Posts tagged: Greg Harris

SPOTLIGHT: They’re as Good at Math as They are at Biology

Written by Benjamin Smith

In this week’s Spotlight podcast, Monte and Dave talk with IFI lobbyist Ralph Rivera and Special Project Coordinator John Biver about a bill to advance and enable gender confusion in the state of Illinois. Sponsored by State Representative Greg Harris (D-Chicago), HB 1785 would allow gender-dysphoric persons to falsify their birth certificates, which are both legal and historical documents.

This will have consequences with regard to the relentless cultural assault on physical privacy through the sexual integration of previously sex-segregated spaces.… Continue Reading

“Anti-Life Forces Are At It Again”(Illinois Family Spotlight #034)

On this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight Monte Larrick interviews Eric Scheidler, the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League. Eric provides assistance to local pro-life leaders throughout the country in organizing public pro-life witness, earning media coverage, working with police, and confronting abortion providers. Monte and Eric discuss 2 pieces of legislation in Springfield as well as a few other pro-life issues.

HB 3735 says counselors who are convicted of “intimidation” against pregnant mothers and staff members entering the abortion clinic, will be subject to longer prison stays and/or fines.… Continue Reading

Eleven Same-Sex “Marriage” Incumbents Have Pro-Marriage Challengers

Written by David E. Smith

An Associated Press report claiming that the challenge to Illinois House incumbents who voted for marriage redefinition has fizzled is utterly misleading. According to our information, eight of the nine Chicago Democrats challenging Democratic incumbents would have voted no or present on SB 10, the same-sex “marriage” legislation sponsored by homosexual State Representative Greg Harris (D-Chicago).

This is an astounding fact that should not be lost on readers. Not one, not two, not three, but eight pro-marriage Chicago Democrats are challenging Democratic incumbents in the March 18, 2014 primary election.… Continue Reading