Posts tagged: Brett Kavanaugh

Chuck Schumer’s Embarrassing Escapade with Feticide Shouters at SCOTUS

Written by Laurie Higgins

On Wednesday, Chief Justice John Roberts issued a sharp public admonition to U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer following this irresponsible threat expressed by the always divisive Schumer at a pro-feticide rally on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court where the Justices were hearing a case on abortion:

I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!

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The Boorish Women of the Democratic Party

Written by Laurie Higgins

The boorish, embittered, hard-hearted members of the Democratic Caucus in Congress whom I think identify as women really test my ability to love my enemies. If you don’t know who I’m talking about, they’re the cult members dressed in white at the State of the Union (SOTU) address and a couple of others who chose to sit home. Their nominal cult leader is Nancy Pelosi—the boorish, embittered Speaker of the U.S.… Continue Reading

NO to Voluntary Christian Prayer in Schools. YES to Mandatory Muslim Prayer

Written by Daniel Horowitz

“Separation of church and state.” There may be no reference to, inference of, insinuation of, or display of religion anywhere in any government operation or public school, even if there is no coercion to participate in any Christian event or prayer. That is enshrined in every clause of the U.S. Constitution.

That is essentially what the Left has been telling us for years, and those principles have been enforced to varying degrees in many lower courts and, intermittently, even by the U.S.… Continue Reading

Democrats: The “Post-Truth” Party

Written by Trevor Thomas

In September of 2008, U.S. Senator, vice-presidential candidate, and democrat Joe Biden was asked his thoughts—“as a Roman Catholic”—on when life begins. Demonstrating a vast ignorance of science, along with an unflattering display of faith, he told NBC’s Tom Brokaw, “Look, I know when it begins for me.” A decade later, using the same “post-truth” relativism, New York Mayor, presidential candidate, and democrat Bill de Blasio, after signing a law that allows New Yorkers to declare their chosen gender on their birth certificate, told a cheering crowd, “You be you.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden’s Pathetic Pandering

Written by David Limbaugh

Joe Biden has reached new heights of pandering. He has achieved the Olympic gold in cultural groveling. He must really want to be president.

I am always amazed that people think Biden is so transparent and genuine. Yes, he shoots his mouth off before thinking sometimes, as we all do, but way more than a high-profile public official should. But that’s more a function of his impulsiveness and arrogance than his authenticity.… Continue Reading

Ignorance First, Destruction Next

Written by Laura Hollis

If the latest policies advanced by prominent Democrats are any indication, the national party is going over a cliff: outrageous and extreme abortion legislation (enacted or proposed) in New York, Virginia and Rhode Island; the “Green New Deal”; U.S. Senator Cory Booker‘s meatless society; U.S. Senators Kamala Harris‘ and Kirsten Gillibrand‘s determination to do away with private insurance.

The current slate of Democratic policy proposals are shocking in a number of ways, but one thing that stands out is the staggering ignorance of the proponents.… Continue Reading

The Gloomy American Left

Written by David Limbaugh

The fury of leftists is a constant today, and it’s not just because they hate President Donald Trump. Despite all their dreamy talk of compassion and love, they seem to be a miserable lot.

Democrats recaptured control of the U.S. House of Representatives [last] week, and leftists are already grinding their teeth over Trump and salivating at the prospect of putting him and Justice Brett Kavanaugh through investigatory and impeachment hell for the next two years.… Continue Reading

“Post-Election Mortem Part 1” (Illinois Family Spotlight #120)

Illinois Family Action’s Chairman of the Board Rich Hartian joins the show to discuss last week’s midterm election with David Smith and Monte Larrick.

Nationally, they discuss why it was so vital for the GOP to keep the U. S. Senate, the Kavanaugh effect, what republicans could have done better, and why certain republican U. S. Representatives won or lost their re-election bids.

They also converse on the Illinois election results: including the statewide turnout, conservative republican losses, the uphill battle facing principled conservatives in the Illinois General Assembly, and they touch on potential anti-family proposals coming from Springfield in the coming session.… Continue Reading

Who Are the Real Partisans?

Written by David Limbaugh

Someone please tell me what bizarro world Democratic activists inhabit — those who are grumbling that Republicans are unscrupulous partisan warriors imposing their agenda by government coercion and trampling the innocent, passive left in the process.

This is frighteningly delusional and shockingly divorced from reality.

Without question, Democrats and their never-Trump supporters on the right would have us believe that Donald Trump is the very creator of partisan politics, someone who has gobsmacked the unsuspecting collegial political left into abject impotence.… Continue Reading

Lessons Learned: The GOP Weak Links

Written by J.R. Dunn

There is one single major cause for the chaos surrounding Republican SCOTUS confirmations over the past thirty years – the fulcrum for the entire exercise of humiliating conservative judges.  It’s not the Democrats, it’s not the left, and it’s not the feminists.  They aren’t the crucial factor.  They simply take advantage of it.

Quite simply put, it’s the GOP weak links.

Let’s be clear on terminology: these are not RINOs.  Of the four who succeeded in disrupting the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, none fits the classic mold of the RINO – the go-along-to-get-along type who adapts liberal principles and policies to reap benefits at the expense of rank-and-file Republicans.  … Continue Reading