Written by William Balgord And E. Calvin Beisner
Curiously, the mainstream media seem to have ignored the story, but it’s an important one. Buzzfeed reported August 7 that “YouTube Is Fighting Back Against Climate Misinformation.”
As of July 9, “YouTube is now adding fact checks to videos that question climate change … as a part of its ongoing effort to combat the rampant misinformation and conspiratorial fodder on its platform.”
But neither YouTube nor Wikipedia, the source of its “fact check,” is qualified to function as unassailable arbiter calling balls and strikes over what is or isn’t fact in any given field of human inquiry.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alfred P. Sloan, Anthony Leiserowitz, Bill Balgord, BuzzFeed, Climate Change, Climate Change Communication, CO2 emissions, E. Calvin Beisner, Global Warming, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, James Hansen, NASA, Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change, PragerU, Richard Lindzen, United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Wikipedia, YouTube
Climate Change | David E. Smith |
August 30, 2018 6:00 AM |
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Written by Dennis Avery
The Democrats are devastated by their recent lost elections. They will be even more devastated as we learn the details of their massive global warming fraud.
Dr. John Bates, a former high level NOAA scientist, set off a furor by revealing that a recent NOAA paper, which claimed global warming hadn’t “paused” during the past 20 years, was fraudulent. The paper was timed to undergird President Barack Obama’s signing of the hugely expensive Paris climate agreement.… Continue Reading
Tags: Dennis Avery, Donald Trump, Dr. John Bates, Henrick Svensmark, Ice Age, James Hansen, Ken Carslaw, Medieval Warming, Paris climate agreement, The Little Ice Age, Tom Karl
Climate Change | David E. Smith |
February 21, 2017 5:15 AM |
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