Posts tagged: Planned Parenthood

“Getting Involved” (Illinois Family Spotlight #002)

Monte Larrick and Dave Smith discuss Governor Bruce Rauner’s recent signing of SB 1564 and note how winnable some political battles are if only more of us stepped into the public square.  After detailing our civic responsibilities and why those duties are placed on citizens’ shoulders, Monte and Dave go over some ways we can impact our communities and our leaders.

We’d love to have your feedback!  Email us HERE.

"Getting Involved" (Illinois Family Spotlight #002)
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Still ‘Pro-Choice’ After This? Then You Have no Soul


Written by J. Matt Barber

Moral clarity alert. The kid gloves are off. Time for some serious soul searching.

You proponents of the torturous live-dismemberment of children in the womb, just knock it off already. Your pro-abortion euphemisms – “pro-choice,” “reproductive freedom,” “women’s rights” and other such propagandist nonsense – have run their shameful course. As you regressive “progressives” like to say, “The science is settled.” Pre-born babies are objectively and empirically distinct persons with emotions, autonomy (though in a dependent stage of human development, not unlike post-birth babies) and the unalienable human rights intrinsic to all human beings.… Continue Reading

Planned Parenthood President Decries Donald Trump Calling Pregnancy an ‘Inconvenience’

Cecile Richards

Written by Michael Gryboski

Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards denounced Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s comment calling pregnancy an “inconvenience.”

In a speech delivered at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Richards spoke about the issues she had with Trump’s stated views on women and abortion.

“Donald Trump has pledged to appoint justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade and undo decades of progress. His policies aren’t just frightening — they’re rooted in a disturbing worldview,” said Richards.

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U.S. Senator Tim Kaine – Planned Parenthood Approved


Written by Jim Finnegan

No surprise when the left leaning media try’s to sell Irish “catholic” Tim Kaine as a devout Catholic. You gotta be kidding me!  An oxymoron calling one who supports the evil of abortion “Pro Life.”

U.S. Senator Kaine with plenty of chutzpah, joins with the media by calling himself Pro-Life while supporting abortion on demand. You do not get a 100 percent approval rating from Planned Parenthood while being Pro-Life.

Kaine falls back on the tired old canard “I am not in favor of abortion, but would never tell another what to do.… Continue Reading

D’Souza Unveils the DNC and Hillary in Visually Stunning ‘Hillary’s America’ Movie


Written by Tamara Jackson

The political arena is tough and hardened — cross a line or the wrong people and payback is a proverbial you know what. Or worse.

Dinesh D’Souza paid a steep price for his mistake: D’Souza asked two people to contribute a total of $20,000 to the New York Senate campaign of Wendy Long, and later reimbursed them. He pled guilty and was sentenced to five years probation, eight months in a halfway house, a $30,000 fine, eight hours of community service each week, and therapy on a weekly basis.… Continue Reading

Unions and Planned Parenthood: A Love Story


Written by Paige Halper

In July 2015, The Center for Medical Progress began releasing videos that featured Planned Parenthood executives discussing fetal tissue sales.

The videos sparked so much public outrage, some in the pro-life movement, like House Speaker Paul Ryan, called for an end of Planned Parenthood’s government funding (the organization received $1.5 million in government grants in 2014).

But there’s one source of Planned Parenthood’s funding that never enters the conversation — a secret weapon since the beginning.… Continue Reading

James Marter on SCOTUS Nominees


By Monte Larrick

We are thrilled to be able to endorse a solid Republican candidate for U.S. Senator, and a challenger to incumbent liberal Republican Mark Kirk.  James Marter is pro-life, pro-marriage and understands the importance of religious liberty.  On the other hand, Illinois’ incumbent junior senator has a long record of actively opposing conservative Christian values. Kirk has voted to continue tax dollars for Planned Parenthood, publicly celebrated the U.S. Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage, co-sponsored the radical Equal Rights Amendment and voted against the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.… Continue Reading

Robert Jeffress’ Problematic Support for Trump


Written by Bryan Fischer

One of the astonishing things about this election cycle is the way in which evangelicals who should know better have flocked to a candidate who is a notorious and unrepentant womanizer, made a fortune by preying on human weakness (gambling), insults his political opponents contrary to the teaching of Christ (Matthew 5:21-26), regularly uses language the Bible condemns, and has never apologized to God for any of it.

This is a man who can’t stop praising the “great work” that Planned Parenthood does and thinks that abortion only represents about 3% of what it does.… Continue Reading

IFA-pac Endorses Dr. Jay Kinzler in the 6th District GOP Congressional Race


The Illinois Family Action (IFA) Board of Directors enthusiastically endorses Dr. Jay Kinzler for U.S. Congress in Illinois’ 6th District. Kinzler, a medical doctor and Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, fully understands the importance of family, the sanctity of life, and the definition of marriage. Dr. Kinzler has a proven record in local government reining in waste and corruption. His commitment to accountability in government will help efforts to stop the continued out-of-control spending in Congress.… Continue Reading

Fact Check: Trump Supports Planned Parenthood Funding


From Conservative Review

Donald Trump said, during [Saturday night’s] CBS News Debate, that Ted Cruz lied when Cruz said that Trump continues to support Planned Parenthood.  Did Cruz lie?

Here’s what Breitbart reported that Donald Trump said regarding Planned Parenthood during the defund fight.

When pressed on non-abortion services Planned Parenthood allegedly provides, Trump said, “What I would do when the time came, I’d look at the individual things they do, and maybe some of the individual things they do are good.

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