Illinois Family Spotlight recaps the recent election, discussing how pro-family issues may be effected with our newly elected leaders. Will our new president actually be pro-life? Can Roe v. Wade be overturned? Is the Illinois legislature growing more conservative? Monte, Dave, John Biver, and Ralph Rivera (Illinois Citizens for Life) answer these questions and more.
Debrief: 2016 Election (Illinois Family Spotlight #015)
It looks like Hillary Clinton will finish with slightly more popular votes than President-elect Donald Trump, who won a clear majority of Electoral votes [two weeks ago].
Predictably, Democrats are clamoring to abolish the Electoral College, which the Founders created as part of the separation of powers and a hedge against mob rule.
Big states with large cities dominated by Democrats are disadvantaged by the winner-take-all rules, the Dems argue. California, New York and Illinois went big for Mrs.… Continue Reading
President-elect Donald Trump’s win is “a massive repudiation of the press,” Media Research Center (MRC) Pres. Brent Bozell declared today at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.
Accompanied by other top conservative leaders, Bozell warned the blatantly biased liberal media that the American public is now on to them, so their credibility may be lost forever:“The public now knows it is not getting news from the ‘news’ media.”
“Liberal media were the second-biggest losers last night,” Bozell said, noting how the “press treated Trump supporters with utter contempt.”… Continue Reading
There are millions of fine young people across America today, people of character, people of principle, people of discipline, people of maturity. But there are millions of others who have been coddled all their lives, almost never taught to lose or be put in their place or take full responsibility for their actions. It is some of those young people who are protesting on the streets and being comforted by their professors as they cry on college campuses in the aftermath of the elections.… Continue Reading
The state where both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton used to live is still reliably Democratic when it comes to picking a president.
But drill a little deeper and it’s clear the political map changed, with more counties flipping from Democrat to Republican just as they did in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, helping Donald Trump become president.
While Trump won a smaller percentage of the state’s overall vote than Mitt Romney did in 2012 due to dismal support in Chicago and its suburbs, he won a dozen more counties than Romney.… Continue Reading
Hillary Clinton has been dropping like a stone in the polls. Weeks ago, she was up well over seven points in the RealClearPolitics poll average; she’s now down to a 2.8 percent lead in a four-way race. In the state polls, Donald Trump has been gaining steadily, to the point where Axiom Strategies has Trump down just one point in Colorado and two in Pennsylvania, and up four in Florida, four in Nevada, two in North Carolina, five in Ohio.… Continue Reading
One of the ways this 2016 election is unlike others in the recent past is the muting of social issues. This is due in large part to the way that Donald Trump has burst onto the scene and turned over the applecart of the political establishment. Not only do the Democrats hate him, which is to be expected, but so do the Republican elites.
Trump’s very presence in the campaign has sucked much of the oxygen out of the room for social matters like abortion.… Continue Reading
In response to Hillary Clinton‘s defense of partial-birth and late-term abortions at [last week’s] debate, a California obstetrician-gynecologist has reportedly taken to Facebook to decry the claim that third-trimester abortion is necessary to help save the life of the mother.
The Democratic presidential nominee defended her opposition to bans on late-term and partial-birth abortions by arguing that there are cases in which mothers and families are forced to make “the most heartbreaking, painful decisions” because they get news that the woman’s health may be in jeopardy.
Americans with evangelical beliefs share a great deal in common. They trust in Jesus alone, evangelize their neighbors, and believe the Bible is the final authority in their lives.
But when it comes to voting, race and political affiliation still divide evangelicals, according to a survey from Nashville-based LifeWay Research taken before the second presidential debate.
Overall, fewer than half (45 percent) of those with evangelical beliefs who plan to vote support Donald Trump, according to the survey.… Continue Reading
The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.
The New York Post ran a detailed investigative piece over the weekend about Ms. Abedin’s work at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1995 through 2008, a Sharia law journal whose editor in chief was Abedin’s own mother.… Continue Reading