Posts tagged: Michael Madigan

Illinois Supreme Court Strikes Down Remap Referendum

Image result for illinois independent maps

Written by Austin Berg

In a 4-3 ruling, the Illinois Supreme Court erased from November ballots a referendum on legislative mapmaking, and handed a major victory to Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan Aug. 25.

In its ruling, the Illinois Supreme Court affirmed the July 20 decision from Cook County Circuit Court Judge Diane Larsen.

This stands as the second time in the last three years that Madigan’s top lawyer, Michael Kasper, has successfully sued to stop mapmaking reform in its tracks.

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Stop the Madigan Tax!


Written by David From, Americans for Prosperity Illinois

Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan is at it again, attempting to raise taxes.  He’s again proposing a constitutional amendment, HJRCA 26, his so-called “Millionaire’s Tax.”  This same proposal was defeated in 2014 and last year, and for good reason.  This measure could be voted on as early as today so please click here to contact your legislators and urge them to oppose the Madigan Tax …again!

When Madigan suggested this in 2014, the non-partisan Tax Foundation wrote, “a large share of Illinois employers would be impacted by this legislation, since 61% of employers in (Illinois) are pass-through entities.… Continue Reading

Rauner Will Not Cure Springfield Dysfunction


Written by Russ Stewart

The outcome of Illinois’ gubernatorial race proves anew that any mother’s son can grow up to be governor, provided that he can self-fund $28 million and raise another $60 million.

Republican Bruce Rauner‘s win also reaffirms another pearl of wisdom: Bad always gets worse. If Illinoisans thought that state government was incompetent and leadership was dysfunctional under the Quinn-Madigan-Cullerton Democratic regime, they ain’t seen nothing yet.

The 2018 campaign for governor started on Nov.… Continue Reading

“Dysfunctional” Democrats May Keep House Supermajority


Written by Russ Stewart

Michael Madigan is a political genius, a durable Democratic leader, a successful and wealthy lawyer, and a horrendously dysfunctional speaker of the Illinois House.

Mayor Richard J. Daley once babbled some nonsense that “Good government is good politics.” He should have known better, as he spent a decade in Springfield, where the operative philosophy is “good politics may be good government, but if it’s not, so what?” Grasping, clutching and holding power is endemic.… Continue Reading

Fire Sale in the Chicago!

Great Chicago Fire

Written by Luke Hamilton

Did Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kick over another lantern??

Why are residents and businesses streaming out of Illinois in alarming numbers? Over the past several years, dozens of companies have left Illinois; either shifting corporate HQ to more favorable tax climates or moving the entire company itself. Organizations like Jelly Belly, OfficeMax, Baxter International, Jimmy John’s,, Hostess Brands, Sony Biotechnology, and State Farm Insurance have moved out of the state or have announced their intention to do so in the near future.… Continue Reading

The Illinois Vulture

By Scott Stantis –

Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) has been Speaker of the Illinois State House of Representatives for over 30 years. In that time he has molded a state constitution that all but guarantees the powerful stay powerful and the rest of us? Well, you know….

VultureContinue Reading

Nine Reasons to Reject Equal Rights Amendment

Nine Reasons to Reject Equal Rights Amendment

Written by Kathy Valente

Last week the Illinois Senate voted 39 to 11 to pass SJRCA 75, the dangerous Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), the effort to amend the U.S. Constitution to say: “Equality of rights under law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex.”

This legislation is now in the Illinois House for consideration and debate.  State Representative Lou Lang (D-Skokie) is the chief sponsor.  

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Illinois Democrats Sue to Stop Term Limit Ballot Question

A lawsuit filed by a Democratic Party attorney seeks to prevent term limits and political redistricting questions from appearing on Illinois’ ballot in November.

The lawsuit in Cook County Circuit Court argues that the state Board of Elections shouldn’t spend public funds on two proposals to amend the Illinois constitution that it calls invalid.

The first would establish term limits for lawmakers and is led by GOP gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner. The second would create an independent commission to draw legislative district lines.… Continue Reading

Eleven Same-Sex “Marriage” Incumbents Have Pro-Marriage Challengers

Written by David E. Smith

An Associated Press report claiming that the challenge to Illinois House incumbents who voted for marriage redefinition has fizzled is utterly misleading. According to our information, eight of the nine Chicago Democrats challenging Democratic incumbents would have voted no or present on SB 10, the same-sex “marriage” legislation sponsored by homosexual State Representative Greg Harris (D-Chicago).

This is an astounding fact that should not be lost on readers. Not one, not two, not three, but eight pro-marriage Chicago Democrats are challenging Democratic incumbents in the March 18, 2014 primary election.… Continue Reading

Pat Brady, the GOP, and Homosexuality, Oh My

Written by Laurie Higgins

Following the epic failure of the State Central Committee to oust the traitorous Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady on Saturday, conservatives were once more subjected to whining about the “BIG TENT” from unprincipled or ignorant Republicans.

What we should be asking is, “What part of this ginormous circus tent is reserved for those who believe that the legalization of “same-sex marriage” will harm children, families, religious liberty, speech rights, public education, and the fiscal health of the nation?”… Continue Reading