Written by Peter Heck
If I hadn’t watched the clip twice, I wouldn’t have actually believed what I was seeing. CNN anchor Brian Stelter, the man who hosts a program called Reliable Sources no less, stared at me through the camera in the most serious tones he could muster. Discussing the upcoming days in the impeachment inquiry, Stelter motioned noticeably at the screen next to him and cautioned,
“Some people are going to insult your intelligence in the days ahead.”
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Tags: ABC News, Brian Stelter, Carl Bernstein, CNN, Donald Trump, Jeff Zucker, Jeffery Epstein, Mark Levin, Oliver Darcy, Peter Heck, Reliable Sources, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Sean Spicer, Tucker Carlson
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
November 15, 2019 8:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
It’s the sort of gun violence that happens every day, but is conveniently ignored by those who hate guns, except in the hands of repeat violent offenders. A seven-year-old girl was out trick-or-treating with her father in Chicago dressed up as a bumblebee. Suddenly, they were caught in the crossfire of a Latin Kings gang war, and the child was shot in the neck and chest.
While the identity of the suspected gunman has not yet been revealed, the Chicago Tribune is reporting that the target of the gunfire was a 32-year-old Latin King man “with a record of drug and assault arrests.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Chicago Violence, Donald Trump, drug trafficking, Eddie Johnson, Hunter Best, Joel Francisco, Latin Kings, “First Step” Act
Crime Culture, Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
November 8, 2019 6:00 AM |
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Written by Wayne Allyn Root
Last week, I wrote about why you can’t trust a word the biased, liberal mainstream media tells you about President Donald Trump. They distort, mislead, misrepresent, slander and muddle context.
As their Marxist hero Saul Alinsky taught them in “Rules for Radicals,” the ends justify the means. In other words, anything goes — any lie is excused — to create “fairness, equality and social justice.”
As an example, all we’ve heard for months is how we are either entering a recession or already in one.… Continue Reading
Written T.R. Clancy
An ardent, prayerful, and moral Nancy Pelosi has been called from sitting for her holy-card portrait to lend her aid in getting the president impeached — and the nation torn apart in the process.
She’s been on TV constantly, lecturing America that it’s the moral burden of Democrats to undo the 2016 election by any means necessary. The U.S. Constitution, she keeps saying, demands it. She just never mentions where.
But even as she expends herself, Mother Teresa–like, for the good of humanity on the impeachment crusade, she can still serve other mission fields as well. … Continue Reading
Tags: Benedict XVI, Catholic Church, Chuck Schumer, Democrats, Donald Trump, impeachment, Nancy Pelosi, Planned Parenthood, Republicans
Federal Elections, Political, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
October 7, 2019 8:00 AM |
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Written by Dr. Everett Piper
On Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump for allegedly asking the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden. U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy responded: “Facts be damned. Democrats are insisting this is their moment to impeach President Trump. Speaker Pelosi’s decree changes nothing.”
And, thus, without even intending it, Mr. McCarthy just stumbled into what will be the campaign slogan for the Democratic Party from now until November 2020.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Anti-Semitic, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke, border security, Capitalism, Democratic Party, Donald Trump, Douglas Groothuis, Elizabeth Warren, Green New Deal, human-trafficking, Ilhan Omar, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Kevin McCarthy, Nancy Pelosi, Pete Buttigieg, Planned Parenthood, Rasmussen, Saikat Chakrabarti, sexual anarchy, Socialism, STDs, Title IX, U.S. Labor Department, unemployment rate
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
September 30, 2019 6:00 AM |
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Written by Timothy J. Dailey
Last week as the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) reportedly conducted the biggest one-day sweep in U.S. history, picking up 680 illegal workers in Mississippi, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has reiterated that her city will not enforce immigration laws.
At a press conference, Lightfoot charged ICE with “terrorizing” and “traumatizing” immigrants, and defiantly stated that the city had “taken measures over the past few weeks to ensure the Chicago Police Department will not cooperate with ICE.” … Continue Reading
Written by David Limbaugh
While President Donald Trump is an ideal scapegoat for leftist hatred and demagoguery, the left’s ultimate goal is to permanently reduce conservatism and the Republican Party to minority status by indelibly associating them with racism.
Listen to what the Democratic presidential candidates and other Democrats are saying. If you support border enforcement, you are a racist. If you support Trump, who pushes border enforcement, you are a racist. If you don’t condemn Trump for being a white supremacist, which he is not, you are a white supremacist.… Continue Reading
Tags: border enforcement, Cory Booker, Democrats, Donald Trump, Equinox, immigration policies, Joaquin Castro, Julian Castro, SoulCycle, Wayne Harwell, white supremacist, William Greehey
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
August 10, 2019 6:52 AM |
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Written by David Limbaugh
In Wednesday evening’s Democratic presidential debate circus, the left’s favorite darlings turned on one another with a selfish vengeance, which was a positive development for the country and mildly entertaining. The glorious infighting continued among progressive commentators.
This acrimony, coupled with the public exposure of the left’s crazy ideas, surely diminished the party’s image among sane voters. The more leftists reveal their inanity and extremism, the better for President Trump and the nation.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anderson Cooper, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Democratic presidential debate, Dominic Mitchell, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Joe Scarborough, Julian Castro, Kamala Harris, Laura Everett, Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC, Rush Limbaugh, Tulsi Gabbard, Twitter
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
August 5, 2019 5:51 AM |
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Written by Timothy Dailey
The Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association prompted an outcry from Muslims when it posted a faux movie poster image labeling four Democratic congresswomen as “The Jihad Squad” on its Facebook page.
The post showed the four congresswomen with a tagline that read, “Political jihad is their game. If you don’t agree with their socialist ideology, you’re racist.” U.S. Reps. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Ilhaam Omar of Minnesota are shown holding guns.… Continue Reading
Tags: Ahmed Rehab, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Donald Trump, Ilhaam Omar, Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association, J. B. Pritzker, Lori Lightfoot, Mark Shaw, Racism, Rashida Tlaib, The Jihad Squad, xenophobic
Illinois Politics, Islam & Sharia | David E. Smith |
July 30, 2019 4:00 AM |
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Written by David Limbaugh
In one sense, the Commie Quad Squad (CQS) has done us all a favor by flushing out the extremism of the Democratic Party for conspicuous public display.
U.S. House Leader Nancy Pelosi is quaking in her boots, realizing that it is getting increasingly difficult to hide her party’s radicalism from American voters, many of whom still cling to the fantasy that the Democratic Party is predominantly pro-American.
Pelosi at least has the sense to know this extremism won’t play well in national elections — even today — and she is struggling to cover it up.… Continue Reading