What is it with Leftists and their obsession with children and sexuality? Their preferred policies have already done incredible amounts of individual, familial and societal damage, and yet they keep pushing for more — and getting away with it. It's bad enough when those negatively affected are adults. But children are increasingly the targets — and the victims — of these policies.
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It’s a commonly accepted adage that if you want to make someone angry, all you need to do is criticize their mom. You can commit a whole host of sins against a friend or foe that will receive little more than a shrug of indifference, but if you suggest their mother is a prostitute, the gloves will come off. This principle holds not only for one’s biological parent but also for that “other mother” that almost all of us have in common: our respective alma maters, otherwise known as our local public schools. 
Aurora Mayor, now "Republican" gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin is on record helping Underwood peddle lies about President Trump's first significant achievement in his term, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) back in mid 2019, when Irvin had pulled a Republican ballot in the primary the previous year.
What part of a judge being soft on child pornography offenders don’t they understand? Having embraced every perversion under the sun and proclaimed it all good, Democrats in the U.S. Senate predictably voted 50-0 on Thursday to affirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. 
On Tuesday (April 5), WTTW, in its segment "Richard Irvin’s Ex-Wife Hired by Development Firm Receiving Millions in Aurora City Incentives: Web of Politically-Connected Companies Involved in $128M Hospital Redevelopment" brought up the bad optics, though legal of Mayor (and now Republican gubernatorial candidate) Richard Irvin's campaign fund, a charity and a former law partner's campaign receiving contributions from a large project which won unanimous approval of the Aurora City Council.
Every political campaign’s dream is to get potential voters to glance at piece of mail they find in their mailboxes, then their hearts pound quicker if those voters stop and read the mailing cover. Then, they hope, the voter will open the piece and read what they want those voters to know – either good stuff about their candidate or bad stuff about their opponent.
In this week's edition of IFA Spotlight, we feature a fantastic presentation from IFI’s recent worldview conference, delivered by our good friend Dr. Rob Reinow, founder and director of Visionary Family Ministries. Dr. Reinow begins this session with an amusing anecdote of how awful the reality of the blind leading the blind really is, and how it seems that many churches today are doing just that with their congregations. The reason is that we’re slipping up on a essential part of our faith, which is not believing the Scriptures are enough.
In the eyes of the Biden administration, there is still enough of a public health emergency to criminalize the breathing of 2-year-olds and disabled seniors on planes, but not enough of an emergent matter to prevent millions of illegal aliens from all corners of the globe from invading our border.
On Thursday, March 29, 2022, Oklahoma’s governor, Kevin Stitt, signed the “Save Women’s Sports Act into law.” He did so over the objection of many progressives who rushed to their keyboards to declare this law yet another example of conservative bigotry and cisgender injustice. 
The Washington Post, like The New York Times, has finally admitted the validity of Hunter Biden’s laptop 16 months after the New York Post broke the story. Like Big Tech, they suppressed it until after his father, Joe Biden, was safely ensconced in the White House. 

In a front-page piece Thursday, The Washington Post “verifies key details of interactions” of the Biden family’s vast business dealings, including the president’s brother James Biden, “with Chinese executives.” Not just any. These guys run Communist-controlled conglomerates like CEFC China Energy, from which Hunter got $5 million. 

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