” — accusers in the 11th hour was no mistake.
It is my contention that this grand unearth-and-destroy spectacle was planned, coordinated and facilitated by U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats and their staffers.
After the FBI finishes its Freshmen Booze Investigations, Federal Barfight Interrogations and Fraternity Barfing Incidents probe of every last Yale and Holton Arms acquaintance and publicity hound ever photographed with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, every cog in the Resistance Wrecking Machine must be investigated:
Protest Orchestration.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anna Eshoo, Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford, Chuck Schumer, Deborah Ramirez, Debra Katz, Dianne Feinstein, Donald Trump, Emma Brown, Fred Guttenberg, Laurie Cipriano, Linda Sarsour, Lynn Woolsey, Major Owens, Michael Bennett, New Yorker, Piper Perabo, SCOTUS, Stan Garnett, Women’s March
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
October 5, 2018 4:00 AM |
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Written by R.B.A. DiMuccio
Should schools be focused on providing children with a good education in a safe environment or should they be laboratories of partisan political agitation? The answer, of course, should be obvious. The National School Boards Association states that “education is not a line item in your school board’s budget, it’s the only item.” The principles of “governance and leadership,” such as those articulated by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, make no allowance for focusing on anything other than educating children.… Continue Reading
Tags: David French, Dr. R.B.A. Di Muccio, Gun control, gun violence, National Review, National School Boards Association, National School Walkout, Pennsylvania School Boards Association, school governance, school safety, Women’s March
Education | David E. Smith |
April 7, 2018 6:00 AM |
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