Posts tagged: Mary Miller

The Threat of Non-Citizens Voting is Here

Written by Nancy Hayes

The threat of non-citizens voting is real. It’s time to restore confidence in U.S. elections. Congress must pass the ‘SAVE’ Act which stands for the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility’ Act.

If 6.4 percent of all noncitizens were to vote in the 2024 general election (which is the same rate as noncitizen voting found in the 2014 study) more than two million noncitizens (2,028,800) would end up casting a ballot.

If that same percent of the 5.1 million noncitizens who arrived in the U.S.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden: 2024 Democratic Nominee or One Term Has-Been?

Written by David E. Smith

In the wake of Thursday’s Presidential Debate between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, pundits on both side of the political spectrum agreed that President Biden’s mental acuity, weak voice and stammering and halting answers were alarming. Makes one wonder just who is behind the curtain in the White House making decisions.

Prior to this debate, there may have been some whispers in the wind about replacing Biden as the pro-abortion Democratic nominee, but those whispers are now being spoken loudly by political strategists and analysts on cable TV and news talk radio.… Continue Reading

Suicide by “Migration”

Written by David E. Smith

The Biden Administration’s intentional and flagrant disregard for national security has dramatically fostered and escalated an ongoing crisis at our southern border as record levels of illegal immigrants and deadly drugs pour into our nation. We also cannot overstate the egregious problem of human trafficking that has exploded in scope over the past few years.

Additionally, more than a few political pundits have expressed their grave concerns about the alarming number of military-age men streaming in through the southern U.S.… Continue Reading

Hordes of Illegals Continue to Surge at Border

Written by David E. Smith

On December 18th, officials at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported a record number of foreign nationals at the southern border, with over 12,600 apprehensions in a single day. Those apprehended are often processed and released — which allows “undocumented” immigrants to remain in the U.S. while awaiting immigration proceedings. CBP agents are mandated, by executive order, not to hold illegal aliens for more than 72 hours. We are now learning that Immigration and Customs Enforcement asylum hearings are being scheduled eight years from now.… Continue Reading

Congresswoman Mary Miller Speaks Out Against Funding for Planned Parenthood

Written by Kristi Shaffer

Recent news is filled with the debate over Roe v Wade and the abortion agenda. There is no doubt that the upcoming mid-term elections will be profoundly affected by the dispute. Conservative Christians must show their support for life now and at the ballot box. U.S. Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-Oakland) has shown her support for life and is now fighting the evil industry of abortion and the leftist that supports it.


Miller issued a press release that states that Governor J.B.Continue Reading

Beware of Pop Up Super PAC(s) Attempt to Smear Congresswoman Mary Miller

Written by John Lopez

Friday morning May 20 in downstate Lincoln, I participated in a political roundtable hosted by the daily POLITICO Illinois Playbook column writer Shia Kapos called “Pancakes and Politics”.  About two dozen people attended for the breakfast meeting ranging from party chairs (both Democrats and Republicans), political consultants, lobbyists and journalists including retired State Journal-Register reporter Bernard Schoenburg.

Given Lincoln is within the geographic boundaries of the 15th Congressional District and the incumbent-vs.-incumbent… Continue Reading

Headline Misleads About Mary Miller and Jim Marter

Written by David E. Smith and Paul Hurst

The Daily Herald newspaper recently published an article about Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-15th) and her endorsement of Congressional Candidate Jim Marter, who is running as a Republican for the 14th Congressional District in the western and southwestern suburbs of Chicagoland. Upon receiving a Marter for Congress press release about the endorsement, the Daily Herald took the occasion to drudge up a previously debunked attack-narrative against Miller, by referring to her as a “Hitler quoting lawmaker.”… Continue Reading

Pritzker Repeals Parental Rights and Biden Facilitates Mail-Order Abortions

Written by David E. Smith

Over the past few days, we’ve seen a setback in the cause for sanctity of life. In their pursuit of women’s so-called “autonomy,” abortion cheerleaders have successfully secured some dangerous policy victories.

On Friday afternoon, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law the euphemistically titled “Youth Health and Safety Act” (HB 370), which repeals the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. By adding his signature to this repeal, Governor Pritzker—and the 94 Democrats who voted for it—usurp parental rights to be involved in major health decisions of their minor daughters by removing the last major abortion restriction in the state of Illinois.… Continue Reading

Pro-Christmas, Pro-Family and Unashamed

Written by David E. Smith

For as long as I can remember, Family PAC’s Paul Caprio has strongly urged conservative candidates to send Christmas cards to primary voters in their districts. At first I thought this wasn’t the best use of campaign resources and not a very policy-centric way to communicate to would-be voters. Yet, as I considered the up-side of a pro-Christmas, pro-family mailer, I became convinced of its genius. In fact, I now believe that my initial response severely underestimated it’s importance.… Continue Reading

Mary Miller is Correct

Written by Christine Misner and David E. Smith

Why are left-wing Democrats lying about Mary Miller?

Because she stands for your values!

U.S. Representative Mary Miller is serving her first term in Congress, representing Illinois’ 15th District in Washington, D.C. Her husband, Chris Miller, is a state representative who has served in the Illinois General Assembly since 2019. They are a hardworking Christian couple who have raised seven children, operate a family ranch and farm, and are well-respected leaders in their local church and community.… Continue Reading