Posts tagged: public schools

Success in Classrooms

Written by John Stossel

Government-run schools keep failing. It shouldn’t surprise us. Monopolies rarely serve customers well.

People call them “public schools,” but “government-run” is more accurate. After all, charter schools are available to the public. Privately run supermarkets are open to the public for more hours than “public” schools are.

International tests show American kids don’t learn as much as kids in other countries. During the pandemic, they did even worse because our teachers unions kept schools closed.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Don’t Be a Lump of Human Dough

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features Reverend Ceasar LeFlore.

Reverend LeFlore is the director of Public School Exit , an IFI-affiliated organization dedicated to facilitating the exit of children from government schools. He is also the director of Good Soil Good Seed (GS2), a scholarship foundation designed to help children afford to attend Christian schools.

Reverend LeFlore has an event on April 18th, called “Saving Our Children for God.”  Attendance is free and the discussion will focus on the danger of Illinois government schools.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Awake Illinois with Shannon Adcock

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This Spotlight episode features Shannon Adcock’s speech that she presented at Foundations of Faith and Family Conference.

Shannon Adcock is the founder of Awake Illinois, a grassroots organization that was founded to expose the public schools’ sexualization of children.

In her speech Shannon highlights the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, which protects the “fundamental right of parents to direct the care, upbringing, and education to their children.” She comments,

This [parental right] is fundamental.

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SPOTLIGHT: The Worldview of Our Age

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this podcast episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Dr. Voddie Baucham regarding the issues of education, worldview, and critical race theory. The latter threatening to divide the Church and nation. There is an agenda to push a “false divide” between black and white people. In an interview with Christianity Daily, Dr. Baucham points out:

“So the Jew-Gentile divide that Paul talks about in the latter half of Ephesians 2, that is a real divide that God established.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Overflowing With Hope: A Conversation With Kirk Smith

Written by Jenna Smith

In this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick has an interesting conversation with Kirk Smith, executive director of the Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE). Over the weekend of May 20th, ICHE hosted their annual homeschool conference at Olivet Nazarene University where families were not only encouraged to educate their children academically, but educate them spiritually.

When asked about the difference between public school and home school, Smith points out that children in government systems are often being taught anti-Christian morals and deceptive worldly philosophies.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Conversation with Larry Elder

In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick converses with 2024 Presidential Candidate Larry Elder at the 2023 Black Conservative Summit. Larry Elder is a commentator, film-maker, Epoch Times contributor, and is the executive producer of Uncle Tom and Uncle Tom: An American Odyssey.

Larry Elder, in this interview, capitalizes on the importance of black fathers being present in the home, as this is the greatest threat that is facing black America.… Continue Reading

“It’s Not Education, It’s Perversion” (Illinois Family Spotlight #256)

Kirk Smith, executive director of Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE), wonders what will be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back – the backs of Christian parents, even the backs of moral, non-Christian parents – when it comes to deciding to leave the cesspool of government schools? Will it be the recently passed legislation that requires availability of feminine hygiene products in both female and male school restrooms or will it be the mandate to teach hardcore sex education to public school students as early as kindergarten?… Continue Reading

“Critical Grace Reality” (Illinois Family Spotlight #250)

Ever wonder why most secularists seem perpetually angry? Consider the possibility that they are trying to be justified by works–dry bones trying to walk around all by themselves. This phenomena is especially evident in Critical Race Theory (CRT), where people are either prompted to feel like they are the chosen “race,” or are told that they are inherently evil and can only be saved by keeping the “antiracist” law. There is no grace in CRT, only judgement and condemnation.… Continue Reading

“Socialism is Institutionalized Envy” (Illinois Family Spotlight #142)

This edition of spotlight features Pastor Doug Wilson who spoke at the IFI worldview conference on the transgender ideology. He joins Monte Larrick and David Smith to discuss the biblical cultural mandate, why Christians should have continued hope for change and revival, socialism and its relation to the corruption and failure of public schools.

"Socialism is Institutionalized Envy" (Illinois Family Spotlight #142)
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California Public High School Bans MAGA Hats

Written by Laurie Higgins

A spokesperson for the Clovis Unified School District in Fresno, California recently rationalized the decision of Clovis North High School to prohibit students from wearing MAGA hats to school, implying that the hats would be “distracting.” Translated: The school fears obnoxious leftist high school students will respond obnoxiously to the presence of peers wearing MAGA hats.

Everyone knows that conservative kids are far less likely to respond obnoxiously to, for example, Obama paraphernalia, therefore, such paraphernalia would not be a distraction, and, therefore, it would not be prohibited.… Continue Reading