TODAY is the last day to register to vote online for the March 15th Primary Election. Illinois still allows for people to register to vote after today, but not online and at limited locations. Check with the IL State Board of Elections for details.
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Written by Kelli Serio

With a new campaign called “Hookers for Hillary,” Dennis Hof says his girls will do anything they can to support Hillary.

“I’m reaching out to the Democrats in northern Nevada and saying ‘what can we do to help?’” Hof told The Daily Caller. “Air Force Amy has announced that she’s going to give another half-hour to any donor who donates to Hillary. An extra half-hour of time in the bedroom. That’s her way of supporting.… Continue Reading



From Conservative Review

Donald Trump said, during [Saturday night’s] CBS News Debate, that Ted Cruz lied when Cruz said that Trump continues to support Planned Parenthood.  Did Cruz lie?

Here’s what Breitbart reported that Donald Trump said regarding Planned Parenthood during the defund fight.

When pressed on non-abortion services Planned Parenthood allegedly provides, Trump said, “What I would do when the time came, I’d look at the individual things they do, and maybe some of the individual things they do are good.

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Written by Elaine Donnelly

It’s 11:00 PM – Do you know where your presidential candidate stands on women in land combat?  What about registering unsuspecting girls-next-door for Selective Service, without a vote of Congress?

And will the next president continue LGBT celebrations promoting transgenders in the military, while encouraging threats to religious liberty in the military?  The 2016 CMR Quadrennial Presidential Candidate Survey aims to find out where the candidates stand.

A fierce battle for votes is going on in Iowa, New Hampshire, and other early-voting states. … Continue Reading


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Written by Greg Quinlan

I’m a member of the clergy and for the past eight years have lobbied the powerful in Trenton, covering the administrations of both Governors Jon Corzine and Chris Christie.  I did much of my work on behalf of the New Jersey Family Policy Council, associated with Tony Perkins‘ Family Research Council.  I am currently the President of the Center for Garden State Families.

Those of us who are engaged in the fight to secure the right to believe, speak, and practice the Christian faith in America were all heartened by the election of a Pro-Life Governor in 2009.  

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Written by Senator Mike Lee

After Republicans won a majority in the Senate and maintained their majority in the House in November 2014, I proposed that the two chambers take five modest steps to repair what had become a dysfunctional legislative branch.

This was part of my effort as the recently elected chairman of the Senate Steering Committee to put forward a vision and a plan that would guide the Republican majority toward unity and restore the public’s confidence in Congress.

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Sam McCann

Three of the major Pro-life and Pro-Family political action committees in the State have come together in strong support of the candidacy of State Senator William “Sam” McCann for the 50th Senate District in the March 15, 2016 Republican Primary.

“Senator McCann has been a strong  voice for the pro-life cause, recently voting against a bill that would have forced crisis pregnancy centers, that devote their efforts to helping women choose Life for their unborn babies, to participate in abortion” said Ralph Rivera, Chairman of Illinois Citizens for Life PAC and state lobbyist for Illinois Citizens for Life at the State Capitol.… Continue Reading


Written by Jeffrey M. Jones

Gallup’s analysis of political party affiliation at the state level in 2015 finds that 20 states are solidly Republican or leaning Republican, compared with 14 solidly Democratic or leaning Democratic states. The remaining 16 are competitive. This is the first time in Gallup’s eight years of tracking partisanship by state that there have been more Republican than Democratic states. It also marks a dramatic shift from 2008, when Democratic strength nationally was its greatest in recent decades.… Continue Reading



Written by David E. Smith

After Curtis Bowers, a former Idaho state representative, wrote a letter to the editor about the drastic changes in America’s culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the Capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses.

He realized then that he’d hit on something. So, he began to investigate and found an abundance of evidence proving how the Left is advancing a “progressive” socialist agenda.… Continue Reading


IFA_Voter Guide online

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Family Action is excited to announce the best voting resource for the Illinois elections is back online – the IFA Voter Guide – now available for concerned citizens at

This free online voter guide is an evaluation of candidates and includes a detailed summary of important information that will help inform you on where the candidates stand on important issues like religious liberty, natural marriage, and the sanctity of life.… Continue Reading



Written by Ralph Benko – Senior Economic Advisor at the American Principles Project

As I recently wrote in my column, “Presidential elections are about, above all, just two things: our security and our prosperity.” The GOP candidates have been emphatic about our national security, about which more in a bit.

All of them strangely have been pretty quiet about our prosperity. Getting the economy moving again deserves, now, to be the top issue. Ted Cruz has offered the most Reaganesque plan for getting us robust growth.… Continue Reading
