Posts tagged: Taxpayer funded abortion

Republicans Need To Stop Being Cowards on Abortion

Written by David Harsanyi

How many voters know that the Democratic Party supports legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy on demand for virtually any reason? How many voters know this position aligns with only six other countries in the world — three of them, not incidentally, being North Korea, Vietnam and China?

How many voters know that Democrats want to pass a federal law banning states from stopping sex-selective abortions or the dismembering of the post-viable unborn or the requirement of parental and guardian notification for minors before getting abortions?… Continue Reading

Illinois General Assembly Session Recap (Illinois Family Spotlight #098)

Monte Larrick sat down with Illinois Family Institute’s lobbyist Ralph Rivera, and IFI’s contract lobbyist Mark Johnson following the adjournment of the most recent Illinois General Assembly session.

They discuss the new Illinois budget, a potential Illinois fair tax, SB 1564 and a pro-life version, financing taxpayer funded abortion, Illinois ratifying of the Equal Rights Amendment, when Illinois will attempt to legalize recreational marijuana, what the next attack on life might target, what Illinois might do with the US Supreme Court’s ruling about sports betting, and the vital importance of turning out to vote in the down ballot races.… Continue Reading

“Illinois is NOT a Dark Blue State” Election Recap Part 2 (Illinois Family Spotlight #089)

On this edition of Spotlight, Monte Larrick, John Biver and David Smith continue their discussion about the primary election last month, including the great conservative candidates down ballot, educating misinformed voters, and a summary of the results from down ballot races.

Reviewing the vote totals from the primary, the fact of the uptick in Democratic Party ballots cast versus the down tick in Republican ballots cast, Monte stated — “If you’re a Republican it sounds like we’re in big trouble in November.”… Continue Reading

Candidate Burt Minor’s Answers to Pro-Family Questions Raises Concerns

Written by John Biver

Keeping a candidate’s policy positions straight isn’t easy when the candidate appears to come out on both sides of an issue. Sometimes it is due to a simple mistake, as people can misspeak without even realizing it.

When the issue is taxpayer funding of abortion, however, a person is either for it or against it. The same comes to religious liberty and conscience rights. There is no middle ground, even though some candidates would love for there to be some.… Continue Reading

Is Gov. Rauner Buying the Support of Illinois GOP County Chairmen?

Written by John Biver

Because the Illinois Republican Party nominated a radical left-winger in 2014 who has demonstrated an inability to lead, three years into his term Illinois finds itself worse off than when Governor Bruce Rauner took office.

What happens when that aforementioned Republican governor is willing to spend millions of dollars of his own money to purchase support? We’re witnessing the answer as candidate Bruce Rauner meets with county party chairmen and offers them assistance — in the form of money, candidate training, website support, etc.… Continue Reading

Pro-Life/Pro-Family Forces Issue a “No Confidence” Vote in Bruce Rauner

A News Release from the Illinois Family Action and Family-PAC:

The following Bill of Particulars was unanimously endorsed today by representatives of 20 statewide pro-life and pro-family organizations at a meeting in Chicago.

Bill of Particulars

Whereas the 2016 platforms of both the national and Illinois Republican parties clearly state their opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion.

Whereas the Republican members of the Illinois House and Senate have expressed their united opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion as expressed in House Bill 40.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Rep. Breen and Pro-Life Backlash to HB 40

Written by John Biver

“Governor Rauner is done…he will not be governor in January 2019,” State Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard) told Monte Larrick in this week’s bonus Illinois Family Spotlight podcast.

With Gov. Bruce Rauner’s signing of HB 40’s taxpayer funding of abortion, Breen said that Rauner can no longer make an effective case for his leadership. Breen explains that HB 40 is one of the worst bills ever to be signed into law in Illinois, and it happened even though Rauner looked Breen in the eye, shook his hand, and pledged to veto it.… Continue Reading

BONUS: HB 40 Backlash (Illinois Family Spotlight #062)

As most of you know, HB 40 was signed into law by Governor Bruce Rauner last week. Pro-life voters are deeply disturbed by the governor’s change of heart.

Joining Monte Larrick to talk about this ominous legislation is State Representative Peter Breen (R-Lombard), an Illinois House GOP floor leader and a pro-life leader in his own right.  Rep. Breen has been one of the most outspoken Republicans against HB 40.

Discussed in this bonus podcast: the implications of the bill, what we can do to mitigate its effects, the governors inability to outmaneuver House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago), and the question many Illinois conservatives are asking: should Governor Rauner be challenged in the March 2018 Primary Election?… Continue Reading

Politics or Babies? What’s a Governor to do?

Written by Kathy Valente

Politico recently reported that Governor Rauner’s “ongoing struggle with the politics of a controversial abortion bill hasn’t gone unnoticed by potential opponents.” A Democrat opponent in the 2018 gubernatorial race, J.B. Pritzker, has capitalized on “Rauner’s indecision with HB 40 by releasing a new statewide TV ad where the billionaire Democrat declares if he’s elected, HB 40 will be the first bill he signs.”

This comes on the heels of Pritzker, along with the bill’s sponsors, making a video about dropping off 4,000 postcards to Gov.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Victims of “Choice”

Written by Benjamin Smith

At a recent Face the Truth Tour event, Monte Larrick interviewed Eric Scheidler, the Executive Director of the Pro Life Action League. They discuss why the Pro Life Action League does this tour where pro-baby activists and volunteers converge on a busy intersection displaying signs depicting aborted human beings.

Monte and Eric also discuss pending legislation for taxpayer funded abortion (HB 40) in Illinois, and the possibility of overturning of Roe v.Continue Reading