Posts tagged: Roe v. Wade

What Can Religious Liberty Movement Learn From Success of Pro-Lifers?

Written by Samuel Smith

As conservative Christians continue to push for religious freedom protections in the wake of the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage, there might be lessons religious freedom advocates can take away from the successes of the pro-life movement.

Two pro-life leaders and a religious liberty scholar participated in a panel discussion on Saturday titled “What the Religious Liberty Movement Can Learn From the Victories of the Pro-Life Movement” at the Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit.… Continue Reading

How to Restore Our Constitutional Foundation

Written by E. Jeffrey Ludwig

By the end of World War II, the beautiful foundational ideas and ideals of our constitutional republic had already been significantly undermined by the Democratic Party. The two pillars of our constitutional republic, federalism and checks and balances among our three branches of government, were being disrupted and distorted. The distortions expressed by so-called progressivism had begun the transformation of our political and economic system, especially under Woodrow Wilson and the Democrat Party, and intensified under the policies and programs of the New Deal.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Victims of “Choice”

Written by Benjamin Smith

At a recent Face the Truth Tour event, Monte Larrick interviewed Eric Scheidler, the Executive Director of the Pro Life Action League. They discuss why the Pro Life Action League does this tour where pro-baby activists and volunteers converge on a busy intersection displaying signs depicting aborted human beings.

Monte and Eric also discuss pending legislation for taxpayer funded abortion (HB 40) in Illinois, and the possibility of overturning of Roe v.Continue Reading

“The Victims of Choice” (Illinois Family Spotlight #052)

At a recent event called the Face the Truth Tour, where pro-baby activists and volunteers converge on a busy intersection displaying signs depicting aborted human beings, Monte Larrick interviewed Eric Scheidler, the Executive Director of the Pro Life Action League. They discuss why the Pro Life Action League does this tour, HB 40, and the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade/Doe v. Bolton with an additional pro-life justice on the Supreme Court. While overturning Roe v.… Continue Reading

Trump Picks Pro Life Heritage Foundation Alum to Lead HHS Civil Rights Office

Written by Joshua Denton

In a move vigorously applauded by social conservatives and simultaneously denounced by same-sex “marriage” advocates, President Donald Trump has appointed Roger Severino to head the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Civil Rights.

Severino formerly served as the Director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society. As Director, his three main focuses where on religious liberty, marriage, and life issues.

His track record of defending religious liberty, natural marriage, and the sanctity of life go further back then his time at the Heritage Foundation.… Continue Reading

Fake Justice and the Rise of a New Religion


Written by Robert Knight

Post-modern progressives, contrary to popular belief, are not irreligious. They worship at the altar of government power, lifting the chalice of “diversity” and eating the bread of “tolerance.”

Under their arms they carry certain portions of the U.S. Constitution, plus copies of court rulings that are considered sacred and “settled” – but only if they advance progressive notions of progress. All others are open to revision.

For example, progressives have pledged to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United ruling that recognizes the individual right to collective political speech in unions and nonprofits.… Continue Reading

An Interview With The Racketeer for Life

Written by Benjamin Smith

On this special edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick is joined by pro-life hero Joseph Scheidler, the founder and national president of the Pro-Life Action League.

Joe has fought for the unborn since the U.S. Supreme Court manufactured privacy and abortion rights with its 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton rulings. He was the target of a lawsuit brought by the National Organization for Women under federal racketeering laws.… Continue Reading

7 Reasons Neil Gorsuch’s Nomination is Only the Beginning of Taking Back the Judiciary

Neil Gorsuch

Written by Daniel Horowitz

This week, President Donald Trump fulfilled his promise to nominate a very qualified and intelligent conservative judge. Neil Gorsuch is likely a very good pick. However, given the past history, the enormous post-constitutional pressure even in some circles of the conservative legal movement, and so much terrible court precedent, it is yet to be determined if Gorsuch has the resolve to not get sucked into the swamp.

This point was best encapsulated in a statement from U.S.… Continue Reading

Roe v. Wade Is A ‘Jealous God’ That Demands Blood And Generates Rage

Written by Tom Neven

Is there a constitutional principle so sacrosanct that it can abide no exceptions? Perhaps the First Amendment? Nope. Courts have placed reasonable restrictions on free speech and the practice of religion. You can’t libel someone, nor can you sacrifice live animals. The Second Amendment? No again, as any number of gun laws attest. One can find reasonable exceptions to just about every constitutional principle.

But 43 years ago, trawling through the penumbra and emanations of the Constitution, Justice Harry Blackmun found an inviolable right that had somehow evaded the Founding Fathers: the right to kill a child in utero—mere inches from being fully born, even—for any reason or no reason.

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Debrief: 2016 Election (Illinois Family Spotlight #015)


Illinois Family Spotlight recaps the recent election, discussing how pro-family issues may be effected with our newly elected leaders.  Will our new president actually be pro-life?  Can Roe v. Wade be overturned?  Is the Illinois legislature growing more conservative?  Monte, Dave, John Biver, and Ralph Rivera (Illinois Citizens for Life) answer these questions and more.

Debrief: 2016 Election (Illinois Family Spotlight #015)
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