Posts tagged: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Trump, Democrats, and Socialism

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

I published a piece recently on the reaction to President Trump’s condemnation of socialism in his State of the Union. He said something indisputably factual and indubitably obvious to most Americans: “Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”

It was a revealing moment not only for President Trump but also for the Democratic Party.… Continue Reading

Big Foot, Russia Collusion, Black New Deals, and Extreme Climate Change: A World of Myths and Media Brain-Fade

Written by Vijay Jayaraj

Myths usually sound fascinating. Myths are things that never happened, stories that aren’t true, though often we wish they were, for various reasons.

As a young boy, I wanted to know if Big Foot was an actual animal. I saw almost every documentary that claimed to show evidence of Big Foot’s existence. And don’t get me started on flying saucers.

Despite its place in popular Internet theory, most people—including me—consider Big Foot continue a myth.… Continue Reading

Leftists Whipping Themselves Into a Jacobin Frenzy

Written by David Limbaugh

There’s no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?

It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.

But what concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded.… Continue Reading

Beto O’Rourke, Climate Change, and the End of the World

Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown

I’m going out on a limb. I’m about to make a bold prediction. Contrary to the prognostications of Beto O’Rourke, the world will not end in 12 years. At least not by climate change. There. I said it.

Now, it’s possible that the Lord will choose to return in 12 years. But that’s another story.

In the age of climate change hysteria, the end-of-the-world clock is already ticking.… Continue Reading

Why the ‘Green New Deal’ Should Be Painted Red

Written by Robert Knight

People keep talking about how much Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” would cost.

Trillions and trillions. But that’s not the point.  It’s all about power.

The self-described Democratic Socialist from New York, is, like her sponsor Sen. Bernie Sanders, a communist in sheep’s clothing.

According to,  “She was recruited to run by Brand New Congress, a political action committee founded by former Sanders staffers, and her campaign was shaped by it, as well as by the DSA [Democratic Socialists of America].”… Continue Reading

Bernie’s Bolshevik Bona Fides

Written by Robert Knight

So, it’s come to this: one of America’s major parties is in the grip of a crazy old communist – Bernie Sanders, 77 – and a crazy young communist – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29.

The two of them are driving the Democrats’ green microbus upon which the other presidential wannabees are scrambling to get aboard.

This column is about the crazy old communist – Vermont U.S. Senator Sanders, who just announced his candidacy for the presidency and raised $6 million.  … Continue Reading

AOC Is No Outlier

Written by David Limbaugh

The main problem in American politics is not the obvious polarization but the underlying reasons for it. Partisanship, angst and divisiveness are all preferable to surrendering the culture and fundamentally transforming the republic.

The Democratic Party has deceived much of the public into believing that its positions aren’t extreme, but the truth is coming out now for all to see. Such veritable crackpots as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are not merely fringe fruitcakes; they are just bringing the party out of the closet.… Continue Reading

Shutdown, Snowfall, and the Deep Freeze: Truth in a World of Climate Lies

Written by Vijay Jayaraj

In the midst of America’s recent government shutdown, a number of politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-CortezAl Gore, and John Kerry made extraordinary claims about the coming climate doomsday. Citing a recent climate report from the United Nations, they all made calls to save the Earth from climate doomsday.

Less than a week later, much of America’s upper Midwest and Chicago face the likelihood of all-time record lows, with life-threatening wind chills of minus 45 to minus 60 degrees Fahrenheit.… Continue Reading

Ignorance First, Destruction Next

Written by Laura Hollis

If the latest policies advanced by prominent Democrats are any indication, the national party is going over a cliff: outrageous and extreme abortion legislation (enacted or proposed) in New York, Virginia and Rhode Island; the “Green New Deal”; U.S. Senator Cory Booker‘s meatless society; U.S. Senators Kamala Harris‘ and Kirsten Gillibrand‘s determination to do away with private insurance.

The current slate of Democratic policy proposals are shocking in a number of ways, but one thing that stands out is the staggering ignorance of the proponents.… Continue Reading

Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide?

Written by Patrick Buchanan

After reading an especially radical platform agreed upon by the British Labor Party, one Tory wag described it as “the longest suicide note in history.”

The phrase comes to mind on reading of the resolution calling for a Green New Deal, advanced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and endorsed by at least five of the major Democratic candidates for president.

The Green New Deal is designed to recall the halcyon days of the 1930s, when, so the story goes, FDR came to Washington to enact the historic reforms that rescued America from the Great Depression.… Continue Reading