Posts tagged: Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow, Libertarian on One Issue

Written by Tim Graham

Rachel Maddow is one of America’s most popular proponents of socialism. Government is never big enough for Maddow. Bernie Sanders has a friend in Maddow. But when the subject is abortion, you will not find a more enthusiastic libertarian.

After the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Nov. 30 on Mississippi’s law banning the termination of unborn children after 15 weeks, Maddow championed lawyer Julie Rikelman for the Center for Reproductive Rights for arguing this is “about American women being forced by the government to give birth against their will.”… Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton Should Apologize for the Biggest Political Hoax Since Titus Oates

Written by Michael Barone

It’s the biggest political hoax since Titus Oates’s allegations of a “Popish Plot” to assassinate King Charles II in 1678. Oates’s charge of a Jesuit conspiracy swept through London and led to the execution of four innocent men before Oates was proved a fraud.

The full consequences of the great political hoax of our time — the charge that former President Donald J. Trump was colluding with Russia — are not yet fully apparent.… Continue Reading

Leftist Authoritarians Push Their Values By Any Means Necessary

Written by Robert Knight

Last Thursday, Joe Biden dropped the hammer on “the unvaxed,” ordering large companies and government agencies to force employees to get the shots or face weekly tests.  Thus, he broke yet another pledge – never to make the shots mandatory.

If a reporter ever bothers to question him about the edict’s constitutionality, he can recycle Nancy Pelosi’s response regarding whether Obamacare was constitutional: “Are you kidding? Are you kidding?”

While the nation reels in the grip of authoritarians who love coercion, only one side is consistently accused of imposing its values on others.… Continue Reading