Posts tagged: parental rights

LGBTQ Movement Working to Transform Society in its Own Image

Written by Robert Knight

Some things are wrong regardless of intent or a claimed level of authority. If laws conflict with the ultimate authority — God — they are invalid, as the great British legal scholar Blackstone (and later, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) observed.

In most situations, parents have the God-given right to direct their children’s upbringing. But there are limits to that authority, such as evidence of child abuse.

Exhibit A is the lawsuit by parents, doctors and lawyers who are trying to get the U.S.… Continue Reading

Dems Have No Interest In Compromise On Abortion

Written by Paul Caprio

In his column, Donald Trump Owes Pro-Lifers (September 29), William McGurn has made some important points about the significance of the pro-life movement in electing Donald Trump President in 2016.

First, however, Mr. McGurn mentions Trump’s recent attack on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for signing a six-week abortion ban. Trump is calling it a “terrible thing.” The Florida law is called federalism in action, Mr. President.

Mr. McGurn correctly reminds us of the two major events which were crucial in providing overwhelming, and probably decisive, pro-life support for Trump in 2016.… Continue Reading

Illinois Supreme Court, Parental Rights and Democratic Skullduggery

Written by Paul Hurst and David E. Smith

Illinois Family Action is deeply concerned about the race for control over the Illinois Supreme Court. You should be too. After all, the Democrat Party has held majority control for 53 years. Since the Supreme Court is one-third of the branches of our state government, it’s worthwhile to ask if the Court has served us well in checking abuse in the other branches of Illinois government.  Even a momentary consideration screams a resounding, “No!”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Frederick Walls Gains IFA’s Endorsement!

Written by David E. Smith

In south Cook County and into the southern suburbs, we have Frederick Walls from Crete who is running for state representative in the 34th District. This seat is currently held by incumbent State Representative Nicholas Smith, another left-wing Democrat from Chicago.

Walls is a Christian husband and devoted father of four children. He is a graduate of The Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters’ Apprentices and Training Program (CRCC), and has been a carpenter for 13 years.… Continue Reading

Hospitals Need to Defer to Families on Life-and-Death Issues

Written by Betsy McCaughey

Hospitals need to back off their authoritarian “we know best” posture and respect what a patient’s family wants.

At 10 a.m. Saturday, Royal London Hospital stopped life support for 12-year-old Archie Battersbee, against his parents’ wishes. He was dead by 12.15 p.m. Millions had followed his case since April, when his mother found him unconscious on the floor.

Apparently, he took a dangerous dare promoted on TikTok to hold his breath until he blacked out.… Continue Reading

Parents Revolting Against the Perversion of Their Children Draws Fire

Written by Robert Knight

Parents are up in arms from San Francisco to Florida and everywhere in between.

They’ve had a good look at what the schools are doing to their children, and they don’t like it one bit. Naturally, the parents are being told to shut up and keep paying taxes to support an educational establishment that despises their values.

The media, like the leftist teachers unions, reflexively cast parents as the bad guys.

Fresh from its prominent role in gaslighting America for three years over the Russian collusion hoax, the “legacy” media are now eviscerating parents and politicians who are trying to protect children from early sexualization.… Continue Reading

Media Ignores Black Conservatives Within GOP

Written by Kristi Shaffer and David E. Smith

Illinois has some exceptional conservative candidates running for office in the upcoming primaries. Citizens concerned with the direction of the state are becoming involved. Leftists, fearing the exit of persons of color from the Democrat Party desperately want voters to believe diversity is missing among the conservative candidates. They are again using identity politics to divide America, hoping to convince voters of the lie that conservatives represent only white America. Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Parental Rights, Religious Liberty and American History

Written by Benjamin Smith

Latasha Fields, founder and director of CHESS – Christian Home Educators Support System, joins IFI executive director David Smith on this edition of Spotlight. In the first half of the podcast, David and Latasha discuss egregious legislation pending in the Illinois General Assembly that aims to eviscerate parental rights and eliminate religious liberty.

State Representative Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston) recently introduced HB 4870 would mandate the HPV vaccination for ALL Illinois students at the 6th grade level.… Continue Reading

“Parental Rights, Religious Liberty and American History” (Illinois Family Spotlight #187)

Latasha Fields, founder and director of CHESS – Christian Home Educators Support System, joins IFI executive director David Smith on this edition of Spotlight. In the first half of the podcast, David and Latasha discuss egregious legislation pending in the Illinois General Assembly that aims to eviscerate parental rights and eliminate religious liberty.

State Representative Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston) recently introduced HB 4870 would mandate the HPV vaccination for ALL Illinois students at the 6th grade level.… Continue Reading