This past week, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, the man Simon & Schuster canceled for daring to criticize cancel culture, once again inspired the ire of our nation’s intelligentsia. What was the senator’s crime this time? He dared to champion “manhood” and urged men to act like men.
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I used to chalk up liberal policy failures to good intentions gone awry.

Having embraced liberalism in college, I thought it was the best way to help poor people. But as evidence mounted that it hurt them, I had to reassess. Many people also do that after taxes shred their paychecks, especially if they marry and have children.
Welcome to part two of Monte Larrick’s conversation with David Shestokas, attorney and Republican candidate for Illinois Attorney General. In this Spotlight, the discussion turns to Governor Pritzker’s abuse of his emergency powers and executive orders – a deliberate overreach that has been enabled by the legislature’s abdication of their authority, as well as the failure of Kwame Raoul (the current Attorney General) to protect the public interests of the citizens of Illinois and to enforce the law set forth in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act.
[Last] week, over 400 private jets flew into Glasgow, Scotland, for the annual UN Climate Change Conference, also known as the Conference of the Parties (COP26). The entire climate change movement is built on the belief that man is in control of the climate and that we are contributing to the change of the climate because we emit carbon through various common energy sources.
U.S. Congressional Candidate James Marter called on Lauren Underwood to apologize to the Nursing Community and her constituents for deceiving them and endangering their lives.
Throughout the country, parents are concerned that some public schoolboards, administrators, and associations hold them in disdain and fear their input when they raise legitimate questions about the direction of their local schools. In 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision that protects parents in the educational choices they make for their children—Wisconsin v. Yoder. This case reminds us that children are not “mere creatures of the state” and that parents retain the right to direct their education.
If you feel as if you are watching the intentional destruction of your culture and your kids, you’re right. It’s not just a bad dream. It is real. It’s planned. It’s targeted. It’s relentless. And it is being carried out in your own back yard in your own public schools.
Something is happening out there. It looks for all the world like a punch-drunk fighter rising to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs and decking his opponent.  Republicans in Virginia swept all statewide offices and flipped the U.S. House last Tuesday. The folks at CNN and MSNBC were on the verge of hysteria. They channeled enfant terrible climate activist Greta Thunberg shouting, “How dare you!”
This week on Spotlight, Pastor Ceasar LeFlore, field director for IFI’s Public School Exit Initiative and resident chaplain, interviews Courtney Lewis, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church, located in the Woodlawn neighborhood of Chicago.
In the biggest wave of judicial confirmations so far, the U.S. Senate recently confirmed nine (9) nominees to the federal courts. This brings the total number of judges appointed during the Biden administration to twenty-eight (28), which means the President continues outpacing his predecessors by sizeable margins.
Communist leader, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, aka, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, is reputed to have said, “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”