Written by William Balgord And E. Calvin Beisner
Curiously, the mainstream media seem to have ignored the story, but it’s an important one. Buzzfeed reported August 7 that “YouTube Is Fighting Back Against Climate Misinformation.”
As of July 9, “YouTube is now adding fact checks to videos that question climate change … as a part of its ongoing effort to combat the rampant misinformation and conspiratorial fodder on its platform.”
But neither YouTube nor Wikipedia, the source of its “fact check,” is qualified to function as unassailable arbiter calling balls and strikes over what is or isn’t fact in any given field of human inquiry.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alfred P. Sloan, Anthony Leiserowitz, Bill Balgord, BuzzFeed, Climate Change, Climate Change Communication, CO2 emissions, E. Calvin Beisner, Global Warming, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, James Hansen, NASA, Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change, PragerU, Richard Lindzen, United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Wikipedia, YouTube
Climate Change | David E. Smith |
August 30, 2018 6:00 AM |
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Written by Joy Overbeck
Christians believe humankind is God’s all-time favorite creation because He tells us so in the Bible. But leftist/socialists often known as Democrats think humans are an evil, toxic blight bent on destroying the planet through heinous activities like gassing up our cars. Boom. This is the war of the opposing worldviews going on today and it’s worldwide. It encompasses every important issue including man-caused global warming.
Leftists think homo sapiens started out as a random blob of cells zapped by electricity (no word on where the cells and electricity came from without a primal source such as God) that evolved into a greedy, evil animal with the magical ability to control the climate.… Continue Reading
Written by Benjamin Smith
Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, the founder and national spokesman of the Cornwall Alliance, discusses the misinformation being spread by climate change alarmists in this week’s podcast. Even Pope Francis has weighed in, imploring world leaders to implement global environmental pacts to combat human-caused global warming. Dr. Beisner explains why these misguided efforts to supposedly safeguard the future of the planet actually hurt the poor and the needy of the world.… Continue Reading

Written by Joseph Curl
Former Vice President turned Savior of the Planet Al Gore once declared that “the science is settled.
Well, maybe not. Here’s what we know — and don’t know.
The temperature on Planet Earth went up, then it stopped going up. Or at least we thought we knew that, until the journal “Science” ran a blockbuster report based on a scientific paper titled: “Possible Artifacts Of Data Biases In The Recent Global Surface Warming Hiatus.”
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Written by Catherine Garcia
In a new campaign video, Hillary Clinton calls out the Republican presidential candidates who deny “the settled science of climate change” and “would rather remind us they’re not scientists than listen to those who are.”
The video is titled “Stand for Reality,” and also includes two “ambitious national goals” that Clinton said she will implement on day one of her presidency: By the end of her first term, Clinton says, more than half a billion solar panels will be installed across the country, and within 10 years, the U.S.… Continue Reading

Written by Anthony J. Sadar and JoAnn Truchan
In his 1971 handbook, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals, the godfather of community organizers, Saul D. Alinsky, asserted that the “basic requirement for the politics of change is to reorganize the world as it is.”
To Alinsky, the world and its history were all about revolution.
Saul Alinsky radicals who are all about revolutionary change (“we are the ones we’ve been waiting for” kind of change) have now seized control of an issue that can more quickly bring about that change – “climate disruption,” as expressed in community-organizer lingo.… Continue Reading

Written by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.
I’ve been inundated with requests this past week to comment on the NOAA and NASA reports that 2014 was the “hottest” year on record. Since I was busy with a Japan space agency meeting in Tokyo, it has been difficult for me to formulate a quick response.
Of course, I’ve addressed the “hottest year” claim before it ever came out, both here on October 21, and here on Dec.… Continue Reading

Written by John Biver
James Taylor (no, not the singer, as this James Taylor isn’t afraid of pointing out) is “the managing editor of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism. He is also senior fellow for The Heartland Institute, focusing on energy and environment issues.” In a short post at Heartlands’ website, he demolishes the whole “the oceans are rising because of melting glaciers” scare mongering going on in the dishonest media fueled by the political left.… Continue Reading