Independence Day is a good time to take America’s measure. The United States is the first nation created with secured rights derived from nature and nature’s God — not man. We grew rapidly and providentially into a world power with unrivaled liberty and wealth.
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The genius of the Declaration of Independence is the way it packs the entire philosophy of American government into a very few lines. 

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Not too long ago, to be a politician or a member of the government, one needed to follow certain customs and social norms. These unspoken rules weren’t complicated, nor were they overly restrictive. Politicians could joke around now and again, and they could even act casually at times, but they still worked to keep an image of professionalism and respectability.
There’s nothing new about Europe wanting to take away American ingenuity, research and development, and freedoms and then make us pay for the rope to hang ourselves. What is new, however, is an American administration that is working with Europe on an international tax-cartel scheme that is designed to erode U.S. sovereignty, incentivize the growth of all governments, and penalize American taxpayers, consumers, and workers over those in other countries.
In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, we are featuring remarks made by Dr. Jonathan Diggs during Illinois Family Institute's 2023 Worldview Conference. Dr. Jonathan Diggs has been practicing medicine for over thirty-five years, is an American Board of Internal Medicine diplomat, is a motivational speaker, and is a guest on national television and radio programs.
What is it with Republicans who try to fight the culture war with one hand tied behind their backs? They shift to a defensive crouch even when their position is clearly right.
At a recent Three Headed Eagle Alliance event called “Pints and Politics,” Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur), a member of the Illinois Freedom Caucus stated: “No non-citizen American should ever be in a position to arrest an American citizen in America.”

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The Bible is filled with reasons for Christians to be involved in politics. This is especially true in America, where unlike many places around the globe, we still have a say in who leads our nation.
In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick discusses the pro-life movement with Eric Scheidler, who is the executive director of Chicago's Pro-Life Action League. During their annual "Face the Truth" tour, dozens of volunteers line sidewalks adjacent to streets near busy intersections in Chicago and the suburbs, silently and often prayerfully holding photographs of aborted babies.