Posts tagged: Ceasar LeFlore

SPOTLIGHT: Education is Possible

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Pastor Ceasar LeFlore sits down with Latasha Fields to discuss education, parental rights, and community empowerment.

Latasha Fields has been a home educator for over 18 years and her passion for parental rights and quality education is evident. She is a former candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Illinois, is a critic of the public school system, and has even testified before the U.S. Congress on “Poverty in America: Economic Realities of Struggling Families.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Good Soil, Good Seed

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

“Every Home a School. Every Church an Academy.”

Reverend Ceasar LeFlore is the pastor of Spirit of Liberty Church of God, is an IFI Board Member, is the field director for Public School Exit in Illinois, and is the executive director of the Good Soil Good Seed Christian Education Foundation.

Good Soil, Good Seed is an education foundation that is dedicated to enabling families to take their children out of the public school system, and they accomplish this through generous grants and scholarships.… Continue Reading

Voices Crying in the Internet Wildernesses

Written by Rev. Ceasar I. LeFlore

Besides Jesus Christ, John the Baptist is by far one of my most favored and respected heroes of the Christian Bible. His boldness and fearless proclamation of the truth concerning the imminent coming of the Kingdom of Christ, even to a hostile and spiritually blind world, caused him to be identified in New Testament Scripture as “the voice of one crying in the wilderness,prophesied by the prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Building the Kingdom in Chicago

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, David Smith and Pastor Ceasar LeFlore interview Pastor Charles Moodie, who is the head of the Chicago City Life Center. This center is located in the middle of one of Chicago’s darkest neighborhoods– Englewood.

Chicago City Life Center’s mission is to change the city of Chicago, one life at a time. They implement this mission through “offering discipleship and life skills training, spiritual treatment, job training, pre-school, and several programs for children, youth and young adults.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Born to Proclaim The Gospel

Written by Jenna Smith

In this edition of Spotlight, IFI’s Dave Smith and Public School Exit’s Ceasar LeFlore converse with Juan Elias-Riesco, former owner of the famous Nini’s Deli in Chicago (which you can learn about through the documentary Paint the Wall Black) and a blazing torch for the kingdom of Christ.

Elias-Riesco’s testimony of how he became a Christian is anything but boring. Growing up on the streets of Chicago, he quickly became hardened to shoplifting and spiraled into a sinful lifestyle that had him in prison and rejecting God’s design for sexuality.… Continue Reading

IFA’s 2022 U.S. Senatorial Candidate Forum

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Republican candidates for U.S. Senate gathered at the Church of Christian Liberty in Arlington Heights on the evening of March 26, 2022 for an IFA candidate forum. Of the seven official candidates running for the GOP nomination, five candidates were able to join us for this special event:

        Matthew “Matt” Dubiel of Naperville           Kathy Salvi of Mundelein
        Jimmy Lee Tillman II of Chicago           Robert “Bobby” Piton of Geneva
        Case Chelebek of Lake Forest

The purpose of the forum (and the video) is to give Illinois voters an opportunity to hear directly from candidates without the interference, bias, and selective editing of the establishment media.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: School House Rocked: The Movie

Written by Jenna Smith

We have a very special edition of Spotlight this week, full of information and enthusiasm! While attending the 2021 National Religious Broadcasters Christian Media Convention, Pastor Ceasar LeFlore conducted an interview with Yvette Hampton, writer, producer, and host of the upcoming documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution.

LeFlore and Hampton discuss the importance of removing our children from government school indoctrination and how local churches can facilitate this vital change.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: “Critical Grace Reality”

Written by Benjamin Smith

Ever wonder why most secularists seem perpetually angry? Is it possible they are attempting to be justified by works – dry bones trying to walk around all by themselves? This phenomenon is especially evident in Critical Race Theory (CRT), where people are either prompted to feel they are the chosen “race” or are told they are inherently evil and can only be “saved” by adhering to the “antiracist” law. There is no grace in CRT, only judgement and condemnation.… Continue Reading

“Critical Grace Reality” (Illinois Family Spotlight #250)

Ever wonder why most secularists seem perpetually angry? Consider the possibility that they are trying to be justified by works–dry bones trying to walk around all by themselves. This phenomena is especially evident in Critical Race Theory (CRT), where people are either prompted to feel like they are the chosen “race,” or are told that they are inherently evil and can only be saved by keeping the “antiracist” law. There is no grace in CRT, only judgement and condemnation.… Continue Reading

BONUS: Get ’em Out of Government Schools!

This past Saturday, Dave Smith was invited to join the Black & Right radio program on AM 560 The Answer. John Anthony and Rev. Ceasar LeFlore discuss the importance of getting children out of government indoctrination centers and the responsibilities of Christian parents and grandparents.

Government schools are not simply failing to educate students, they are corrupting them morally, spiritually, and, in some cases, harming them physically and mentally. Illinois lawmakers are making the situation worse by passing legislation to mandate LGBT history lessons, force “comprehensive” sex education on students as early as Pre-K, train teachers in Critical Race Theory and identity politics to filter down to the classrooms.… Continue Reading