Will this be another landmark term for religious liberty at the U.S. Supreme Court? The Justices have not agreed to hear specific religious freedom cases this year. But it’s still early. There’s still a possibility that the Court will agree to hear one—including one of our own.
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The good news for Republicans is they finally elected a new speaker of the U.S. House of Representative, Mike Johnson. The bad news for Republicans is the "objective" media exist to create bad news for Republicans. The "Politico Playbook" announced the breaking spin over the breaking news:
Controversy over a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks of gestation proposed by a national pro-life political action committee prompted Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee, to tell Republican candidates to “talk about abortion. . . . When you don’t respond, the lies become the truth.” Okay, what about this truth? The constitutional argument for it is the same as that of Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. In fact, if we are going to uphold the Fourteenth Amendment, the 15-week federal abortion ban is unconstitutional.
16 years ago, Planned Parenthood opened an abortion facility in Aurora, Illinois. On the anniversary of this opening, pro-life activists held a prayer vigil outside of the building featuring Pastor Randy Schoof of Warehouse Church and Eric Schiedler, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action League.
Foreign policy is no different from domestic policy in that most programs our government wants to fund address problems that our previous policies caused. Hence, the cycle of government. When it comes to foreign aid, how about we first stop funding the problem before throwing endless funding at a solution — while continuing to fund the problem?
[I]f Solomon was right when he said, “As a man thinketh, so he is,” let’s consider what the people who fancy themselves the moral conscience of America and the West actually think and say.
The Democratic Party is having a tough time living up to it's own foolish rhetoric. Not only are they having problems with their core voters in sanctuary cities like Chicago and New York City, but they are having a devil of a time dealing with leftwing progressives that support Hamas/Palestinian terror against Israel. In the process they are alienating otherwise reliable Democratic black voters in the former and Jewish voters in the latter.
The twisted narratives deployed by Hamas apologists to justify the most gruesome terrorist excesses of our time, aren’t based on mere misunderstandings and random distortions as much as on outright lies.
How did nearly every major college campus turn into the Third Reich overnight, with large gatherings of belligerent rally-goers chanting genocidal slogans against Jews? It didn’t happen overnight. Over a generation, we’ve imported the Muslim world to our college campuses. Not surprisingly, we also imported some of the slogans, chants, and values undergirding it.
In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Phil Price and Catharine Walker outside Aurora Planned Parenthood, where more than 400 surgical abortions are performed every single month. They are two of the leaders of 40 Days For Life Aurora - an important Christian campaign that brings 24-hour prayer vigils outside abortion centers in Illinois, across the nation, and around the world.
Barely a week after the horrific October 7th Hamas terror attacks on Israel we noticed CNN's coverage starting to turn foul. We then noticed it on the PBS News Hour as well. Their coverage drifted away from the abhorrent murders, rapes and kidnappings to a more sympathizing tone for the Palestinian people and the terrorists that they unequivocally support.