Posts tagged: Republican Party

Poles Apart: The Republican and Democrat Party Platforms

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

Like never before, the American public faces a stark choice in the run-up to the 2020 elections that could not offer a more distinct antithesis in policy – one which would lead to two very different Americas.  The first is based upon the historic Judeo-Christian values that have made our nation great; the second is a sharp repudiation of those values in favor of a secularistic society that is shockingly hostile to people of faith.… Continue Reading

Illinois Conservative Union Calls for New GOP Chairman

Almost one month has passed since the November 6th midterm elections. Many have analyzed the losses suffered by the Republican Party in Illinois. To the base of the Party – Conservatives who stand firmly on the adopted Republican Party platform – the causes are abundantly clear. Party leadership made no attempt to unify the Party, failed to support good candidates and failed to effectively communicate to voters the principles of the Republican Party. Due to this failure of leadership and lack of accepting any responsibility for the losses, Illinois Conservative Union (ICU) calls for Tim Schneider to step down from his position as Chairman.… Continue Reading

Complacent Conservatives Should Learn the Murkowski Lesson

Written by Daniel Horowitz

If we are so busy “owning the libs” that we ignore the libs festering within our own ranks to the point where “our party” agrees with 90 percent of what the libs want, isn’t it time we focused on cleaning our own house?

The biggest news of the day outside the Kavanaugh cloture vote in the U.S. Senate is that one Republican, Lisa Murkowski from the solid red state of Alaska, voted against him.… Continue Reading

Will the GOP Back Its Pro-Life Platform With Action? (Video)

Written by Tamara Jackson

Our nation was founded unlike any other nation in history. England embraced a feudal system, followed by a system of peerage and a (dead) state church whose head was the country’s sovereign and often tyrannical ruler.

France endured a godless revolution, resulting in a political system constrained by the motto: “liberté, égalité, fraternité.” (i.e. “liberty, equality, brotherhood”)

That sounds noble, but devoid of God and godly principles, only freedom and equality are left, both determined precariously by the whims of the masses rather than transcendent Truth.… Continue Reading

The Stupidity of the GOP

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Republicans have already given away the farm.

Imagine a teenager goes on a shopping spree with his dad’s credit card one month and unalterably charges the card with hundreds of thousands in expenditures. Then, the next day at the supper table, he passes his dad a note saying he is willing to help balance the family’s budget. You are as foolish as that dad if you are taken in by the GOP’s vote this week on a balanced budget amendment.… Continue Reading

Hillary’s Hateful Harangue

Written by David Limbaugh

Hillary Clinton’s abhorrent remarks in Mumbai, India, warrant our attention because, like it or not, they represent the thinking of a large swath of the modern Democratic Party.

But my aim is not to highlight Clinton’s never-ending catalog of excuses for losing the presidential election, except to note that rather than blame everyone and everything but herself, she should apologize for stealing the nomination. If she hadn’t done that, she wouldn’t have to blame anyone.… Continue Reading

Conservative Christians Needed to Step Up

Monte Larrick’s introduction to the video posted below says it well:

“You see and feel what’s happening in Illinois…high taxes…fiscal chaos…businesses and your hard-working friends leaving the state…a liberal social agenda…and we can’t just blame Democrats for the mess in Illinois when too many Republicans are contributing to our state’s downfall.”

While there is much to cause despair, the truth is that Christian conservatives can make a huge impact — especially when it comes to the workings of the Republican Party.… Continue Reading

What Does it Mean to Be a Republican?

Written by Lt. Col. Allen B. West

[Over the summer], MSNBC host and former U.S. Congressman from Florida Joe Scarborough said on a late night talk show that he was no longer a Republican. Scarborough admitted that he would be registering as an Independent. This is the same Joe Scarborough who came of age in the constitutional conservative ideological legislative revolution of one Newt Gingrich and his “Contract with America”. Of course, these days there are many folks changing their party affiliations to Independent.… Continue Reading

Ineffective GOP Messaging Leads to Tax Hikes Without Reforms Every Time

Written by John Biver

Every time state spending increases and taxes are raised, Republicans and conservatives issue statements expressing disappointment and disgust with those who played a part in making it happen. For many of us watching this Illinois tax and spend train wreck year after year, these statements are tiresome.

Bad things happen. Our side reacts to those bad things with statements.

These pages have outlined and linked to other articles explaining that Illinois’ problem is a simple math problem.… Continue Reading

GOP Replaces ObamaCare with SwampCare

GOP Replaces ObamaCare with SwampCare

Written by Bryan Fisher

Well, now we know why the GOP establishment kept their ObamaCare replacement package locked in a room where not even GOP senators could read it. Everyone naturally wondered what they were hiding, and now we know. They were hiding it because it is a horrible, no good, very bad piece of legislation.

If it repeals ObamaCare in any meaningful sense (and it doesn’t), it only replaces it with something as bad if not worse.… Continue Reading