Written by Walker Wildmon
Traditionally in America, representatives and senators carry out the will of the people in our nation’s capital. Sadly, this is not the case in the modern political era. Many of today’s politicians are more concerned with their own interests rather than the interests of our country.
Mitch McConnell has been in the news recently for the fact that little good is getting done in the U.S. Senate under his leadership. Here are a few examples of this lack of progress.… Continue Reading
Tags: Chris McDaniel, Cory Gardner, Donald Trump, John Barrasso, John Cornyn, John Thune, Luther Strange, Mitch McConnell, Paul Singer, Roy Blunt, Roy Moore, Steven Law, Thad Cochran
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
October 27, 2017 5:32 AM |
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Written by John Biver
It all started with “sanctuary cities.” Back in September, thanks to Republican in Name Only, Governor Bruce Rauner, Illinois became a “sanctuary state.” In this, Rauner is on the same page as Chicago’s Leftist mayor: state and local law enforcement are now prevented from making an arrest based solely on immigration status.
The Democratic Party’s goal of importing more future Democratic Party voters from other countries took yet another step forward when a federal judge ruled that the country is a “sanctuary nation.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Bruce Rauner, Daniel Horowitz, Democratic Party, Department of Justice, Donald Trump, Harry Leinenweber, Jeff Sessions, sanctuary cities, sanctuary state
Illinois Politics, Political | David E. Smith |
October 24, 2017 8:36 AM |
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Written by David Limbaugh
Why the collective liberal media yawn on the multi-headed Democratic scandals surfacing everywhere except on their pages and airwaves?
It’s not that the stories are too far-fetched and thin to interest self-respecting journalists, because they are real, damning and supported by sufficiently credible evidence to warrant serious attention and scrutiny.
There are the notorious Trump dossier, the Clinton-infected uranium bribery scandal and the prematurely drafted FBI memo to exonerate the most recently defeated United States presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, who, by the way, is still acting like a heat-seeking missile in search of just one plausible excuse for her loss.… Continue Reading
Tags: bribery scandal, Christopher Steele, Christopher Wray, Chuck Grassley, Circa News, Donald Trump, Eric Holder, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Joseph diGenova, Russia, The Hill, uranium
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
October 23, 2017 4:00 AM |
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Written by Samuel Smith
As conservative Christians continue to push for religious freedom protections in the wake of the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage, there might be lessons religious freedom advocates can take away from the successes of the pro-life movement.
Two pro-life leaders and a religious liberty scholar participated in a panel discussion on Saturday titled “What the Religious Liberty Movement Can Learn From the Victories of the Pro-Life Movement” at the Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit.… Continue Reading
Tags: Charlotte Lozier Institute, Chuck Donovan, Donald Trump, Family Research Council, Frank Church, Hunter Baker, Jeanne Mancini, Nellie Gray, Obergefell v. Hodges, Patrina Mosely, Roe v. Wade, Susan B. Anthony List, Values Voters Summit
Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
October 20, 2017 5:42 AM |
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Written by David Limbaugh
Please join me on a whirlwind superficial but revealing tour of liberal la-la land as we peek at recent headlines. Meanwhile, liberals call conservatives wing nuts.
The Firing Squad
Singer Nancy Sinatra tweeted, “The murderous members of the NRA should face a firing squad.” One wonders whether in her rendering, “murderous” is redundant. One might also wonder whether she thinks other murderous people should be exempt from or perhaps face a less humiliating form of execution.… Continue Reading
Tags: Abolish Human Abortion, Bedlam Coffee, Bob Corker, Dallas Cowboys, David Limbaugh, Donald Trump, ESPN, Harvey Weinstein, Jemele Hill, Jerry Brown, Jerry Jones, Luis Urrieta, Marsha Blackburn, Mia Love, Michael Wilbon, Michelle Obama, Nancy Sinatra, national anthem, NRA, Planned Parenthood, Rachel V. Gonzalez-Martin, Twitter, University of Texas
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
October 17, 2017 4:00 AM |
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Written by John Biver
Now that prominent conservatives are seeing Governor Bruce Rauner for who he really is, we arrive at a genuinely dramatic moment in a state where the Republican Party’s failures have paved the way for Leftist policies to ruin the state.
After signing several outrageously left-wing bills into law, an increasing number of rank and file conservatives and elected political leaders are finally seeing the truth about Governor Rauner. This gives conservatives in Illinois the opportunity to get their act together.… Continue Reading
Written by Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
“New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat, and Maine Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican, introduced a bipartisan amendment to protect transgender service members from President Trump’s plan to ban them from the military,” reports Time.
“The amendment introduced Monday would prohibit the Department of Defense from dismissing current transgender service members ‘solely on the basis of the member’s gender identity,’ Senators said in a statment.
“Any individual who wants to join our military and meets the standards should be allowed to serve, period.… Continue Reading
Written by John Biver
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is reporting this about the bank JPMorgan Chase and its willful ignorance:
The largest U.S. bank by assets will donate $1 million split between the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League “to further their work in tracking, exposing and fighting hate groups and other extremist organizations,” according to an internal bank memo sent Monday that was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.
Is it possible that the executives at JPMorgan Chase have missed the national news about how the SPLC has disintegrated into a radical Leftist hate group?… Continue Reading
Written by Robert Knight
In 1993, when President Bill Clinton signed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), its boosters claimed that it would solve, once and for all, a plethora of problems plaguing the nation’s voter registration rolls.
However, like many ballyhooed efforts, the Motor Voter Law, as it is best known, resulted in an even crazier system, with such absurdities as millions of people registered in more than one state and cemeteries full of active “voters.”… Continue Reading
Tags: automatic voter registration, Bill Clinton, Bruce Rauner, Donald Trump, Election Integrity Commission, Kenneth Cosgrove, Motor Voter Law, Nathan R. Schrader, National Voter Registration Act
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
September 5, 2017 5:00 AM |
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Written by John Biver
President Donald Trump has nominated Kansas Governor and former U.S. Senator Sam Brownback to serve as Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Liberty. Brownback will head the Office of International Religious Freedom in the U.S. Department of State.
Governor Brownback served in the U.S. Senate from 1996 to 2011, and before that, served in the U.S. House. From 1995 to 1996. Brownback came to the attention of many during his campaign for president which began in February 2007 and ended that October.… Continue Reading
Tags: Ambassador-at-Large, Bill Clinton, David Curry, Donald Trump, International Religious Liberty, Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver, Montserrat Alvarado, Paul Crookston, Sam Brownback
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
September 2, 2017 7:00 AM |
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