Despite the awareness of the crime wave, every legislative effort from Republicans and their think tanks seems aimed at coddling the criminal, not the victim.
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In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Pastor Myles Holmes of Revive Church. In this interview, Pastor Holmes tackles the issue of the 2024 election.
Some things are wrong regardless of intent or a claimed level of authority. If laws conflict with the ultimate authority — God — they are invalid, as the great British legal scholar Blackstone (and later, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) observed. 
Much has been said about the Harrison Butker situation over the course of the last few days, but I wonder if anyone has paused to consider how violative the secular progressive left is right now of their own rules of inclusion and open-mindedness.
On May 11, Kansas City Chiefs placekicker Harrison Butker gave the commencement address at Benedictine College, a Catholic school in Kansas. Within 48 hours, the media elites were ablaze with outrage. There's a "growing uproar," warned NBC's Hoda Kotb.
In this week's Spotlight episode, David Curtin, IFI's Springfield Lobbyist, gives an update on the Illinois General Assembly.
In 2020, a lot of people went for Biden because they wanted a return to normal life.

A vote for the Democrat, it was said, would be a way to “turn down the heat” and calm a nation riven by the deadly Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the media and deep state’s nonstop circus surrounding then-President Trump.
Like the fence that keeps a horse in a pasture, the law is often thought of as the opposite of freedom. Law and liberty seem to be on opposing sides. But on closer inspection, you’ll notice that none of the Old or New Testament authors ever suggested that God’s laws were intended to restrict human freedom. That wasn’t the point at all.
I've seen a couple of video clips of Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson (R-NC) in the past few years, and every time I have found myself cheering, applauding and occasionally shouting "amen!"
Can pastors endorse candidates? Are houses of worship allowed to invite candidates to speak? Can my church help register voters or serve as polling places?
This episode of Spotlight features Pastor Myles Holmes and his speech at the annual IFI Worldview Conference. Pastor Myles Holmes is pastor of Revive Church located in Collinsville, Illinois and, in his speech, he highlights the vital importance of manhood.