Posts tagged: Nancy Pelosi

Leftists versus the People

Written by Jeffrey Folks

Do they really hate ordinary people that much?

Yes, they do.  For liberals, the distinction between the “dumb masses” and their enlightened selves renders life meaningful.  Disdain for ordinary folks is not just an ancillary trait of liberalism.  It is fundamental to the its nature.

At its heart, liberalism is a gnostic religion, and the essence of that religion is the believer’s faith that he possesses the means of changing the world for the better.  … Continue Reading

Tucker Carlson: Antifa’s The Democrats’ Militant Wing

Written by Robert Kraychik

Antifa is the de facto militant wing of Democrats, said Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson on Monday’s episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Carlson made his comments during an interview with Joey Gibson, founder of “Patriot Prayer” and a self-described advocate for free speech and expression.

“This is a political militia that is doing the bidding, in effect, of Nancy Pelosi and Governor Jerry Brown and the mayor of Berkeley and all these supposedly mainstream Democratic politicians, and this is a militia hurting American citizens for saying what they think,” said Carlson.… Continue Reading

Democratic Leaders Can’t Agree on Issue of Abortion

Written by Joshua Denton

In another recent blow to the Democratic Party’s overall opposition to pro life stances, California Governor Jerry Brown stated that pro life constituents should be welcome in the Democratic Party.

In an interview Sunday, August 6, with NBC’s “Meet the Press” the California Governor (who is himself a former Jesuit novice) said, “I’d say, look, even on the abortion issue, it wasn’t very long ago that a number of Catholic Democrats were opposed to abortion,” Mr.… Continue Reading

GOP Governor Issues Warning of Plot Underway by George Soros

Written by Dennis Michael Lynch

In an opinion piece published in Saturday’s Washington Examiner, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a warning to the GOP that “Democrats in Washington, D.C. are plotting to pour hundreds of millions of dollars in state and local elections across the country” in an effort to buy back power.

Abbott pointed a finger at hedge fund billionaire George Soros, who is helping to fund the National Democratic Redistricting Committee so that it can take away control from voters, noting that congressional re-districting will go into effect in 2021, “when booming conservative states such as Texas will gain seats in the U.S.… Continue Reading

Now is the Season for Success for the GOP on the Issues Battlefield

Written by John Biver

Military historian and premier political analyst Victor Davis Hanson asked a critically important question in a recent column: Can a divided America survive?

Some conservatives would have liked to adjust the focus of that question: can America survive without a religious revival mirroring past Christian awakenings in our nation’s history.

Let me ask you to set the spiritual aspect aside for the moment since this is an article addressing political issues. Here’s how I want to frame the question: can America survive if the elected Republicans in the U.S.… Continue Reading

Democrats Repeat the Same Bad Mistakes

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Written by Michael Medved

Amid all the evaluations of the first hundred days of President Trump, what about considering the first hundred days of Democrats as the party of opposition?

So far, they’ve shown a destructive tendency to repeat the same mistakes that cost them the election in November.

First, they focus exclusively on attacking the president while counting on scandal to destroy their opponents. Most Americans know what Democrats are against, but they’ve received no clear message about what they’re for.

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Shock Poll: 67 Percent of Americans Believe Dems are Out of Touch

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Written by Robert Eno

Despite the media’s best efforts to attack conservatives and Republicans, it seems the American people aren’t buying it. After three months of wall-to-wall coverage about Russian interference in the election, and a general hostile attitude by the media, 96 percent of Trump’s voters would vote for him again, according to a new ABC News/ Washington Post poll.

But that’s not even the biggest story to come out of the poll. A staggering number of American voters think the Democratic Party is “out of touch” with “people’s concerns.”… Continue Reading

The Repercussions of President Trump


Written by Luke Hamilton

It’s not difficult to imagine the heady excitement of a presidential election day which culminates in a victory rally for Donald Trump. The crisp November wind cutting through the crowd, which has huddled together to await The Donald’s speech. Barely-suppressed glee infuses the audience, as the realization that the reign of Barack Hussein Obama has ended, sets in. President-Elect Trump steps out on stage, his hair flapping in the breeze as if waving to the throng of supporters.… Continue Reading

Is Donald Trump Conservative? Here is the Rundown


Written by Ben Shapiro

This week, U.S. Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has bashed Trump for insufficient conservatism. He explained, “Donald’s record does not match what he says as a candidate.” Cruz isn’t the only one. Last month, Rush Limbaugh said that Trump’s attacks on Cruz reflected the fact that he was not a “genuine conservative.” Mark Levin said in 2011, “Trump is NOT the real deal… He is not a conservative. He was happy to donate to Schumer, Weiner & Emanuel campaigns last year.… Continue Reading

Gruber Apology “Lacking and Late,” Says Healthcare Analyst

Health Care Reform

Written by Chris Woodward

A health policy analyst predicts that Americans will find an ObamaCare adviser’s apology lacking.

M.I.T. professor Jonathan Gruber appeared Tuesday before a U.S. House committee, saying he was sorry for videotaped comments he made about the “stupidity of American voters” and lack of transparency in ObamaCare.

“At this point, that’s the only good tactic for him to take is to humble himself and sort of apologize,” says Hadley Heath Manning, director of Health Policy at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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